
12 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 36 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dune03

Hi everybody!! I'm looking to solve the roots of the following polynomial: Rootof(9*Z^4+(-12*x[1]+36)*Z^3+(33-72*x[1]-6*x[1]^2+L^2)*Z^2 +(-2*L^2*x[1]+36*x[1]^2+12*x[1]^3-66*x[1])*Z-3+33*x[1]^2-3*x[1]^4+L^2*x[1]^2) where x[1] and L are constant terms. Is there a analytical solution, knowing that I'm working in real domain with Z between ]-3/2,3/2], x[1]>Z, x[1] between [-3/2,3/2[, and 0<>
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