
Technical Support

730 Reputation

14 Badges

16 years, 206 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by TechnicalSupport

Users often wonder how the length(expr) command works.

length(expr) returns the length of expr.

For more information, see the ?length help article in Maple, or Online Help version


A user wondered why an example of integration by parts from the Calculus Study Guide was immediately showing the final answer instead of the parts steps shown in the Guide. 

We suggest users pay special attention to the "Initialize" rows of the Guide example(s) where converting the integral to inert form is discussed. 

Using an inert form of the integral ensures that Maple does not evaluate the integral unexpectedly. 


Int(exp(a*x)*cos(b*x), x)


Parts(Q, exp(a*x)) = sin(b*x)*exp(a*x)/b-(Int(sin(b*x)*a*exp(a*x)/b, x))



We have just issued a critical fix to Maple, MapleSim, and Maple Flow running on macOS.

We have heard from some users who were experiencing serious problems with doubled characters while using Maplesoft products on macOS, including these reports on MaplePrimes. Further investigation determined that these problems appear specifically on macOS 11 and macOS 12.  I am happy to report that we have now corrected the problem, and a patch is available. 

Anyone who uses macOS 11 or macOS 12 should install this update immediately. We also strongly recommend that all macOS users install this update, to avoid problems that may be triggered by future updates to your operating system.

To obtain this update:

For those who have experienced problems, we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we worked to find a solution.

Maple users may notice unexpected results when calculating standard deviations with weights.

This is because the notion of weights used by Maple is not exactly the commonly used notion of repeated measurements.

Maple uses the NAG library from the Numerical Algorithms Group to compute the standard deviation in the presence of weights. The formula that is used is given in their documentation:





V := `<,>`(seq(i, i = 57 .. 77), undefined)



W := `<,>`(2, 4, 14, 41, 83, 169, 394, 669, 990, 1223, 1329, 1230, 1063, 646, 392, 202, 79, 32, 16, 5, 2, 5)

StandardDeviation(V, weights = W)



StandardDeviation(V, weights = W, ignore = true)





A user wondered how to have Maple produce a desired form of a solution

eq1 := `&sigma;__2` = P__2/(Pi*r^2)NULL


r := (1/2)*d


soln := `assuming`([solve(eq1, {d}, useassumptions)], [`&sigma;__2`::real, d > 0, P__2 > 0])

{d = 2*(Pi*sigma__2*P__2)^(1/2)/(Pi*sigma__2)}



Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "first argument to _Inert_ASSIGN must be assignable"


We suggested the closest they might be able to get is using simplify like so:


restart; eq1 := `&sigma;__2` = P__2/(Pi*r^2)


r := (1/2)*d


soln := `assuming`([solve(eq1, {d}, useassumptions)], [`&sigma;__2`::real, d > 0, P__2 > 0])

{d = 2*(Pi*sigma__2*P__2)^(1/2)/(Pi*sigma__2)}



`assuming`([simplify(soln)], [sigma__2::real, P__2 > 0])

{d = 2*P__2^(1/2)/(Pi^(1/2)*sigma__2^(1/2))}




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