
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 45 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

What's this "AFAIC" ? As Far As I See ? --- G A Edgar
What's this "AFAIC" ? As Far As I See ? --- G A Edgar
When you say numpoints=100, doesn't that cause evaluation at 100 equally-spaced points (which, in this case, are all rational)??? --- G A Edgar
It seems Maple only has the "Fortran" function, which translates from Maple to Fortran. --- G A Edgar
What is the one name in the 362 not in the 361? What are some examples in S2 but not S1? --- G A Edgar
That thing with the zeta functions from identify: In fact it only agrees to 8 places, so don't believe it. --- G A Edgar
You think it is an algebraic trick? Look at this: A1 := hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], z); A1 := hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], z) A2 := subs(z=-1/6,A1); A2 := hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], -1/6) identify(evalf(A2,50)); (77/486)*42^(1/2) A3 := subs(z=1,A1); A3 := hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], 1) evalf(A3,50); .78544208367808523114057318033434606661653742464155 identify(%); 10*3^(6/7)*ln(2)^7/Zeta(3)^5 Now, if you prove A3 is algebraic, you will be famous!
The guesses on where it comes from are both right. I started with the problem in www.mapleprimes.com/forum/thomascalculus5615exercisegetshypergeom which is a sum of two terms, both involving 2F1's, then converted to Int, combined them, and evaluated. Voila, a new problem, now involving a 3F2. My guess is that although hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], -1/6) has a nice closed form, hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], z) doesn't. But that's just a guess. --- G A Edgar
As a mathematician, I never thought that Sin[x] was right, instead of sin(x) --- G A Edgar
My errors tend to look like this... for i from 1 to 5 do i; od; 1 2 3 4 5 sum(2,i=1..5); Error, (in sum) summation variable previously assigned, second argument evaluates to 6 = 1 .. 5 sum(2,'i'=1..5); 10 --- G A Edgar
When you reply, see the "Input Format" option below. Click it to see the explanations. --- G A Edgar
And now someone else has removed that example completely? --- G A Edgar
How about solving for the inverse function? solve for k in terms of t... solve(eq3,k) yields an answer, involving not only exp, sin, cos, but also LambertW. k = t*sin(t)/(LambertW(-t/(exp(cos(t)*t/sin(t))*sin(t)))*sin(t)+cos(t)*t) --- G A Edgar
How about solving for the inverse function? solve for k in terms of t... solve(eq3,k) yields an answer, involving not only exp, sin, cos, but also LambertW. k = t*sin(t)/(LambertW(-t/(exp(cos(t)*t/sin(t))*sin(t)))*sin(t)+cos(t)*t) --- G A Edgar
Maple 12 has the option: Default magnification 125% --- G A Edgar
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