
390 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 252 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jalal


I am looking for a simple code to generate random magic squares (with the sum of integers) of dimensions 4x4 or 5x5.

Thank you


I am looking for a code to randomly generate 10 equations (powers and radicals) of this type. Any ideas? Thank you.

Hi, I'm looking to create a discovery activity to introduce the cosine . Any ideas for using Maple components with a slider to vary the position of a point on a line while displaying distances and their ratios? Thank you



How can one obtain the principal measurement of an angle (which belongs to the interval ]-π;π]?

Thank you


Hi,I am looking to create an exercise involving the pairing of 'expressions-figures,' and I want to keep the names f(x), g(x), h(x), and i(x) fixed, with the expressions randomly shuffling. Thank you for your guidance


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