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20 years, 50 days

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These are answers submitted by edgar

There is also collect to do all powers at once f := (a*x+b)*(c*x+d)^2; f := (a*x+b)*(c*x+d)^2 coeff(f,x,2); b*c^2+2*a*d*c collect(f,x); a*c^2*x^3+(b*c^2+2*a*d*c)*x^2+(2*b*d*c+a*d^2)*x+b*d^2 --- G A Edgar
Try the "maximize" function, and see if it tells you what the maximum value is... > maximize(x^2 - 3*x+y^2 +3*y+3,x=2..4,y=-4..-2,location); 11, {[{x = 4, y = -4}, 11]} --- G A Edgar
Probably you would not use that formula as-is. But if you want to ... n has components, say (n_x,n_y,n_z) and r has components, say (r_x, r_y, r_z), so do the dot product of these vectors. n dot dr becomes n_x*dr_x + n_y*dr_y + nz*dr_z --- G A Edgar
I think here is the reason for the answer ... the "trick" substitution that works in the original problem does not work on either of the two terms when it is expanded...

> fexpanded := expand(sqrt(t^5+6*t)*(5*t^4+6));

Maple Equation

> map(int,fexpanded,t=0..1);

Maple Equation

> map(int,fexpanded,t=0..u);

Maple Equation

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Here is a start -int((tan(theta))/(sec(theta)*(2*cos(theta)-1)^(1/2)*(1-cos(theta))),theta) = (sqrt(Mgh/A))*t; combine(%); Now you still need to convert a difference of arctanh's in to arcsech --- G A Edgar
Not sure what martman means... matrix and not Matrix? If A is a matrix, and you type A, you just get back A. So in order to see the matrix you should type op(A) That is one thing martman might mean... --- G A Edgar
Use long division of power series. It is like long division of decimals, but no carrying. I hope you are not the victim of "modern" education where you have little idea of the theory behind long division, because it has been deemed "obsolete" due to calculators. --- G A Edgar
No, 'Warning, solutions may have been lost' means only that Maple may have missed some solutions, not that Maple definitely missed some solutions. The method to investigate whether there are other solutions will vary from case to case, so you (the user) has to do it, not Maple. --- G A Edgar
Mathematicians use one-letter variables for everything, but computer programs (including Maple) need not do that. So how about using variables named vx and xEngine and things like that? --- G A Edgar
After you do save nx; is there a file nx.* ? If not, there is no use trying to load it again. Maybe your permissions don't allow Maple to write in the default location. On my Mac, I always to something like currentdir("/Users/edgar/tmp/"): before trying to save a file. That is the full pathname of the directory where I want to put such temporary files. You can use some other location suitable for you. --- G A Edgar
Your expression is the very definition of the pochhammer symbol She(?) didn't say n is an integer... If so, use the functional equation GAMMA(z+1) = z*GAMMA(z) repeatedly ( n times) to get GAMMA(z)/GAMMA(z+n+1) a product of n+1 factors.

> GAMMA(z) =  Int( exp(-t)*t^(z-1), t=0..infinity ); # from the ?GAMMA help page

Maple Equation

> subs(z=a+b*I,%);

Maple Equation

> Re(GAMMA(a+I*b)) = Int(exp(-t)*Re(t^(a+I*b-1)), t = 0 .. infinity);

Maple Equation

> evalc(Re(t^(a+I*b-1))) assuming t>0;simplify(%);

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> Re(GAMMA(a+I*b)) = Int(exp(-t)*t^(a-1)*cos(b*ln(t)), t = 0 .. infinity);

Maple Equation

> value(%); # Maple doesn't evaluate it further

Maple Equation


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That works. Any suggestion on this? The S1 is generated in a program by solve(), I want integer solutions...There do exist integer solutions.

> S1 := {kk[1] = -sqrt(2)*kk[4]-kk[5]*sqrt(2), kk[4] = kk[4], kk[5] = kk[5], kk[2] = -kk[5]*sqrt(2)+2*sqrt(2), kk[3] = 0};

Maple Equation

> isolve(S1);

Maple Equation

> subs({kk[1]=0,kk[2]=0,kk[3]=0,kk[4]=-2,kk[5]=2},S1);

Maple Equation


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Sometimes you can do convert( % , Int) or convert( % , Sum) --- G A Edgar
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