
1207 Reputation

14 Badges

12 years, 213 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ronan

The procedures "getCP" which uses "cpsub" (not exported) acts differently inside the package as opposed to them outside it.
In the package it returns a column matrix which is incorrect. Should return a 2 row matrix. They dismantle a polynomial into it's powers and coefficients. I know one cant run the package here. Included are the two procedures and the text of the notepad file to make the package.




[`⊕`, FundThrm, SignedArea, diag, diftab, faulD, faulS, getCP]

f := sort(2+x^7+5*x^2-7*x^a+k*x^2, [x], ascending)


getCP(f, x)

Matrix(%id = 36893490212391698668)


g := sort(5*x^8+k*x^2-7*x^3+x+2, [x], ascending)


CP := getCP(g, x)

Matrix(%id = 36893490212391688180)




[`⊕`, FundThrm, SignedArea, diag, diftab, faulD, faulS, getCP]


f := sort(2+x^7+5*x^2-7*x^a+k*x^2, [x], ascending)


getCP(f, x)

Matrix(%id = 36893490212390043884)

g := sort(5*x^8+k*x^2-7*x^3+x+2, [x], ascending)


getCP(g, x)

Matrix(%id = 36893490212390032796)




Dismantlimg a polynomial  uses the following 2 procedures

" cpsub:= proc(t, var:=alpha)  description "used by getCP";       local i,cf,varpwr;                   if   not has(t, var)                  then return < 0,t>:               elif whattype(t)=`^` then return <op(t)[2],1>;                  else varpwr,cf:= selectremove(has,[op(t)],var);                       if op(varpwr)=var then                        return <1, `*`(op(cf))> ;                   end if;                     for i from 1 to nops(varpwr) do                    if numer(varpwr[i])=1  then if op((1)/(varpwr[i]))=alpha then varpwr[i]:=-1 else  varpwr[i] :=-op((1)/(varpwr[i]))[2] end if else  varpwr[i]:=op(varpwr[i])[2]end if                        end do;                   return <`+`(op(varpwr)),`*`(op(cf))>;                   #print(op(t));                                   end if ;            end proc:"



getCP := proc (f, var := alpha) local t; description "Dissmantles a polynomial into powers and coefficients"; if not has(f, var) then return `<,>`(0, f) elif whattype(f) = `^` then return `<,>`(op(f)[2], 1) elif whattype(f) = `*` then return `<|>`(`~`[cpsub]([f], var)[]) else `<|>`(`~`[cpsub]([op(f)], var)[]) end if end proc


f := sort(2+x^7+5*x^2-7*x^a+k*x^2, [x], ascending)


cp := getCP(f, x)

Matrix(%id = 36893490212391322676)




Notepad file to Create AlgCalc.


AlgCalc := module ()
export SignedArea,



 option package;

$include ""
$include "`&oplus;`.mm"
$include ""
$include ""
$include ""
$include ""
$include ""
$include ""
$include ""

end module;


I have 5 procedures saved in my library. Say Proc1, Proc2, Proc3, Proc4 and Proc5. They all work ok.

Proc5 calls Proc4 which calls Proc3 which calls Proc2 which calls Proc1. That is fine if I read them all in to the dodument.

Is it ok ok to put read commands in procedures 5..2 so I don't have to manually load them all myself into a new document or is there a better way to do this. These procedures are not part of a package.
I hace set 


which is where the procedures are stored. If I just load Proc5 it doesn't find the other procedures

I have a matrix and generate difference tables from it's diagonals. Works fine. Then I make a polynomial from the first row of the difference table. I have three polynomials. They are all acting inert, just will not evaluate.

I cannot see what the problem is.


interface(rtablesize = 12)

[10, 10]

i) Recurrence relation


"Recurrence Relation for next column. . The matrix starts at 1,1 not 0,0 A(i,j)=A(i-1,j-1)*(j-2)+A(i,j-1)"


Msize := 12

A := Matrix(Msize)

A[1, 1] := 1


for i from 2 to Msize do for j from i to Msize do A[i, j] := A[i, j-1]*(j-2)+A[i-1, j-1] end do end do


Matrix(%id = 36893489695842121836)



viia)  General formula for diagonals:-

Select diagonal  & Difference Table procedures


diag := proc (M::Matrix, dg::posint) local i, rd, c, dt; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); dt := Matrix(rd, rd); for i from dg to rd do dt[1+i-dg, 1] := M[1+i-dg, i] end do; return dt end proc

proc (M::Matrix, dg::posint) local i, rd, c, dt; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); dt := Matrix(rd, rd); for i from dg to rd do dt[1+i-dg, 1] := M[1+i-dg, i] end do; return dt end proc

diag(A, 5)

Matrix(%id = 36893489695866397388)

diftab := proc (M::Matrix) local i, j, cl, rd; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); for i from rd by -1 to 1 do if M[i, 1] = 0 then rd := rd-1 else break end if end do; cl := rd; for i from 2 to cl do for j to rd-i do M[j, i] := M[j+1, i-1]-M[j, i-1] end do end do; print(M); return M end proc

proc (M::Matrix) local i, j, cl, rd; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); for i from rd by -1 to 1 do if M[i, 1] = 0 then rd := rd-1 else break end if end do; cl := rd; for i from 2 to cl do for j to rd-i do M[j, i] := M[j+1, i-1]-M[j, i-1] end do end do; print(M); return M end proc

diftab(diag(A, 4))

Matrix(%id = 36893489695866348116)

gnrpoly := proc (M::Matrix) local i, p, rd, n; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); for i from rd by -1 to 1 do if M[1, i] = 0 then rd := rd-1 else break end if end do; p := 0; for i from 0 to rd-1 do p := p+M[1, i+1]*binomial(n, i) end do; return p end proc

proc (M::Matrix) local i, p, rd, n; rd := LinearAlgebra:-RowDimension(M); for i from rd by -1 to 1 do if M[1, i] = 0 then rd := rd-1 else break end if end do; p := 0; for i from 0 to rd-1 do p := p+M[1, i+1]*binomial(n, i) end do; return p end proc

"for i from 0 to 3 do print("Diagonal  ",i);   eqn:=gnrpoly(diftab(diag(A,i+1)));    cat(poly,i):=unapply(factor(expand(eqn)),n);    print("--------------------------------------------------------------");  end do"





The equations do not evaluate. They are acting inert














6*n+38*binomial(n, 2)+93*binomial(n, 3)+111*binomial(n, 4)+65*binomial(n, 5)+15*binomial(n, 6)

value(eval(eqn, n = 4))

6*n+38*binomial(n, 2)+93*binomial(n, 3)+111*binomial(n, 4)+65*binomial(n, 5)+15*binomial(n, 6)

eqn1 := expand(eqn)


eval(eqn1, [n = 4])





I have a whole lot of conditions to test on the signum of answers. This gets difficult to read so I am wondering could something like the following be done?

a, b, c, d := 1, -1, 1, -1;
if a, b, c, d = 1, 0, -1, -1 then
end if;

The above obviously doesn't work. The reason I would like to do this is it would be simple to read the patterns of 1's and 0's.

Any ideas?

I was experimenting on and found coeff and degrees  do not work with algebraic type powers. So I set aboud dismanteling  a example polynomial. I certainly went around the houses doing this. I wanted to put the powers and coefficinets of x in an array.

I sure there must be a simpler way.



r := proc (x) options operator, arrow; a[0]+a[1]*x-a[2]*x^2+a[8]*x^(8/5)-a[h]*x^h+k*x^(-b/a) end proc

proc (x) options operator, arrow; a[0]+a[1]*x-a[2]*x^2+a[8]*x^(8/5)-a[h]*x^h+k*x^(-b/a) end proc

mnmls := [op(r(x))]

[a[0], a[1]*x, -a[2]*x^2, a[8]*x^(8/5), -a[h]*x^h, k*x^(-b/a)]

A := Array(1 .. 2, 1 .. nops(mnmls))

Array(%id = 36893489621187187044)

mnmls, x0 := selectremove(has, mnmls, x)

[a[1]*x, -a[2]*x^2, a[8]*x^(8/5), -a[h]*x^h, k*x^(-b/a)], [a[0]]


A[2, 1] := op(x0)


coeff(r(x), x, 2)

Error, unable to compute coeff

coeffs(r(x), x)

Error, invalid arguments to coeffs

degree(mnmls[1], x)


degree(mnmls[4], x)


degree(mnmls[5], x)



{a, b, h, k, x, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[8], a[h], x^h, x^(-b/a), x^(8/5)}

bits := [seq([op(mnmls[i])], i = 1 .. nops(mnmls))]

[[a[1], x], [-1, a[2], x^2], [a[8], x^(8/5)], [-1, a[h], x^h], [k, x^(-b/a)]]

deeperbits := [seq(op(op(bits)[i]), i = 1 .. nops(bits))]

[a[1], x, -1, a[2], x^2, a[8], x^(8/5), -1, a[h], x^h, k, x^(-b/a)]

varpwrs, cofsl := selectremove(has, deeperbits, x)

[x, x^2, x^(8/5), x^h, x^(-b/a)], [a[1], -1, a[2], a[8], -1, a[h], k]

is(nops(vars) = nops(cofsl))


cofs := convert(cofsl, Array)

Array(%id = 36893489621220545228)

for i to numelems(cofs)-1 do if cofs[i] = -1 then cofs[i] := 0; cofs[i+1] := -cofs[i+1]; i = i+2 end if end do; cofs; cofs := remove[flatten](has, cofs, 0)

Array(%id = 36893489621220530764)


Array(%id = 36893489621220530764)

is(nops(vars) = numelems(cofs))



pwrs := `assuming`([simplify(`~`[log[x]](varpwrs))], [x > 0, a::'real', b::'real', h::'real'])

[1, 2, 8/5, h, -b/a]


Array(%id = 36893489621187187044)

for i to nops(mnmls) do A[1, i+1] := pwrs[i]; A[2, i+1] := cofs[i] end do; A

Array(%id = 36893489621187187044)




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