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These are answers submitted by ccAndrew

Oh right!  Thanks. 

Thanks I appreciate all the responses.  Here's another way I just happened to figure out.   

h:= convert(evalf(Pi,10000),string);


Of course the 50th position includes the decimal point as a position.

actually it was evalf(3^1000000,100000)


Oh, okay.  I didn't realize Maple V version 3 , 4, and 5 where all major releases, similar to a Maple 6 to Maple 7. 

Thanks for the replies

No luck yet I've searched hi and low and I've e-mailed maplesoft but nothing yet.   

I'll keep you up-to-date. 

Thanks, so there must have been too much in the plot function for it to handle properly?  The original application was for Maple 8 but it didn't work in Maple 11 so there must have been some major plot changes since then.  Actually I'm just wondering if those exact lines really did work in Maple 8. 

Never-the-less I think I need to be a little more vigilant in using older applications.  So is the reason the plot didn't work because of a nested function that needed to be evaluated?  and Is there a good web page for some of the nuances to look out for using applications from older versions? 

Thanks again for making it work proplerly.

I tried everything and I don't think you can do it, unless you created a whole new text document without creating any subsections.

It would be a handy feature to not print the triangular subsections.

exp(t)   in maple is  et    no need for the carrot ^  symbol. 

I didn't doubt your scalefrac procedure worked.  Just my original eqn didn't work the way I say it did, but you knew what I meant anyway.  Thanks.

Looks like your definition of X includes quotation marks that ColumnGraph doesn't agree with.  Something maple could easily fix up in a later update. 

The fact that BarGraph accepted it to begin with suggests something was left out in the programming of ColumnGraph or just happened to be a quirk that works with BarGraph. 

Looks like maple needs to include a few more examples in its help file.  Perhaps Maple could integrate custom added user solutions feature to the help file.


Actually this is what I want you to see if a:=(3+4i)/(7-6i)   then   simplify(a) 

the answer maple gives is      - (  (  3 + 4i ) / ( -7 + 6i ) )    you will see maple pull the negative out but not with my original post.

I know we must live with maples little quirks but I'd like maple to also be aesthetically pleasing as well. 

Thanks Joe for your help.  If you try the equation from this post rather than my original post you will see exactly what I mean when maple pulls out the negative sign and flips the denominator.  I actually did a simplify on that silly equation to see what would happen.  And really nothing should have happened at all, maple should have just spit back the original equation in that case. 


In my original example :

eq1:=a=(v-vo)/t;  and then    

eq2:=sort((solve(eq2,{v})),[t],ascending)   and that would set up the equation to look like  v=vo+at

If eq1:=a+bc+de+fgh+ij+k;

Can maple display it as a+k+bc+de+ij+fgh?  Single variables first and so on to the group that has the most variables?

I agree, I have found the documentation to be a little sparse in some areas. 

And thanks for the explanation, that was quite helpful.  By the way how did you learn how to do this?  Was it from a separate book or just from the maple help documentation?

Can you give a few examples using the empty function ' ' and the @ symbol so I can understand how it works a little better. 

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