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15 years, 127 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Euclid

`<,>`(`<|>`(x+1, x, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x+2, x, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x+3, `...`, x), `<|>`(x, x, x, `...`, x+n))

but  ellipse between rows can't be added like the same way?

Matrix(5, 5, {(1, 1) = x+1, (1, 2) = x, (1, 3) = x, (1, 4) = `...`, (1, 5) = x, (2, 1) = x, (2, 2) = x+2, (2, 3) = x, (2, 4) = `...`, (2, 5) = x, (3, 1) = x, (3, 2) = x, (3, 3) = x+3, (3, 4) = `...`, (3, 5) = x, (4, 1) = `:`, (4, 2) = `:`, (4, 3) = `...`, (4, 4) = `...`, (4, 5) = `:`, (5, 1) = x, (5, 2) = x, (5, 3) = x, (5, 4) = `...`, (5, 5) = x+n})

this tell me,some notation systems are effient,and some are not...

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can Maple do the termwise integration?I'm not familiar with that,

The part on the right of equal sign is what I copied from arctan(z),of course the equation doesn't exist,and that is what I would edit manual,

but the equal sign is strange,which to choose ? though that is unrelated to the overall situation...


anyone can tell me something about termwise integration in maple?

c := proc (n) options operator, arrow; z^n/factorial(n) end proc

limit(c(n)^(1/n), n = infinity),

limit(c(n)^(1/n), n = 6)

eval(limit((z^n/factorial(n))^(1/n), n = 6))=(1/60)*12^(2/3)*5^(5/6)*(z^6)^(1/6)

evalf(limit((z^n/factorial(n))^(1/n), n = 6))=.3340241884*(z^6)^(1/6)

how to get z but (z^6)^(1/6)


how to input suspension points,and that in a matrix or determinant……


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