
Dr. David Harrington

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20 years, 23 days
University of Victoria
Professor or university staff
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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I am a retired professor of chemistry at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. My research areas are electrochemistry and surface science. I have been a user of Maple since about 1990.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by dharr

I changed the rho's in the solution to rho__v's (as in the Eqs) and it worked.

I agree with Carl. Perhaps the following helps to illustrate the point.


NULLN := (-t^2-1)*u^2-2*(t^2+1)^2*u+2*tNULL


A := u^2*a[2]+u*a[1]+a[0]; B := u^2*b[2]+u*b[1]+b[0]



Q := collect(B*(diff(A, u))-A*(diff(B, u)), u)


We want to find when Q = N for any u. Since doubling the a's can be compensated for by halving the b's we can fix the scale by arbitrarily choosing a value for b[0], say 1. Or we can just write the solution for the other variables in terms of b[0]. Since we have 3 equations in 6 unknowns, we can extend this logic to another two variables aside from b[0], i.e., as @Carl Love noted we need to choose three variables to solve for in terms of the other three. For example, the following gives a[1], a[2] and b[2] in terms of the other 3. (Solve/identity is just a shortcut for the 3 equations equating the coefficients.

solve(identity(N = Q, u), {a[1], a[2], b[2]})

{a[1] = (a[0]*b[1]+2*t)/b[0], a[2] = -(1/2)*(t^4*a[0]*b[1]+2*t^5-t^2*a[0]*b[0]+2*t^2*a[0]*b[1]+4*t^3-a[0]*b[0]+a[0]*b[1]+2*t)/(t*b[0]), b[2] = -(1/2)*(t^4*b[1]-t^2*b[0]+2*t^2*b[1]-b[0]+b[1])/t}

Suppose we give a 4th variable to solve for - now we see the solution contains b[0] = b[0], meaning we can choose b[0] arbitrarily, the others are as above.

solve(identity(N = Q, u), {a[1], a[2], b[0], b[2]})

{a[1] = (a[0]*b[1]+2*t)/b[0], a[2] = -(1/2)*(t^4*a[0]*b[1]+2*t^5-t^2*a[0]*b[0]+2*t^2*a[0]*b[1]+4*t^3-a[0]*b[0]+a[0]*b[1]+2*t)/(t*b[0]), b[0] = b[0], b[2] = -(1/2)*(t^4*b[1]-t^2*b[0]+2*t^2*b[1]-b[0]+b[1])/t}

In this case, Maple chose to make a[1] arbitrary; we get the same as if we had chosen a[2], b[1] and b[2] to solve for.

solve(identity(N = Q, u), {a[1], a[2], b[1], b[2]})

{a[1] = a[1], a[2] = -(1/2)*(t^4*a[1]-t^2*a[0]+2*t^2*a[1]-a[0]+a[1])/t, b[1] = -(-a[1]*b[0]+2*t)/a[0], b[2] = (1/2)*(-t^4*a[1]*b[0]+2*t^5+t^2*a[0]*b[0]-2*t^2*a[1]*b[0]+4*t^3+a[0]*b[0]-a[1]*b[0]+2*t)/(t*a[0])}


Download Huang.mw

I made the opposite assumption to @acer (that you started with the equations), and kept implicitplot butdid them all in one, which is simple here despite the inefficiency.


Load the necessary packages

with(plots); with(LinearAlgebra)

Define the equations to solve and plot

eq1 := 2*x-y+z = -5; eq2 := y+3*z = 7; eq3 := z = 2

Convert to the corresponding Matrix of coefficients and Vector (because we shouldn't have to enter equivalent information twice, and less likely to make a mistake)

A, b := GenerateMatrix([eq1, eq2, eq3], [x, y, z])

Matrix(%id = 36893490370101429060), Vector[column](%id = 36893490370101428940)

sol := LinearSolve(A, b)

Vector[column](%id = 36893490370101427364)

We can do all equations in one implicitplot. (I like the brighter colors, so I left the quotes off.)

implicitplot3d([eq1, eq2, eq3], x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, z = -10 .. 10, color = [red, blue, green], style = surface, title = "3 D Plot of Linear System")


Download linear_systems.mw

Depends a bit on how you want to enter it.


A := m -> int(xi*(1 - xi^2)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1, numeric)/
          int(xi*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi)^2, xi = 0 .. 1, numeric);

proc (m) options operator, arrow; (int(xi*(-xi^2+1)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1, numeric))/(int(xi*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi)^2, xi = 0 .. 1, numeric)) end proc



A := proc (m) options operator, arrow; evalf((Int(xi*(-xi^2+1)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1))/(Int(xi*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi)^2, xi = 0 .. 1))) end proc

proc (m) options operator, arrow; evalf((Int(xi*(-xi^2+1)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1))/(Int(xi*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi)^2, xi = 0 .. 1))) end proc



Save an integral - see DLMF

A := m -> 2*int(xi*(1 - xi^2)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1, numeric)/
          evalf(BesselJ(1, BesselJZeros(0, m))^2);

proc (m) options operator, arrow; 2*(int(xi*(-xi^2+1)*BesselJ(0, BesselJZeros(0, m)*xi), xi = 0 .. 1, numeric))/evalf(BesselJ(1, BesselJZeros(0, m))^2) end proc




Download Bessel.mw

evalf(BesselJZeros(0, 1..5));

gives: 2.404825558, 5.520078110, 8.653727913, 11.79153444, 14.93091771

Here's how I would do it. Not sure why I get the two different answers.



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.0, Windows 11, March 01 2024 Build ID 1794891`

Digits := 40


use alpha=1-(1/2)/(1-(RootOf(16*_Z*(_Z*(2*_Z*(_Z*(8*_Z*(_Z*(_Z*(_Z*(32*_Z*(8*_Z-33)+1513)-812)-13)+267)-1469)-330)+811)+279)+345,index=2)-1/2)**2) in



Looks correct

PolynomialTools:-MinimalPolynomial(expr); fsolve(%)[2]



alias(r__2 = RootOf(16*_Z*(_Z*(2*_Z*(_Z*(8*_Z*(_Z*(_Z*(_Z*(32*_Z*(8*_Z-33)+1513)-812)-13)+267)-1469)-330)+811)+279)+345, index = 2))


expr2 := factor(evala(expr))


Square roots problematic, so convert to RootOf

expr3 := convert(expr2, RootOf)

-(1/427776)*RootOf(_Z^2+4*r__2^2-4*r__2-2, index = 1)*(6307840*r__2^9+25065472*r__2^8-115353024*r__2^7+132632192*r__2^6-64357200*r__2^5+10339760*r__2^4+18097724*r__2^3-8262480*r__2^2-4524419*r__2-370681)

We want the minimum polynomial. Over the rationals - not sure why this is not the same as above

evala(Minpoly(expr3, x)); fsolve(%)[-1]



With r__2as a field extension it is a quadratic

evala(Minpoly(expr3, x, r__2)); fsolve(%)[2]




Download minpoly3.mw

You can assign part of a Matrix to part of another one using the notation for row and column selection, for example

A[6..7, 8..11] := M[3..4, 6..9]

copies rows 3..4 and colums 6..9 of M into rows 5..7, cols 8..11 of A. More complicared variations are possible, in which the rows and columns do not have to be adjacent - see the MVextract help page

Edit: I changed the above so the blocks are the same size. Orignally I had A[5..7, 8..11] := M[3..4, 6..9] - see Joe Riel for what happens in this case.

Here's a variation of @mmcdara's idea for a tetrahedron, since he challenged me :). Would require significantly more work for shapes where the folds aren't all on a flat base.


with(geom3d): with(GraphTheory):

Example - tetrahedron

solid := tetrahedron(t, point(o, [0,0,0]), 3);


[[[3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)]], [[3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)]], [[3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)]], [[3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)]]]

[[3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)], [3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), 3^(1/2), -3^(1/2)], [-3^(1/2), -3^(1/2), 3^(1/2)]]

p1, p2, p3, p4

Code the faces with the indices of the points.


[[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 2], [1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 3]]

Make corresponding graph


Try some cuts (red edges on drawing) - spanning tree works for the convex platonic solids


DrawGraph(tetgraph, dimension = 3, size = [300, 300],orientation=[50,70]); #red edges are cuts

Uncut edges are the folds, which in this case are all in the same plane.

folds:=Edges(tetgraph) minus Edges(tree);

{{2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}}

[2, 3, 4]

Remove base from the other faces


[[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 2], [1, 3, 4]]


for m to nops(folds) do
 foldface:=select(x-> fold subset {x[]}, tofold)[]; # find face to fold
 facepts:=map2(cat,p,foldface); # points in face
 angle:=evalf(FindAngle(base,plane(pl,facepts))); # angle between base and face
 ii := select(has,foldface,fold); # fold sorted as in tofold
 line(cat(raxis,m),map2(cat,p,ii)); # fold is rotation axis
 rotation(cat(unfolded,m),triangle(cat(tr,m),facepts),Pi-angle,cat(raxis,m)); # and rotate
end do:



Angles all the same so generate animation


for i to nops(angles) do
end do:



Download tetrahedron.mw

Here's a more matrixy way.

eq14 := lhs(eq13) = MM% . simplify(eval(MM^(-1) . rhs(eq13), `%.` = `.`));


Edit: simpler is 

eq14 := lhs(eq13) = MM %. simplify(value(MM^(-1).rhs(eq13)));



p := plot(x^2):


Use dchange for this. I did the equations separately, but you can put them in a list and do it all in one step.



de1 := diff(N(T), T) = R*N(T)*(1-N(T)/K)-alpha*N(T)*P(T)/(A+N(T)); de2 := diff(P(T), T) = gamma*N(T)*P(T)/(A+N(T))+C*P(T)/(1+Q*P(T))-M*P(T); ic1 := N(0) = N_0; ic2 := P(0) = P_0

diff(N(T), T) = R*N(T)*(1-N(T)/K)-alpha*N(T)*P(T)/(A+N(T))

diff(P(T), T) = gamma*N(T)*P(T)/(A+N(T))+C*P(T)/(1+Q*P(T))-M*P(T)

N(0) = N_0

P(0) = P_0

Desired new variables and parameters in terms of the old variables

itr := {a = A/K, b = gamma/R, c = C/R, m = M/R, q = Q*R*K/alpha, t = R*T, x(t) = N(T)/K, y(t) = alpha*P(T)/(R*K)}

{a = A/K, b = gamma/R, c = C/R, m = M/R, q = Q*R*K/alpha, t = R*T, x(t) = N(T)/K, y(t) = alpha*P(T)/(R*K)}

Maple needs the old variables in terms of the new variables.

tr := solve(itr, {A, C, M, Q, T, gamma, N(T), P(T)})

{A = a*K, C = c*R, M = m*R, Q = q*alpha/(R*K), T = t/R, gamma = b*R, N(T) = x(t)*K, P(T) = y(t)*R*K/alpha}

Try it directly

PDEtools:-dchange(tr, de1, [t, x, y, a, b, c, q, m])

(diff(x(t), t))*K*R = R*x(t)*K*(1-x(t))-x(t)*K^2*y(t)*R/(a*K+x(t)*K)

We see we have to divide each side by K*R. Adding simplify simplifies the rhs, but could do this as a separate step.

ode1 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, de1/(K*R), [t, x, y, a, b, c, q, m], simplify)

diff(x(t), t) = x(t)*(1-x(t)-y(t)/(a+x(t)))

ode2 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, alpha*de2/(R^2*K), [t, x, y, a, b, c, q, m], simplify)

diff(y(t), t) = y(t)*(b*x(t)/(a+x(t))+c/(1+q*y(t))-m)

init1 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, ic1/K, [t, x, y, a, b, c, q, m], simplify)

x(0) = N_0/K

init2 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, alpha*ic2/(K*R), [t, x, y, a, b, c, q, m], simplify)

y(0) = alpha*P_0/(R*K)


Download dchange.mw

y := 2*hypergeom([1/2, -k/2], [1 - k/2], csc(omega*T)^2)

Depending on what you know about k, you may be able to convert it to a nice form. For example, for k=3

convert(eval(y, k = 3), StandardFunctions)


Download hypergeom.mw

implicitplot3d makes use of the ISOSURFACE structure, see ?plot,structure. I believe that this cannot be coloured with a color function, only GRID and MESH structures:

"For specification of multiple colors, the COLOR(t, A) structure, where t is RGB, HSV or HUE, is similar to that for the 2-D case, except that m by n GRID and MESH structures  are also supported. In this situation, A must be an Array with datatype=float[8] and dimensions 1..m, 1..n when t is HUE, or 1..m, 1..n, 1..3 otherwise."

Here's a workaround and how to use a colorfunction of 3 variables (simple in Maple 2016 and after)


Desired function in implicit form

C := 2*x*y*z-x^2-y^2-z^2+1;


Desired colour function in 3-variable form

colfunc := (x, y, z) -> (x^2 + y^2 + z^2)/3:

Cannot use a colour function for implicit plot
One (ugly) workaround is to cast C in explicit form, handling the two pieces separately.
(Numeric option not required for operator plot calls as here)


x*y+(x^2*y^2-x^2-y^2+1)^(1/2), x*y-(x^2*y^2-x^2-y^2+1)^(1/2)

Find the two corresponding colorfunctions


proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; colfunc(x, y, f1(x, y)) end proc

proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; colfunc(x, y, f2(x, y)) end proc


For Maple 2016 and later, colorscheme can be used



Download 3d_coloring.mw

They are not to any order, but they are what I would expect. If I simplify by choosing specific examples for the initial functions, then play around with the expansion order, I find the total degrees in the residuals range from order-2 to 2*order-1. Since you have terms with a function times a first derivative of a function, you can expect up to (order plus (order-1)). For the low end, differentiation reduces the order and you have some third-order derivatives. So I would say the answer is verified up to order-3.



PDE1 := diff(eta(t,x),t) + 1/2*diff(u(t,x),x) + 1/2*eta(t,x)*diff(u(t,x),x) - 1/48*diff(u(t,x),x$3) + diff(eta(t,x),x)*u(t,x);

diff(eta(t, x), t)+(1/2)*(diff(u(t, x), x))+(1/2)*eta(t, x)*(diff(u(t, x), x))-(1/48)*(diff(diff(diff(u(t, x), x), x), x))+(diff(eta(t, x), x))*u(t, x)

PDE2 := diff(u(t,x),t) + u(t,x)*diff(u(t,x),x) + diff(eta(t,x),x,t,t) + diff(eta(t,x),x) - 1/6*diff(u(t,x),x,x,t);

diff(u(t, x), t)+u(t, x)*(diff(u(t, x), x))+diff(diff(diff(eta(t, x), t), t), x)+diff(eta(t, x), x)-(1/6)*(diff(diff(diff(u(t, x), t), x), x))

sys := rifsimp([PDE1, PDE2]);

table( [( Solved ) = [diff(diff(diff(eta(t, x), t), t), x) = -u(t, x)*(diff(u(t, x), x))-(diff(u(t, x), t))+(1/6)*(diff(diff(diff(u(t, x), t), x), x))-(diff(eta(t, x), x)), diff(diff(diff(u(t, x), x), x), x) = 24*eta(t, x)*(diff(u(t, x), x))+48*(diff(eta(t, x), x))*u(t, x)+48*(diff(eta(t, x), t))+24*(diff(u(t, x), x))] ] )

id := initialdata(sys[Solved]);

table( [( Finite ) = [], ( Infinite ) = [eta(t, x[0]) = _F1(t), (D[2](eta))(t[0], x) = _F2(x), (D[1, 2](eta))(t[0], x) = _F3(x), u(t, x[0]) = _F4(t), (D[2](u))(t, x[0]) = _F5(t), (D[2, 2](u))(t, x[0]) = _F6(t)] ] )

Take a specific example


table( [( Finite ) = [], ( Infinite ) = [eta(t, x[0]) = t, (D[2](eta))(t[0], x) = 0, (D[1, 2](eta))(t[0], x) = 1, u(t, x[0]) = 1, (D[2](u))(t, x[0]) = 0, (D[2, 2](u))(t, x[0]) = 0] ] )

sols := rtaylor(sys[Solved], id2, point=[t = 0, x = 0], order = 6);

[eta(t, x) = t+t*x-(1/6)*t^3*x+2*t^2*x^2-4*t^2*x^3-(1/3)*t^4*x^2+(1/120)*t^5*x+(2/9)*t^3*x^3+(22/3)*t^2*x^4, u(t, x) = 1+(112/5)*t*x^5+7*t^2*x^4-(4/3)*t^3*x^3+2*x^4+(48/5)*x^5+8*x^3+8*t*x^3+(8/5)*x^6]

Total degrees of terms in residual, and min and max of these


[5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 11, 11, 8, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 11, 11, 10, 9, 11, 9, 11, 11, 9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 7, 8, 7, 6, 6, 4, 5, 5]

4, 11


[5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 11, 11, 9, 11, 11, 11, 7, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 5, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6]

4, 11


Download MinWorkingExa.mw

You could use the userinfo mechanism to do this. For example, 

pkg := module() export squareme; option package; local ModuleLoad;
  ModuleLoad := proc() userinfo(2, pkg, "Hi I'm loading"); end proc;
  squareme := proc(x) x^2 end proc;
end module; 

which leads, with infolevel[pkg] >= 2:







ModuleLoad: Hi I'm loading



Download pkgload.mw

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