
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 4 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by edgar


The result is about 10,000 characters long, so probably not of much use to you...


G A Edgar


Perhaps there is some connection between x and n ?


G A Edgar

Another remark: Do you really need the determinant?  Or would some other calculation suffice?


G A Edgar

Assignment in Maple is :=

Maybe you want to do something like this...



G A Edgar

Probably you should also say what OS you are going to use to run it.  On my Mac, Maple versions prior to 9 won't run in MacOS 10.8, for example.


G A Edgar

I'm guessing it is this...



General advice: for evaluation of multiple integral, try Student[MultivariateCalculus][MultiInt]


I get  (1/24)*2^(1/2)*(-3+2*3^(1/2))/Pi^(1/2)  for this ...



G A Edgar

A possibility.

Sum of the geometric series sum(x^b,b=0..a-1) comes out as (x^a-1)/(x-1) according to Maple .  Which is almost right: it is right except when x=1 .  Now your sum


is real part of geometric series


so Maple computes it as zero.  That is correct unless exp(2*Pi*x/a) is 1.  So assigning 0 for this symbolic sum is the best Maple knows how to do.

With "add" we tell Maple not to try a symbolic sum, just add the items (but to do that we cannot have symbolic upper limit a-1 unevaluated).


G A Edgar

shouldn't evalf(a) and evalf(b) give exact same result?

Yes, they are the same (up to round-off error).  Try Digits:=50 first, then do these evalf's, and see what you get.


G A Edgar

Here it is in 1D Maple input format:

+8*exp(-1/(2)*sqrt(-16*c-3*Zeta)) +1),
But "don't use 2D input" is not a very good reply to the OP... Someone
who uses 2D input should help him out (I don't).




G A Edgar

First do the simplest special case, c=1, n=1 ... 


G A Edgar

Yes,  the line through the two points  A(1, 1) and B(1, -2*m + 2) is a vertical line, so it does not have an equation of the form y=k*x+q ... What do you want in that case?


G A Edgar

according to Maple...


G A Edgar

Use `...` or "..." for strings inside the cat.  Also, you may need to substitute k into lf[k] before you make it into a string ?


G A Edgar

You can also use "surd" for real-valued odd roots.  See ?surd


G A Edgar

Is there some relation between f and F ?  In F"(n)(s) is that the second derivative with respect to s ?


G A Edgar

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