Jean Jacques

148 Reputation

5 Badges

19 years, 132 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jean Jacques

Hi, I am very new in maple and I am learning the command plot/contourplot. Given, for example f(x,y,z) = x*y*z defined on x=0..1, y=0..1, z=0..1; I want 1. to implicitplot3d the function f for f(x,y,z)= 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, ..., 1/2^10 2. to see the previous graphics only when (x>y ∧ y>z) 3. to CONTOURPLOT each "level" of f(x,y,z) obtained in 2 on the plane (x,y),(x,z) and (y,z). Thanks a lot in advance, Jacques.
I want a function depending on n1 and n2, and a1 and a2, more or less in the following way: sum( sum( ((if ((j1*k1/n1 +j2*k2/n2+k2/n2 > 1/2) &and (j1*k1/n1 +j2*k2/n2 >1/2)) 1 else 0), j1=0..n1), j2=0..n2). How do I write in maple the previous expresion?. That is.. how may I write MYfunction( n1, n2) = sum( sum( BOOLEAN , j1=0..n1),j2=0..n2); where BOOLEAN stands for terms involving j1,j2,n1,n2 and other "constants"? Thanks in advance! Jacques
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