Jean Jacques

148 Reputation

5 Badges

19 years, 6 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jean Jacques

Hello Maple experts. How could I generate a way to obtain the lists (Ws) for an arbitrary m (integer +)? (Below I ilustrate for m=1,2 and 3). Probably it is needed to use "apply" and "map".. but I don't see how to do it. #If m:=1, I want to generate the #following list: >W1:= [seq([B(j1)], j1=0..1)]; # the output --> [[B(0)], [B(1)]] #If m:=2, I want to generate the #following list: >W2:= [seq(seq([B(j1,j2)],j1=0..1),j2=0..1)]; #output-> [[B(0, 0)], [B(1, 0)], [B(0, 1)], [B(1, 1)]] #If m:=3, I want to generate the #following list: >W3:= [seq(seq(seq([B(j1,j2,j3)], j1=0..1),j2=0..1),j3=0..1)];
Is there an automatic command (or maybe it is needed a procedure) to rewrite (n+2 -k) * (n+1-k) as (n+2)*(n+1)k^0- (2n+3)*k^1 + k^2 ? Any suggestion will be very useful. Thanks in advance JJaques.
Hi Maple's experts: (I am using Maple 10.01+WindowsXP ) Given 2 set of numbers x=[1,2,3] and y=[1,2,3] I generate a third which is the addition of x[i]+y[j], as follows: > restart: > with(ArrayTools): > x:= Array([1,2,3]); > y:= Array([1,2,3]); > zxy:=NULL: > for i from 1 to 3 do for j from 1 to 3 do zxy:= Concatenate(1,zxy,Concatenate(3,Array(x[i]+y[j]),Array(x[i]),Array(y[j]))): end do end do: > print(zxy); #I cannot see the "data" > print(zxy[3]); # I see the third line > with(plots): > pointplot3d[{zxy}]; #I cannot plot HERE..."zxy" contains what I want.
Hello, I want to learn how to program with Maple..Could someone - please- suggest a couple of very goods (..if they exist) for that purpose?. Regards, Jean Jacques.
Hi dear Maple experts, I have a function f:= sin(x^2+y^2) and 1. I want to analize the convexity/concavity at a specific point (x,y) = (1/100,1/100) 2. It would be possible to check the convexity/concavity for all (relevant) points on the region x=-3..3, y=-3..3 ? (I suppose that is needed to discretize this region). 3. It would be possible to show a graphic (in R2) with colours (say, red for convex, blue for concave and yellow for neither concave nor convex)? Thanks a lot for reading this message, and thanks in advance. Jean Jacques
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