
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 45 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

"It's great to live in the United States and be a student nowadays." What are student salaries like now? Back when I was a student, they were not so great... --- G A Edgar
Here is the reason for such a strange request back then: http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~edgar/piand.html --- G A Edgar
Maple 11, a worksheet just siting there with no calculation going on, on my Intel Mac (Mac Pro) ... percent CPU = 0.00 --- G A Edgar
I tried the html code for it --- G A Edgar
I have been to conferences which seriously discussed a unified and universal bank of all known math theorems. Wow. That must not have been a math conference. (Maybe an engineering conference, a physics conference, or even a math education conference.) Mathematicians would know such a list is impractical. Maybe in 10 years when everything is machine-searchable on the internet...??? To find a specific result, ask here. Or on many of the other math web sites and newsgroups. But if you want a reference to the result (and not a new proof of the result) you probably will have to emphasize that repeatedly during the discussion... --- G A Edgar
As you study more mathematics (or even related fields like computer science) you will meet this type of thing again. I remember, way back in the Olden Days, when the Rubic Cube first came out, and various people worked out solutions... mathematicians were saying they used "conjugation" in the solution, and computer scientists were saying they used "macros". --- G A Edgar
Notice he put * in there, 5*(7*y+3) and NOT 5(7y+3) ... that's important. --- G A Edgar
Notice he put * in there, 5*(7*y+3) and NOT 5(7y+3) ... that's important. --- G A Edgar
Maple 9.5 started first try on my G5 with OS 10.4.11 --- G A Edgar
This seems to give me not only my own procs, but Maple's too. But if I just take the top 20 or so, it will do what I want. So I've got the hundred-million-size remember table... Something to work on reducing. --- G A Edgar
At least for the variance answer (or standard deviation, as you usually see the question)... Do you want the standard deviation of this particular list of numbers, or do you want to estimate the standard deviation of some population for which this sequence of numbers is a random sample? For the first, use denominator N. For the second, denominator N-1 is preferred, since it provides an unbiased estimator. --- G A Edgar
At least for the variance answer (or standard deviation, as you usually see the question)... Do you want the standard deviation of this particular list of numbers, or do you want to estimate the standard deviation of some population for which this sequence of numbers is a random sample? For the first, use denominator N. For the second, denominator N-1 is preferred, since it provides an unbiased estimator. --- G A Edgar
Maybe this is a hard problem, or at least the way Maple does it is hard? This one either never finishes, or else takes such a long time that I gave up... Even Maple 10 (which did solve the first one) never returns on this. pp:=-exp(exp(exp(x)))+kk[1]*log(x)+kk[2]*x+kk[3]*exp(x)+kk[4]*exp(exp(x))+kk[5]*log(log(x)); vv:={kk[j]$j=1..5}; solve(identity(pp,x),vv);
User Interface: 303882 Kernel: 296069 Library: 296069 303882 The worksheet is already here... http://www.mapleprimes.com/files/85_July27.mw
I looked at it more closely. There will only be 5 to 10 factors in this `*` so not much speedup results no matter what I do with it. But I found that the routine started with a "simplify" that was not needed. In my sample run, this routine is called 120,000 times. Removing that single "simplify" statement reduced the run time from 68 seconds to 31 seconds... So it wasn't the recursion taking all the time after all.
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