
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by edgar

subs(x=Pi/8,cos(x)); --- G A Edgar
That is a math question, not a computer algebra question. It seems completely out of the question that Maple 9.5 would help in any way. Instead, you need to know some theory from linear algebra class. Then use your brain. --- G A Edgar
I have auto-save turned off, so I do not have these files. But I do have a currentdir command in my .mapleinit file, so that any saves I do will go where I want them. Try this and see if it does what you want. --- G A Edgar
The upload file option seems easier. Once I have uploaded a Maple worksheet, I can get the HTML version to paste into this window... > u := x^2; > subs(x=3,u); > This post generated using the online HTML conversion tool Download the original worksheet View worksheet on MapleNET
Normally, you would do it like this: s := -125000000000*sin(1335041/4000000*Pi)*Z^(7/10)*Pi+95867020225*cos(1335041/4000000*Pi)+3473522985*I*cos(1335041/4000000*Pi)-511700000000*Z^(7/10)*Pi*cos(1335041/4000000*Pi)-59499404367158*sin(1335041/4000000*Pi); solve(s,Z); But in fact there are no solutions [at least when Z^(7/10) is interpreted to mean the principal value of that power].
A July 29 request, nearly 8 months ago...


not done yet --- G A Edgar

x^2 works fine for me in maple 10, mac OS 10.4, US keyboard. What keyboard, input mode, and display mode are you using? > u := x^2; > subs(x=3,u); > This post generated using the online HTML conversion tool Download the original worksheet View worksheet on MapleNET
I note that you said "matrix" and not "Matrix" ... "matrix" is part of the "linalg" package, which is not the same as the "LinearAlgebra" package. Is that what you want? --- G A Edgar
The definite integral is what you want, say int(f,x=a..b) . Of course if a and b are close together, this will not be > 1, even if f is. --- G A Edgar
Some general advice: use "option remember" so that computations are not repeated. --- G A Edgar
approx 2.944 --- G A Edgar
See the heading "computer science" on this Wikipedia page... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parameters --- G A Edgar
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