Jean Jacques

148 Reputation

5 Badges

19 years, 104 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Jean Jacques

Hi, I want to draw the contourplot of this two family of lines x*y and x*y^2. with(plots): contourplot( {x*y, x*y^2}, x=0..10, y=0..20); I would like that the first function (x*y) is colored in red ad the secod (x*y^2) in blue. How could I do it? I tried with "colouring= [red, blue]" but the coloring is not what I want. Thanks in advance for the help. JJ (By the way..I wish you the best to all of you during 2006!!)
Hi Maple's experts, I would like to draw inequalities in R^3. Is there a similar command (to "inequal") for more than two unknown variables?. Thanks in advance, JJ
I want to draw the set of points that satisfies the following sets of inequalities: x+y>=50; #(1) x+z>=50; # (2) y+z>=50; # (3) subject to x+y+z=100; I tried: >with(plots): >implicitplot3d( {x+y+z=100, x+y>=50,x+z>=50,y+z>=50}, x=0..120, >y=0..110, z=0..115, axes=normal); 1. How could I do to see exactly the required set in a different colour? It would be possible to give different colours to each constraint (1-> yellow, 2->blue, 3 ->red)? 2. It would be possible to avoid the three dimension space and to represent everything on the plane x+y+z=100 (that is, to represent the inequalities 1, 2 and 3 only on this plane)?.
Hi dear members of this Forum,

I want to generate a list which depend on "n";
for n=2 I would like to generate the following list

>[[p1>q1, p2>q2],
>[p1>q1, p2<q2],
>[p1<q1, p2>q2],
>[p1<q1, p2<q2]]

for n = 3 I would like to generate the list:

>[ [p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2>q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3>q2, p2+p3<q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3>q3],
[p1+p2<q1, p1+p3<q2, p2+p3<q3]]

for n=4

[ [p1+p2+p3>q1, p1+p2+p4>q2, p1+p3+p4>q3, p2+p3+p4>q4],..
Hi dear Maple's experts, 1.- If I have a variable r0 := x^3, Then, I can save r0 in a file: save r0, "myFile.txt"; Now, if I have some additional variables r1:= y^2+ 10; Is it possible to add r1 to the previous already created "MyFile.txt" (without overwriting the initial file)? 2.- When I work in Maple 10 (worksheet mode).. I woult like not to have to press "F5" to switch from "C 2D Input" to "C Maple Input" . Is it possible to set up "C Maple Input" as default option to write the comands? 3. When I write usually the commands appear in red.. and output appears in blue..It is possible change this colours?.
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