
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 50 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

For most purposes, you should just leave the solution in implicit form f(y) = x + C . --- G A Edgar
For most purposes, you should just leave the solution in implicit form f(y) = x + C . --- G A Edgar
FunctionAdvisor('branch_points',arctan); tells us that z=I is a branch point for arctan ... somehow 'residue' should refuse to answer when given a branch point, I guess. --- G A Edgar
The "temporary" applies to the download. That download link will work only for a short time. The Maple app you get from it will be a permanent copy of Maple. --- G A Edgar
On my Mac, I have Maple set to check for updates automatically, and yesterday it told me about 12.02. --- G A Edgar
Set a value for w, then plot as a function of x? w := 1.5; plot(abs(sin(x*w)-cos(x*w)),x=0..2); --- G A Edgar
Set a value for w, then plot as a function of x? w := 1.5; plot(abs(sin(x*w)-cos(x*w)),x=0..2); --- G A Edgar
I am using Maple 12.01 with MacOS 10.5.5 interface(version); Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 12.01, Mac OS X, September 23 2008 Build ID 363216 kernelopts(version); Maple 12.01, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Sep 23 2008 Build ID 363216 No problems. Well, make that: few problems... Click on the "Help" menu, wait 5 to 10 seconds before it appears... Things like that. --- G A Edgar
Do you have a link or reference that describes ternary diagrams? --- G A Edgar
Apparently Maple knows *something* about ceil(x)+floor(-x) ... limit(ceil(x)+floor(-x), x=1); 0 limit(ceil(x),x=1); undefined --- G A Edgar
And, of course, under Mac OS X, whenever you print, there is the option of saving to PDF instead in the lower left corner of the print dialog. --- G A Edgar
And, of course, under Mac OS X, whenever you print, there is the option of saving to PDF instead in the lower left corner of the print dialog. --- G A Edgar
But of course evalf won't help with e or pi . --- G A Edgar
But of course evalf won't help with e or pi . --- G A Edgar
Is this the same as the version I installed on October 1? --- G A Edgar
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