
35 Reputation

3 Badges

4 years, 347 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by RodrigoCM94

Hello everyone

I am trying to plot some vectors that have both numeric entries and NA. The vectors represent the root of some function depending on certain parameters (NA means that there is no root for these parameters) and I want to represent the value of the root (vertical) vs the vector that store the variable parameter (horizontal) omitting the values that yield NA. Is there a fast way to do that?


Thank you so much in advance

Hello everyone,

I am trying to represent a set of data using the errorplot command as follows

plotlims50 := ErrorPlot(xcoords = vectorl, sigmasl50, yerrors = [0.1e-1, 0.4e-1, 0.1e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.1e-1, 0.4e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.5e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.2e-1, 0.2e-1], color = "green")

I guess it's okey, but I would like to have that kind of small lines at the end of the bar and perpendicular to it (like in the image below). Is it possible?

Thank you so much in advance

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to generate plots in Maple so that I can export the image and be easily read in a document. I usually use the plots [display] command as I often reuse "subplots". The main problem appears when entering a legend, as it disrupts the proportions and I have to rescale everything manually. In doing so I sometimes get small, hard-to-read images or captions. Is there any way to resize the image and caption other than manually? Even better, is there a way to scale both to a certain image size and to make the caption legible at that size (e.g. image 7 cm wide and font equivalent to 10 pt in Word)?

Thank you so much in advance

Hello everyone,

I have the following problem:

I have an array of data dataarray[i,j,k] whose elements are either 1 or -1. I also have three vectors x[i], y[j] and z[k] (the axis).  I want to represent the data of dataarray so I have two different volumes: A green volume such as dataarray(x,y,z)=1 and a red one with dataarray(x,y,z)=-1. Is that possible? In case that it is, how can I do that?

Thank you very much in advance

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