
2022 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 152 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by eithne

Ever year about this time, somewhat geeky holiday-themed content makes the rounds on the internet.  And I realized that even though I have seen much of this content already, I still enjoy seeing it again. (Why wouldn’t I want to see a Dalek Christmas tree every year?)

So in the spirit of internet recycling, here are a couple of older-but-still-fun Maple applications with a Christmas/holiday theme for your enjoyment.

Talkin’ Turkey

The Physics of Santa Claus

Other examples (old or new) are most welcome, if anyone wants to share.


For those who have the Clickable Calculus Study Guide for Maple 18, please note that we have released an update to this ebook, which provides corrections and improvements to the text and examples. 

This update is available through the automatic updates system (Tools>Check for Updates) and from the download section of our website.


A new release of the Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite  is now available.

The latest release takes advantage of the streamlined interface, accessibility from tablets, and other new features of Maple T.A. 10. It also includes new testing content to determine if your students understand the concepts needed for success in their algebra and precalculus courses; new parallel versions of the calculus concepts readiness test; and improved searching and browsing of testing content.

To learn more, visit What’s New in Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite 10.



We received an interesting and timely submission to the Maple Application Center this morning that I think people might be interested in.  It's called:

The Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Rosetta & Philae, by Dr. Ahmed Baroudy. From the abstract:

Our plan is rather a modest one since all we want is to get , by calculations, specific data concerning the comet and its lander.
We shall take a simplified model and consider the comet as a perfect solid sphere to which we can apply Newton's laws.

We want to find:

I- the acceleration on the comet surface ,
II- its radius,
III- its density,
IV- the velocity of Philae just after the 1st bounce off the comet (it has bounced twice),
V- the time for Philae to reach altitude of 1000 m above the comet .

We shall compare our findings with the already known data to see how close our simplified mathematical model findings are to the duck-shaped comet already known results.
It turned out that our calculations for a sphere shaped comet are very close to the already known data.

Click on the link above if you want to take a look.



Updates are now available for both Maple 18 and MapleSim 6.4. 

Maple 18.02 contains improvements to many areas, including:

  • Rendering of 2-D plots
  • Help pages and examples
  • Interactive components
  • MATLAB 2014a support
  • Math engine: Laplace transforms, complex floats, simplify
  • Matrix import
  • Context menus
  • Typesetting
  • Memory management
  • OpenMaple API
  • Physics (details in comments)

To get this update, you can use Tools>Check for Updates from within Maple, or visit Maple 18.02 Downloads. (But depending on when you read this, Check for Updates may not have kicked in yet. If it doesn't find anything, wait until tomorrow morning and try again.)

For those users who haven't upgraded to MapleSim 7 yet, MapleSim 6.4.01 includes:

  • Efficiency improvements to the simulation engine, taking advantage of enhancements in Maple 18.02
  • Improvements to C code generation for model export
  • Improved handling of indexed variables when generating Modelica code

In MapleSim, use  Help>Check for Updates or visit MapleSim 6.4.02 Update. Note that MapleSim 6.4.02 is compatible with Maple 18.02.  Upgrade your Maple 18 installation to Maple 18.02 before installing this MapleSim update.


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