
65 Reputation

3 Badges

5 years, 95 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by michele

With the latest version of Maple I get an indenting space when I click "Shift+Enter".
For example 

But I don't like it: suggestion? Thanks

Whenever I call RandomGraph(20,200), Maple crashes both on the laptop and on the PC: any suggestion?

with(GraphTheory); with(RandomGraphs)


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


G := RandomGraph(20, 200)

Download crash.mw

I notice that the command gcd(a,b), if a and b are large degree polynomials, takes too much time and often crashes Windows (not only Maple).

As the euclidean algorithm is very efficient even for large numbers,why not for polynomials?

And how could I calculate the gcd between polynomials with a large degree?

Thanks Michele

Maple (2023.1) opens regularly but I cannot use "open" or "save" or "save as" and after opening Maple I no longer can close it.

That is a big problem for me.

The issue is on my new laptop Lenovo L13 Yoga with Windows 11.

Any suggestion? Thanks

DrawGraph(G, stylesheet = [vertexpadding = 35], showlabels = false)
I get this

But if I wish emphasize the chromatic number, with
COLORS := [red, yellow, cyan, green, coral, blue, magenta, navy, orange, pink, plum, khaki, turquoise];
cn := ChromaticNumber(G, 'col');
for i to cn do
    HighlightVertex(G, col[i], COLORS[i]);
end do;
DrawGraph(G, stylesheet = [vertexpadding = 35], showlabels = false);
I get this

I want bigger vertices, any suggestions? Thanks

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