
185 Reputation

6 Badges

3 years, 309 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jrive

I have solution to system of equations that results (I assign it to) in:

I2sol := -I*omega0*k*L*vin*1/(L^2*k^2*omega0^2 + R^2)

I then try to solve it for k by doing

solve(I2sol = I2, k)

but that doesn't work.  What is the "right" Maple way to rearrange I2 such that the expression is the solution(s) for k?

I can't figure out what Maple is complaining about with this error.  In fact, this is an exact copy/paste from another section in my document that runs fine.  This section, however, generates the error, "Error, missing operator `;`.

I appreciate any help!


How do I solve sol1 in terms of DC and T (and tau)?

eq1 := x2 = x1+(A-x1)*(1-exp(-ton/tau))



eq2 := x1 = x2*exp(-toff/tau)


eq3 := T = ton+toff



eq4 := DC = ton/T


sol1 := simplify(`assuming`([solve({eq1, eq2}, {x1, x2})], [`and`(`and`(`and`(`and`(A > 0, tau > 0), ton > 0), toff > 0), T > 0)]))

{x1 = A*(exp(-ton/tau)-1)*exp(-toff/tau)/(exp((-toff-ton)/tau)-1), x2 = (exp(-ton/tau)-1)*A/(exp((-toff-ton)/tau)-1)}


Thank youNULL

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Say I have ,

sol1 := C*vout*vin/(Iout*L*k^2)

and I want to simplify this expression by replacing  with .

Then I need to simplify it further by noting that , and that , so that the answer is only in terms of , , and .

I tried eval(sol1, vin/Iout = omega*Lm) initially to step through the first substitution, but that just returned the same expression.

Thank you.

I can't figure how to simplify

 V:= V1*R2/(s*C*R1*R2+R1_R2)


V = V1 *R2/(R1+R2)/(C*R1*R2*s/(R1+R2)+1)

with Maple

Basically, divide numerator and denominator by the s^0 coefficient.

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