

76 Reputation

6 Badges

19 years, 363 days
Retired Senior Expert
Yvonand, Vaud, Switzerland

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

Now retired, since 2019, but still "consultant", my last post was "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA in Switzerland. With 30+ years of experience in mechatronics developments in the frame of complex, multidisciplinary, high tech "systems engineering" activities. Previous posts were "Senior Project Manager, Section Head, Project Manager, Quality Engineer, R&D Engineer. CSEM is a retained profit company, a "High Tech", R&D Institution, closely linked to the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), we are located in Neuchatel Switzerland. We use advanced tools such as Maple(r), MapleSim(r) and COMSOL Multiphyiscs(r) for our developments and for our Ph.D. training activities.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ivar_kjelberg

Dear all

I get a nasty message when trying to "Analys" a module representing some hardware with an analog output clipping signal (standard MapleSim block): " ...cannot create DynamicSystems with Model that consists of bolean equations ..."


Does anybody hasa suggest how to quickly get the "initial conditons" of a (control) loop in MapleSim ?

When I'm debugging loops in MaplSim I'm missing a way to get the inital conditions and then to be able to see the (first) numerical values in each probe or on the "wires/ports".

Does something like this exit, or is it to be pushed on the "suggestion" list.

This applies also to PDE resolutions, the "get Initial Condition" run is a good trick to first check your model before running it.


I want to mae a single output block custom for a signal generator , my function is a couple of pages of Maple calcuations, but easy to put inside a proc(time) ... end proc how to generate this. Your Real block does not allow me to type all y code. Making it from scratch from your embedded functions  with connections lines is possible, but a hell of a work, while its all there in Maple


thanks in advance




Is there a way to change globally all time horizontal axis limits in one go ? I have to define each time each of my 12 probe signals, parameter by parameter, axis by axis, even if I'm using the same values.

Im missing in the right "parameter plot" window a way to define globally the time interval for all plots, and not necesarily the time interval of the full simulations, in particular to leave the system stabilise and get rid of the initial peaks and oscillations.

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