
1311 Reputation

14 Badges

12 years, 345 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ronan

I have  4 worksheets with derived equations. So I export the equations and  possibly some procedures (but they can be handled seperately if needed)  from each worksheet as a .mpl file. 

I want to combine the .mpl files  together without using copy/paste. Then I can open that single file in the VS code editor.
There may be other ways to achieve this so I am open to suggestions.

I chased down a problem to factoring a square that has sqrt in the coefficients. All numbers are real,
The code is inside a procedure in a package. Iso I could do with something robust.

     2      2            (1/2)          (1/2)        2      2
  A x  + B x  + 2 (A + B)      x (7 - K)      y - K y  + 7 y 



I any trying to seperate the real and imaginary components but they are mixed up inside and outside a square root.

Their seems to be a problem displaying the worksheet.


# z = x *Iy    I need to seperate out solution to [x,y] & [x,-y]
eq := T*z^2 - (R + S*I)*z +G-K + H*I

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/2024-04-20_Q_Seperate_Real_& .

Download 2024-04-20_Q_Seperate_Real_&

I have a proceure that returns 7 values. I cac get it to return ang single specific value ousing e.g [2] to get the second.
Or a range[3..6] for the third to sixth.

Is there a way to get specific seperated values e.g [1] and[[6]. The procedure is burried in a package so it is difficult to post.

I have noticed over a few questions I have asked recently.
I ask a question.                   It goes to top of active converstaions
Some  one answers                                            "

I Reply                                                                *

A bit of time passes  so slides  of the top six/seven that show

Another Reply/Answer from someone                possibly does not show in active conversations.  I catch this by the orange flag or email notification

I reply                                 Does not appear in active conversations..

       This can kill the conversation chain.

I have even tried changing one of me replys to an answer but did not go to top active conversations again.

Has anyone else expperienced this?  

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