
30 Reputation

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6 years, 50 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jum

Hi, I have this values I want to plot as three dimension how can I plot it?

ApproximateSol := proc (w, t) options operator, arrow; w^2+t+rtable(1 .. 1, 1 .. 1, {(1, 1) = (.2960214364*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 1)+.1939557186*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 4*w-2)+0.2635024425e-1*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 16*w^2-16*w+3))*(0.7620592980e-10*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 1)+0.1532687805e-9*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 4*t-2)+0.8496500063e-10*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 16*t^2-16*t+3))+(-.2380729574*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 1)-0.9481780593e-1*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 4*w-2)+0.442773709e-1*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 16*w^2-16*w+3))*(-0.2362176714e-9*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 1)+0.6793447600e-10*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 4*t-2)+0.2039654777e-9*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 16*t^2-16*t+3))+(0.7931761947e-1*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 1)+0.967928372e-2*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 4*w-2)-0.2747829289e-1*piecewise(0 <= w and w < 1, 16*w^2-16*w+3))*(-0.1118492678e-9*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 1)-0.5202991920e-10*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 4*t-2)+0.1128321001e-9*piecewise(0 <= t and t < 1, 16*t^2-16*t+3))}, datatype = anything, subtype = Matrix, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order) end proc

I working on wavelets method to solve fractional partial differential equations. The problem when I solved and create a system of algebraic equation using Newton itertaion method the system not solved becuase its appear as amtrix forum when I substitute a collcetion points as follows :

for i from 1 to N do           # calculate left side of equ. at a collection points
    for j from 1 to N do
    end do:
end do:
sys := []:
                   # create the system of equations
for i from 1 to N do
    for j from 1 to N do
    l[i,j]:= eval(ual(T[i],T[j])+ ubet(T[i],T[j])+uth(T[i],T[j])+ uwt(T[i],T[j]));
    end do:
end do:

for i from 1 to N do
    for j from 1 to N do
    sys:=[op(sys),(evalf(l[i,j]-ll[i,j]=0 ))]: 
    end do:
end do:

Coefficients:= fsolve(sys);


the results appears as:

[Vector[column](1, [0.92016313e-1+.38891735*c[1, 1]-.24496159000000003*c[2, 1]-.3889173499999999*c[1, 2]+.24496159000000003*c[2, 2]]) = 0., Vector[column](1, [-.9381081886+1.24805825*c[1, 1]-.66648505*c[2, 1]-.4702235500000001*c[1, 2]+.17656187000000007*c[2, 2]]) = 0., Vector[column](1, [2.131874035+.76110696*c[1, 1]-.12722801999999994*c[2, 1]-.76110696*c[1, 2]+.12722802*c[2, 2]]) = 0., Vector[column](1, [.355172452+1.5700572*c[1, 1]+.3444861000000001*c[2, 1]-0.47843280000000044e-1*c[1, 2]-.59894214*c[2, 2]]) = 0.]


please can you help me fix this problem 

Hi , I have a system of equations and initial or boundary conditions. My.question how to solve these equations and their conditions together? And I can’t use dsolve because my result system doesn’t contain any derivative. In addition I couldn’t use fsolve because I don’t know how to collect the system and the conditions to solve together as a one system , and some examples contains equations morethan number of variables.... please can you advice me a solution 


Hi , how we can read the fractional differential equations in maple with out solving . I means just read and determine which is the order of fractional differential equations.


Hi , 

I want to ask if there is any maple code of how to construct wavelet to solve fractional differential eqautions? Or any reference may be help me 


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