
669 Reputation

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20 years, 64 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by edgar

Do you know some mathematical theory that might help writing a procedure? Some classic algorithm for computing the GCD, for example? Something known 2000 years ago? --- G A Edgar
libname := "/Users/edgar/Documents/Maple/advisor",libname,"/Users/edgar/Document s/Maple/algolib 8": currentdir("/Users/edgar/tmp/"): plouffe := "/Users/edgar/Documents/Maple/ myfiles/inverter.mpl":
I think I may have found the source of this error. Basically, the driver requires the fonts in the 'afm' folder of the Maple installation. However, it will only attempt to find the folder by moving up one directory from 'currentdir()'. Try running the command: >currentdir("Library/Frameworks/Maple.framework/Versions/10/bin.APPLE_UN IVERSAL_OSX"); at the beginning of your worksheet. Then, when you set the plotoutput, use a full pathname like: plotsetup=(ps,plotoutput=`/Users//Desktop/aa.ps`); where is your OSX login name. Maple should be able to find the proper fonts to render the .ps file, and write this file to your Desktop. It appears that this behaviour has been corrected in Maple 11. Sincerely, Bill Maplesoft Technical Support www.maplesoft.com/support
To get the closed form for A^k ... Diagonalize A, say A = U D U^(-1) where D is a diagonal matrix. The entries of D are the eigenvalues of A, and the columns of U are the eigenvectors. [Let's assume r2^2+2*r2*r1*X+r1^2*X^2+4*X-4*r1*X-4*X*r2 is not zero, so the two eigenvalues are different. Then the symbolic solution for the eigenvectors is OK.] Then D^k is easy to compute, and A^k = U D^k U^(-1) is your answer. --- G A Edgar
You have some sort of strange evaluation. After your stuff, I get this... > D5(14); -770 > sum('D4(14-i)',i=1..10); 715 > sum(D4(14-i),i=1..10); -770 > sum(D4(14-j),j=1..10); 715 I normally use expressions and not functions, so I cannot say what is going on here... Something like: the expression in D4 involves a sum on the variable i, and now you are doing ANOTHER sum on the same variable i, so they get confused?
Maple 10 ... > G := (i,j) -> if is(i,even) and is(j,even) then 1; else 0; fi; (i, j) -> if is(i, even) and is(j, even) then 1 else 0 fi; > G(2,3); 0 > G(2,4); 1 --- G A Edgar
try some of the Tutors... Tools > Tutors > Precalculus > ... --- G A Edgar
What is a dae? An acronym I don't know? A misspelled word? --- G A Edgar
For this Int((x^2+x+1)/sinh(x-1/x)*exp(-I*(x-1/x)*theta),x=–infinity+I*0.. +infinity+I*0) I would do something like this: f := x -> (x^2+x+1)/sinh(x-1/x)*exp(-I*(x-1/x)*theta); Int(f(s+I*0),s=-infinity..infinity); But in this case you can just say Int(f(s),s=-infinity..infinity); --- G A Edgar
You wrote: f(x) = 2.3x which is probably not what you want. To define a function f, write: f := x -> 2.3*x; or f := unapply(2.3*x,x); To define an expression instead, write: f := 2.3*x; --- G A Edgar
The point is, the "simplification" b^u*b^v -> b^(u+v) is WRONG in general for complex b. That is (perhaps) why Maple does not do it automatically. If you really want it, you can say: simplify(%,symbolic); or simplify(E) assuming b::real; --- G A Edgar
Learning math will help in your engineering studies. And getting us to do your math for you is not the best way. However, one of these is related to Maple, so I provide a hint... sketch the following: 1.)x=t^(3), y=t^(2); > plot([t^3,t^2,t=-5..5],x=-2..2,y=-2..2); Try the others yourself: adjust the numbers to get a graph that looks good, showing the main features of the particular problem. The rest are math (convert to rectangular, find dy.dx, find area), not Maple, so you should try to do them yourself. --- G A Edgar

> eq1 := a+b+c=k*h-h-h*h+1;

> eq2 := (p-k+h)*(p-h-1)*(p-1)-(p-k)*(p-2)*(p)=a*(p-1)+b*(p-h-1)+c*(p-k+h);

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

> kk := solve(eq1,k);

Maple Equation

> subs(k=kk,eq2);

Maple Equation

> i1 := isolve(%);

Maple Equation

So the integer solution of this has arbitrary values for Maple Equation and Maple Equation

> subs(i1,kk);

Maple Equation

So for k to be an integer, we need Maple Equation divides Maple Equation.  That is, Maple Equation where Maple EquationMaple Equation Maple Equationis an integer.

> j1 := {c=1,b=1,a=r*h-1,k=h+r+1};

Maple Equation

Check that this is a solution:

> expand(subs(j1,eq1));

Maple Equation

> expand(subs(j1,eq2));

Maple Equation

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You might use : everywhere, so nothing prints automatically, then put in "print" statements for what you actually want to print. The "print" statements can be inside "for" loops and "if" blocks, for example. --- G A Edgar
Look up "variation of parameters" in a standard textbook, and see if it is related. --- G A Edgar
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