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12 years, 189 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ronan

This a more a math question than  a maple programming question. But interesting.

I have a point P=[x,y] on a line y= 2+3x. The point maps to Pn=[f(x, y), g(x, y)]. That represents a conic.

I want to find the equation of the conic. I did it by calculating 5 points and that works fine but only because I know I'm looking for a conic. 

Can the problem by solved without having to get the five points?
I copied and pasted the equations for the lines because they were generated by commands in a pagkage I have.




P := [X, Y]

[X, Y]



Pn := [(5*X+12*Y)*(-384+48*X+55*Y)/(225*X^2+225*Y^2-1800*X-602*Y), (2*(12*X-5*Y))*(-384+48*X+55*Y)/(225*X^2+225*Y^2-1800*X-602*Y)]

[(5*X+12*Y)*(-384+48*X+55*Y)/(225*X^2+225*Y^2-1800*X-602*Y), 2*(12*X-5*Y)*(-384+48*X+55*Y)/(225*X^2+225*Y^2-1800*X-602*Y)]



Y := 2+3*Xn



for i to 5 do P || i := eval(Pn, X = i) end do

[181139/51416, -19775/25708]


l12 := 153621*x*(1/68840)+169429*y*(1/27536)-15067/17210



l34 := -5733*x*(1/473062)+258973*y*(1/946124)+244205/946124


c1 := l12*l34



l13 := 5499*x*(1/2360)+6539*y*(1/944)-793/472


l24 := 596115*x*(1/6899489)+7228091*y*(1/6899489)+195364/363131


plots:-implicitplot([l12, l34, l13, l24])

c2 := l13*l24


c := simplify(c2*lambda+c1)


lambda := solve(eval(c, [x = P5[1], y = P5[2]]), lambda)




plt1 := plot(Y, X = -10 .. 10)



plt2 := plots:-implicitplot([c])

plots:-display(plt1, plt2, colour = ["Red", "Green"])


for i in [-7, 13/3, 42*(1/7)] do x := eval(Pn[1], X = i); y := eval(Pn[2], X = i); simplify(c) end do




This is part of a package I put together in VScode. Testing it using CMaple.exe worked fine from the code editor. Then I imported it into Maple and saved it as a package, After ra restart  using using with(....) to load it, the special types defined in the package are not recognised. Procedures that don't check for the special types work ok. I have included one of each in the worksheet. 

If I just read in the .mpl file things do work.

What is the cause of this problem?

A secondary question. If I use the same special types in another package. Would that cause a conflict if both are loaded together?


    option package;

local MyModule,RelDPxyz,ppp,xpsn,ypsn,zpsn;

MyModule:= module()
uses TT= TypeTools;
global _T1, _T2L, _T2V, _T2VR, _T3L, _T3V, _T3VC, _T3VR, _T4L, _MyType,GeomClr,Prntmsg, prjpsn;

     MyTypes:= {_T1, _T2L, _T2V, _T2VR, _T3L, _T3V, _T3VC, _T3VR, _T4L},
     AllMyTypes:= MyTypes union {_MyType},
      ModuleUnload:= proc()
     local T;
          for T in AllMyTypes do if TT:-Exists(T) then TT:-RemoveType(T) end if; end do;
     end proc;

     ModuleLoad:= proc()
          g, #iterator over module globals
          #op([2,6], ...) of a module is its globals.
          for g in op([2,6], thismodule) do
               e:= eval(g);
               if g <> e and e in AllMyTypes then
                    error "The name %1 must be globally available.", g
               end if
          end do;
          TT:-AddType(_T1, algebraic);
          TT:-AddType(_T2V, 'Vector(2, algebraic)');
          TT:-AddType(_T2VR, 'Vector[row](2, algebraic)');
          TT:-AddType(_T2L, [algebraic $ 2]);
          TT:-AddType(_T3V, 'Vector(3, algebraic)');
          TT:-AddType(_T3VC, 'Vector[column](3, algebraic)');
          TT:-AddType(_T3VR, 'Vector[row](3, algebraic)');
          TT:-AddType(_T3L, [algebraic $ 3]);
          TT:-AddType(_T4L, [algebraic $ 4]);
          TT:-AddType(_MyType, MyTypes);
     end proc;
     WhichMyType:= proc(X)
     local S:= select(T-> X::T, MyTypes), n:= nops(S);
         printf("%a is ", X);
         if n=0 then printf("not any of the special types.\n")
         else printf("type %a.\n", `if`(n=1, S[], Amd(S[])))
      end proc;
     Dsp:= proc(msg:=" empty",prnt:=Prntmsg )
          if prnt = "y" then print(msg); end if;
     end proc;

     end module;

     description " the position x,y,z or z,x,y in a Vector";   
     if prjpsn=1 then   
     end if;
    return xpsn, ypsn, zpsn
end proc;

#$include "Rational_Trigonometry\Quadruple Quad Formula.mpl"
#$include "Rational_Trigonometry\Quadrances_Overload_procs.mpl"

Quadrance :=overload([
   # 1 Quadrances p0 [x,y]
        proc(p0::{_T2L,_T2V}, clr := GeomClr,$)
                option overload;
                description "Calculates Quadrance of a [x,y] point";
                uses LinearAlgebra;         
                if clr = "b" or clr = "B" or clr = "blue" or clr = "Blue" then
                                MyModule:-Dsp(" Blue");
                                        BilinearForm(p0, p0, conjugate = false) ;
                        elif clr = "r" or clr = "R" or clr = "red" or clr = "Red" then
                                MyModule:-Dsp(" Red");
                                        p0[1]^2 - p0[2]^2 ;
                        elif clr = "g" or clr = "G" or clr = "green" or clr = "Green" then
                                MyModule:-Dsp(" Green");
                end if;
        end proc,
# 7 Quadrances Point to Plane and intersection point 3D
        option overload;
                local i, dlambda,nlambda,lambda,Q   ,intrP,  Vpn  ,f1  ;
                if pl::_T4L then
                 elif pl::{`+`,procedure} then
                        f1 := `if`(pl::procedure, pl(vars[]), pl);
                end  if;
                MyModule:-Dsp("Quadrance Point to Plane & intersect Point");
                return Q,intrP
                end proc,

        # 2 Quadrances p0 [x,y,z]
        proc(p0::{_T3L,_T3V}, clr := GeomClr,$)
                option overload;
                description "Calculates Quadrance of a [x,y,z] point Blue only";
                uses LinearAlgebra;         
                if clr = "b" or clr = "B" or clr = "blue" or clr = "Blue" then
                         MyModule:-Dsp("Quadrance 3D Point Blue");
                                BilinearForm(p0, p0, conjugate = false);
                        else print("3D Not yet implimented for Red or Green Geometry" );        
                end if;
        end proc,

        # 3 Quadrances P0-P1 [x,y]
         proc(p0::{_T2L,_T2V},p1::{_T2L,_T2V}, clr := GeomClr,$)
                option overload;
                description "Quadrance between two [x,y] points";        
                uses LinearAlgebra;                                
                if clr = "b" or clr = "B" or clr = "blue" or clr = "Blue" then                  
                                MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance between two 2D Points Blue") ;
                                 BilinearForm(p0 - p1, p0 - p1, conjugate = false);                        
                        elif clr = "r" or clr = "R" or clr = "red" or clr = "Red" then
                                        MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance between two 2D Points Red") ;
                                         (p0[1] - p1[1])^2 - (p0[2] - p1[2])^2;                         
                        elif clr = "g" or clr = "G" or clr = "green" or clr = "Green" then                         
                                        MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance between two 2D Points Green") ;
                                         (2*p1[1] - 2*p0[1])*(p1[2] - p0[2]);                        
                end if;
        end proc,

        # 4 Quadrances p0-p1 [x,y,z]
        proc(p0::{_T3L,_T3V},p1::{_T3L,_T3V}, clr::string := GeomClr,$)
                option overload;
                description "Calculates Quadrance of between two points/vectors [x,y,z] Blue only";
                uses LinearAlgebra;         
                if clr = "b" or clr = "B" or clr = "blue" or clr = "Blue" then
                                        MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance between two 3D Points Blue") ;
                                        BilinearForm(p0 - p1, p0 - p1, conjugate = false);
                        else print("Not at this point  implimented for Red or Green Geometry" );        
                end if;
        end proc,

        # 5 Quadrances Point to Line and intersection point 2D
        proc(p0::_T2L, l1::{_T3L,`+`,procedure}, vars::_T2L:=[x,y],clr:=GeomClr)
                option overload;
                local f1,P0:=p0,P1;
                if l1::_T3L then
                        f1 := `if`(l1::procedure, l1(vars[]), l1);
                end if;
                if  clr = "b" or clr = "B" or clr = "blue" or clr = "Blue"  then
                        MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance 2D Point to Line & intersect Point Blue") ;
                        return (P0[1]*P1[1] + P0[2]*P1[2] + P1[3])^2/(P1[1]^2 + P1[2]^2),
                        [((-P0[2]*P1[2] - P1[3])*P1[1] + P0[1]*P1[2]^2)/(P1[1]^2 + P1[2]^2),
                        ((-P0[1]*P1[1] - P1[3])*P1[2] + P0[2]*P1[1]^2)/(P1[1]^2 + P1[2]^2)];
                 elif clr = "r" or clr = "R" or clr = "red" or clr = "Red"  then
                        if P1[1]^2 - P1[2]^2 <> 0 then
                                MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance 2D Point to Line & intersect Point Red") ;
                                return (P0[1]*P1[1] + P0[2]*P1[2] + P1[3])^2/(P1[1]^2 - P1[2]^2),
                                [((-P0[2]*P1[2] - P1[3])*P1[1] - P0[1]*P1[2]^2)/(P1[1]^2 - P1[2]^2),
                                ((P0[1]*P1[1] + P1[3])*P1[2] + P0[2]*P1[1]^2)/(P1[1]^2 - P1[2]^2)];
                                "Null Red"
                        end if;
                        #"Input ERROR "Red"";         
                 elif clr = "g" or clr = "G" or clr = "green" or clr = "Green" then
                        if P1[1]*P1[2] = 0 then
                                "Null Green";
                                 MyModule:-Dsp( "Quadrance 2D Point to Line & intersect Point Green") ;
                                return 1/2*(P0[1]*P1[1] + P0[2]*P1[2] + P1[3])^2/(P1[1]*P1[2]),
                                [1/2*(P0[1]*P1[1] - P0[2]*P1[2] - P1[3])/P1[1],
                                1/2*(-P0[1]*P1[1] + P0[2]*P1[2] - P1[3])/P1[2]];
                        end if;
                        "Input ERROR Green";  
                end if;
        end proc,
        # 6 Quadrances Point to Line and intersection point 3D
                option overload;
                local lambda , Q ,intrP ;
                MyModule:-Dsp("Quadrance Point to 3D Line and Intersect Point");

                return Q,intrP
        end proc




QQF := proc(Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
 ((Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4)^2 - 2*Q1^2 - 2*Q2^2 - 2*Q3^2 - 2*Q4^2)^2 = 64*Q2*Q1*Q3*Q4;
 end proc;


end module:




"Quadrance Point to 3D Line and Intersect Point"

25, Vector[column](%id = 36893489965928498348)


2*x-2*y+5*z+8 is type _T1.

"Quadrance Point to Plane & intersect Point"

507/11, Vector[row](%id = 36893489965928500148)


[2, -2, 5, 8] is type _T4L.

"Quadrance Point to Plane & intersect Point"

507/11, Vector[row](%id = 36893489965928493652)


"Quadrance between two 2D Points Blue"



((a+b+c+d)^2-2*a^2-2*b^2-2*c^2-2*d^2)^2 = 64*b*a*c*d


5760000 = 5760000



[AcuteObstuseQ, AcuteObstuseS, AltitudeQ, CfstoLeqn, CircleParm, CircumCirQ, CrossLaw, LPproj, LinePrll, LinePrpnd, LinePts, MedianQ, QQF, Quadrance, Quadrea, SolidSpread, Spread, SpreadLaw, SpreadLawQuadrea, SpreadPoly, Spreads123, TQF, TSF, UHG]


Error, type `_T3L` does not exist

                       5760000 = 5760000




This is really a question on getting index positions of a sub list from the main list.

Have a list of Vertices and a list of populations for each vertes.

Then from the Neighbours list I need the respective positions in the Vertex list to sum to corresponding values from the population list.

2nd Question  Can the population values be displayed near its vertex or in the vertes circle? e.g y=5





Vs := [x, y, z, w]

[x, y, z, w]

Popvs := [-2, 1, 6, 3]

[-2, 1, 6, 3]

newPopsvs := Popvs

[-2, 1, 6, 3]


X := Graph(Vs)

GRAPHLN(undirected, unweighted, [x, y, z, w], Array(1..4, {(1) = {}, (2) = {}, (3) = {}, (4) = {}}), `GRAPHLN/table/1`, 0)


AddEdge(X, {{w, y}, {w, z}, {x, y}, {y, z}})

GRAPHLN(undirected, unweighted, [x, y, z, w], Array(1..4, {(1) = {2}, (2) = {1, 3, 4}, (3) = {2, 4}, (4) = {2, 3}}), `GRAPHLN/table/1`, 0)

Nbs := [seq(Neighbors(X, Vs[i]), i = 1 .. nops(Vs))]

[[y], [x, z, w], [y, w], [y, z]]


vp := [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1.5, 1], [2, 0]]

[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1.5, 1], [2, 0]]

SetVertexPositions(X, vp)


k := rand(1 .. 4)


for c to nops(Nbs) do Nbs[c]; select(proc (i) options operator, arrow; Vs[i] = Nbs[c, 1 .. -1] end proc, [`$`(1 .. nops(Vs))]) end do




I have in internal procedure ppp that has an input prjpsn:=3. This set a Vector positions of x,y,z to either if prjpsn=1 

zpsn=1,   xpsn=2,  ypsn=3

or if prjpsn =3   

xpsn=1,   ypsn=2, zpsn=3

This then are used in another procedure. I can't get the values to transfere.  prjpsn would default to 3 in the module but can be set externally to 1 if needed.
The relevant parts are highlighted in green text. Cant get the worksheet to display.

Maple Worksheet - Errorprjpsn:=3

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .


I am trying to use the perpendicular symbol &bot; as a superscript. Can this be done? For somereason the document will not displat?