Muhammad Usman

235 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 215 days
Beijing, China

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Muhammad Usman


Hope everyone is fine. In attached file I solved system of equations. But the solution like this 


But I want the solution like


Please see the attachment and fix my problem


I am facing to eliminate diff(p(x, y), y, x) from Eq1 and Eq2. My procedure is given below:

Eq1 := 2*rho[nf]*a^2*x*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))*(diff(f(eta), eta))/h+rho[nf]*sqrt(nu[f])*(diff(f(eta), eta))*a*x*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))/h^2+rho[nf]*sqrt(nu[f])*f(eta)*a*x*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta))/h^2+2*rho[nf]*omega[0]*a*x*(diff(g(eta), eta))/h = -(diff(p(x, y), y, x))+mu[nf]*a*x*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta, eta))/h^3-sigma[nf]*B[0]^2*a*x*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))/h;

Eq2 := 0 = -(diff(p(x, y), y, x));

eliminate({Eq1, Eq2}, diff(p(x, y), y, x));


I want to graw following points (u[i,j], i=0..M,j=0..N) obtained in Sol[i] in 3D where i takes along x-axes, j y-axis and u along z axes. I also want the style of point plot as surface. Same do for v and w. I am waiting your response, Thanks


I want to draw the graphs of the attached system of PDEs for different values of M in 3D please fix my problem. I am waiting your positive response.


I want to ask how to run multiple program at a time in maple? I am waiting your positive response. 

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