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MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by mmcdara


The present work is aimed to show how bayesian inference methods can be used to infer (= to assess) the probabilility that a person detected infected by the SARS-Cov2  has to die (remark I did not write "has to die if it" because one never be sure of the reason of the death).
A lot of details are avaliable in the attached pdf file (I tried to be pedagogic enough so that the people not familiar with bayesian inference can get a global understanding of the subject, many links are provided for quick access to the different notions).

In particular, I explain why simple mathematics cannot provide a reliable estimate of this probability of death (sometimes referred to as the "death rate") as long as the epidemic continues to spread.

Even if the approach presented here is rather original, this is not the purpose of this post. 
Since a long time I had in mind to post here an application concerning bayesian methods. The CoVid19 outbreak has only provided me with the most high-profile topic to do so.
I will say no more about the inference procedure itself (all the material is given in the attached pdf file) and I will only concentrate on the MAPLE implementation of the solution algorithm.

Bayesian Inference uses generally simple algorithms such as MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) or ABC (Approximate Bayesian Computation) to mention a few, and their corresponding pseudo code writes generally upon a few tens of lines.
This is something I already done with other languages but I found the task comparatively more difficult with Maple. Probably I was to obsess not to code in Maple as you code in Matlab or R for instance.
At the very end the code I wrote is rather slow, this because of the allocated memory size it uses.
In a question I posed weeks ago (How can I prevent the creation of random variables...) Preben gave a solution to limit the burst of the memory: the trick works well but I'm still stuked with memory size problems (Acer also poposed a solution but I wasn't capable to make it works... maybe I was too lazzy to modify deeply my code).

Anyway, the code is there, in case anyone would like to take up the challenge to make it more efficient (in which case I'll take it).

Note 1: this code contains a small "Maplet" to help you choose any country in the data file on which you would like to run the inference.
Note 2: Be careful: doing statistics, even bayesian statistics, needs enough data: some countries have history records ranging over a few days , or no recorded death at all; infering something from so loos date will probably be disappointing

The attached files:

  • The pdf file is the "companion document" where all or most of it is explained.It has been written a few days ago for another purpose and the results it presents were not ontained from the lattest data (march 21, 2020 coronavirus)
  • xls files are data files, they were loaded yesterday (march 28, 2020) from here coronavirus
  • the mw file... well, I guess you know what it is.






Two weeks ago, I started loading data on the CoVid19 outbreak in order to understand, out of any official communication from any country, what is really going on.

From february 29 to march 9 these data come from and from 10 march until now from all cases the loading is done manually (copy-paste onto a LibreOffice spreadsheet plus correction and save into a xls file) for I wasn't capable to find csv data (csv data do exist here, by they end febreuary 15th).
So I copied-pasted the results from the two sources above into a LibreOffice spreadsheet, adjusted the names of some countries for they appeared differently (for instance "United States" instead of "USA"), removed the unnessary commas and saved the result in a xls file.

I also used data from to get the populations of more than 260 countries around the world and, finally, csv data from to get synthetic histories of confirmed and death cases (I have discovered this site only yesterday evening and I think it could replace all the data I initially loaded).

The two worksheet here are aimed to exploratory and visualization only.
An other one is in progress whose goal is to infer the true death rate (also known as CFR, Case Fatality Rate).

No analysis is presented, if for no other reason than that the available data (except the numbers of deaths) are extremely dependent on the testing policies in place. But some features can be drawn from the data used here.
For instance, if you select country = "China" in file, you will observe very well known behaviour which is that the "Apparent Death Rate", I defined as the ratio of the cumulated number of death at time t by the cumulatibe number of confirmed cases at the same time, is always an underestimation of the death rate one can only known once the outbreak has ended. With this in mind, changing the country in this worksheet from China to Italy seems to lead to frightening  scary interpolations... But here again, without knowing the test policy no solid conclusion can be drawn: maybe Italy tests mainly elder people with accute symptoms, thus the huge "Apparent Death Rate" Italy seems to have?

The work has been done with Maple 2015 and some graphics can be improved if a newer version is used (for instance, as Maple 2015 doesn't allow to change the direction of tickmarks, I overcome this limitation by assigning the date to the vertical axis on some plots).
The second Explore plot could probably be improved by using newer versions or Maplets or Embeded components.

Explore data from and
Files to use

Explore data from
Files to use

I would be interested by any open collaboration with people interested by this post (it's not in my intention to write papers on the subject, my only motivation is scientific curiosity).


Here is a little animation to wish all of you a Merry Christmas


This is more of an open discussion than a real question. Maybe it would gain to be displaced in the post section?

Working with discrete random variables I found several inconsistencies or errors.
In no particular order: 

  • The support of a discrete RV is not defined correctly (a real range instead of a countable set)
  • The plot of the probability function (which, in my opinion, would gain to be renamed "Probability Mass Function, see is not correct.
  • The  ProbabiliytFunction of a discrte rv of EmpiricalDistribution can be computed at any point, but its formal expression doesn't exist (or at least is not accessible).
  • Defining the discrete rv "toss of a fair dice"  with EmpiricalDistribution and DiscreteUniform gives different results.

The details are given in the attached file and I do hope that the companion text is clear enough to point the issues.
I believe there is no major issues here, but that Maple suffers of some lack of consistencies in the treatment of discrete (at least some) rvs. Nothing that could easily be fixed.

As I said above, if some think this question has no place here and ought to me moved to the post section, please feel free to do it.

Thanks for your attention.




Two alternate ways to define a discrete random variable on a finite set
of equally likely outcomes.

Universe    := [$1..6]:
toss_1_dice := RandomVariable(EmpiricalDistribution(Universe));
TOSS_1_DICE := RandomVariable(DiscreteUniform(1, 6));





Let's look to the ProbabilityFunction of each RV

ProbabilityFunction(toss_1_dice, x);
ProbabilityFunction(TOSS_1_DICE, x);

"_ProbabilityFunction[Typesetting:-mi("x",italic = "true",mathvariant = "italic")]"


piecewise(x < 1, 0, x <= 6, 1/6, 6 < x, 0)


It looks like the procedure ProbabilityFunction is not an attribute of RV with EmpiticalDistribution.
Let's verify

law := [attributes(toss_1_dice)][3]:

Conditions, ParentName, Parameters, CDF, DiscreteValueMap, Mean, Median, Mode, ProbabilityFunction, Quantile, Specialize, Support, RandomSample, RandomVariate


Clearly ProbabilityFunction is an attribute of toss_1_dice.

In fact it appears the explanation of the difference of behaviours relies upon different definitions
of the set of outcomes of toss_1_dice and TOSS_1_DICE

LAW := [attributes(TOSS_1_DICE)][3]:


[(Vector(6, {(1) = 1, (2) = 2, (3) = 3, (4) = 4, (5) = 5, (6) = 6}))::rtable]


[1 < 6]


From :-Conditions one can see that toss_1_dice is realy a discrete RV defined on a countable set of outcomes,
but that nothing is said about the set over which TOSS_1_DICE is defined.

The truly discrete definition of toss_1_dice is confirmed here :
(the second result is correct

ProbabilityFinction(toss_1_dice, x) = {0 if x < 1, 0 if x > 6, 1/6 if x::integer, 0 otherwise

ProbabilityFunction~(toss_1_dice, Universe);
ProbabilityFunction~(toss_1_dice, [seq(0..7, 1/2)]);

[1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6]


[0, 0, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 0, 1/6, 0, 0]


One can also see that the Support of both of these RVs are wrong

(see for instance

There should be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, not a RealRange.


RealRange(1, 6)


RealRange(1, 6)





{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}



Now this is the surprising ProbabilityFunction of TOSS_1_DICE.
This obviously wrong result probably linked to the weak definition of the conditions for this RB.

# plot(ProbabilityFunction(TOSS_1_DICE, x), x=0..7);
plot(ProbabilityFunction(TOSS_1_DICE, x), x=0..7, discont=true)


These differences of treatments raise a lot of questions :
    -  Why is a DiscreteUniform RV not defined on a countable set?
    -  Why does the ProbabilityFunction of an EmpiricalDistribution return no result
        if its second parameter is not set to one  its outcomes.

 All this without even mentioning the wrong plot shown above.

I believe something which would work like the module below would be much better than what is done

right now


EmpiricalRV := module()
export MassDensityFunction, PlotMassDensityFunction, Support:

MassDensityFunction := proc(rv, x)
  local u, v, N:
  u := [attributes(rv)][3]:
  if u:-ParentName = EmpiricalDistribution then
    v := op([1, 1], u:-Conditions);
    N := numelems(v):
    return piecewise(op(op~([seq([x=v[n], 1/N], n=1..N)])), 0)
    error "The random variable does not have an EmpiricalDistribution"
  end if
end proc:

PlotMassDensityFunction := proc(rv, x1, x2)
  local u, v, a, b:
  u := [attributes(rv)][3]:
  if u:-ParentName = EmpiricalDistribution then
    v := op([1, 1], u:-Conditions);
    a := select[flatten](`>=`, v, x1);
    b := select[flatten](`<=`, a, x2);
    PLOT(seq(CURVES([[n, 0], [n, 1/numelems(v)]], COLOR(RGB, 0, 0, 1), THICKNESS(3)), n in b), VIEW(x1..x2, default))
    error "The random variable does not have an EmpiricalDistribution"
  end if
end proc:

Support := proc(rv, x1, x2)
  local u, v, a, b:
  u := [attributes(rv)][3]:
  if u:-ParentName = EmpiricalDistribution then
    v := op([1, 1], u:-Conditions);
    return {entries(v, nolist)}
    error "The random variable does not have an EmpiricalDistribution"
  end if
end proc:

end module:

EmpiricalRV:-MassDensityFunction(toss_1_dice, x);

piecewise(x = 1, 1/6, x = 2, 1/6, x = 3, 1/6, x = 4, 1/6, x = 5, 1/6, x = 6, 1/6, 0)


f := unapply(EmpiricalRV:-MassDensityFunction(toss_1_dice, x), x):





EmpiricalRV:-PlotMassDensityFunction(toss_1_dice, 0, 7);








As an amusement,  I decided several months ago to develop some procedures to fill a simple polygon* by hatches or simple textures.

* A simple polygon is a polygon  whose sides either do not intersect or either have a common vertex.

This work started with the very simple observation that if I was capable to hatch or texture a triangle, I will be too to hatch or texture any simple polygon once triangulated.
I also did some work to extend this work to non-simple polygons but there remains some issues to fix (which explains while it is not deliverd here).

The main ideat I used for hatching and texturing is based upon the description of each triangles by a set of 3 inequalities that any interior point must verify.
A hatch of this triangle is thius a segment whose each point is interior.
The closely related idea is used for texturing. Given a simple polygon, periodically replicated to form the texture, the set of points of each replicate that are interior to a given triangle must verify a set of inequalities (the 3 that describe the triangle, plus N if the pattern of the texture is a simple polygon with N sides).

Unfortunately I never finalise this work.
Recently @Christian Wolinski asked a question about texturing that reminded me this "ancient" work of mine.
So I decided to post it as it is, programatically imperfect, lengthy to run, and most of all french-written for a large part.
I guess it is a quite unorthodox way to proceed but some here could be interested by this work to take it back and improve it.

The module named "trianguler" (= triangulate) is a translation into Maple of Frederic Legrand's Python code (full reference given in the worksheet).
I added my own procedure "hachurer" (= hatching) to this module.
The texturing part is not included in this module for it was still in development.

A lot of improvements can be done that I could list, but I prefer not to be too intrusive in your evaluation of this work. So make your own idea about it and do not hesitate to ask me any informations you might need (in particular translation questions).

PS: this work has been done with Maple 2015.2


                    (in french)
                    reference herein : M. de Berg, O. Cheong, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars,  
                                                 Computational geometry,  (Springer, 2010)

Direct translation of the Frederic Legrand's Python code

Meaning of the different french terms

voisin_sommet  (n, i, di)
        let L the list [1, ..., n] where n is the number of vertices
        This procedure returns the index of the neighbour (voisin) of the vertex (sommet) i when L is rotated by di

equation_droite  (P0, P1, M)
        Let P0 and P1 two vertices and M an arbitrary point.
        Let (P0, P1) the vector originated at P0 and ending at P1 (idem for (P0, M)) and u__Z the unitary vector in the Z direction.
        This procedure returns (P0, P1) o (P0, M) . u__Z

point_dans_triangle  (triangle, M) P1, P2]
        This procedure returns "true" if point M is within (strictly) the  triangle "triangle" and "false" if not.

sommet_distance_maximale  (polygone, P0, P1, P2, indices)    
        Given a polygon (polygone) threes vertices P0, P1 and P2 and a list of indices , this procedure returns
        the vertex of the polygon "polygone" which verifies: 1/ this vertex is strictly within
        the triangle [P0, P1, P2] and 2/ it is the farthest from side [P1, P2] amid all the vertices that verifies point 1/.
        If there is no such vertex the procedure returns NULL.

sommet_gauche (polygone)
        This procedure returns the index of the leftmost ("gauche" means "left") vertex in polygon "polygone".
        If more than one vertices have the same minimum abscissa value then only the first one is returned.

        This procedure creates a new polygon from index i_debut (could be translated by i_first) to i_end (i_last)

        This procedure recursively divides a polygon in two parts A and B from its leftmost vertex.
         If A (B) is a triangle the list "liste_triangles" (mening "list of triangles") is augmented by A (B);
         if not the procedure executes recursively on A and B.

         This procedure triangulates the polygon "polygon"

hachurer(shapes, hatch_angle, hatch_number, hatch_color)
         This procedure generates stes of hatches of different angles, colors and numbers

   1/ "polygone" is a simply connected polygon
   2/  two different sides S and S', either do not intersect or either have a common vertex

trianguler := module()
export voisin_sommet, equation_droite, interieur_forme, point_dans_triangle, sommet_distance_maximale,
       sommet_gauche, nouveau_polygone, trianguler_polygone_recursif, trianguler_polygone, hachurer:

voisin_sommet := (n, i, di) -> ListTools:-Rotate([$1..n], di)[i]:

equation_droite := proc(P0, P1, M) (P1[1]-P0[1])*(M[2]-P0[2]) - (P1[2]-P0[2])*(M[1]-P0[1]) end proc:

interieur_forme := proc(forme, M)
  local N:
  N := numelems(forme);
  { seq( equation_droite(forme[n], forme[piecewise(n=N, 1, n+1)], M) >= 0, n=1..N) }
end proc:

point_dans_triangle := proc(triangle, M)
          is( equation_droite(triangle[1], triangle[2], M) > 0 ),
          is( equation_droite(triangle[2], triangle[3], M) > 0 ),
          is( equation_droite(triangle[3], triangle[1], M) > 0 )
end proc:

sommet_distance_maximale := proc(polygone, P0, P1, P2, indices)
  local n, distance, j, i, M, d;

  n        := numelems(polygone):
  distance := 0:
  j        := NULL:

  for i from 1 to n do
    if `not`(member(i, indices)) then
      M := polygone[i];
      if point_dans_triangle([P0, P1, P2], M) then
        d := abs(equation_droite(P1, P2, M)):
        if d > distance then
          distance := d:
          j := i
        end if:
      end if:
    end if:
  end do:
  return j:
end proc:

sommet_gauche := polygone -> sort(polygone, key=(x->x[1]), output=permutation)[1]:

nouveau_polygone := proc(polygone, i_debut, i_fin)
  local n, p, i:

  n := numelems(polygone):
  p := NULL:
  i := i_debut:

  while i <> i_fin do
    p := p, polygone[i]:
    i := voisin_sommet(n, i, 1)
  end do:
  p := [p, polygone[i_fin]]
end proc:

trianguler_polygone_recursif := proc(polygone)
  local n, j0, j1, j2, P0, P1, P2, j, polygone_1, polygone_2:
  global liste_triangles:
  n  := numelems(polygone):
  j0 := sommet_gauche(polygone):
  j1 := voisin_sommet(n, j0, +1):
  j2 := voisin_sommet(n, j0, -1):
  P0 := polygone[j0]:
  P1 := polygone[j1]:
  P2 := polygone[j2]:
  j  := sommet_distance_maximale(polygone, P0, P1, P2, [j0, j1, j2]):

  if `not`(j::posint) then
    liste_triangles := liste_triangles, [P0, P1, P2]:
    polygone_1      := nouveau_polygone(polygone,j1,j2):
    if numelems(polygone_1) = 3 then
      liste_triangles := liste_triangles, polygone_1:
    end if:

    polygone_1 := nouveau_polygone(polygone, j0, j ):
    polygone_2 := nouveau_polygone(polygone, j , j0):
    if numelems(polygone_1) = 3 then
      liste_triangles := liste_triangles, polygone_1:
    end if:
    if numelems(polygone_2) = 3 then
      liste_triangles := liste_triangles, polygone_2:
    end if:
  end if:

  return [liste_triangles]:
end proc:

trianguler_polygone := proc(polygone)
  return liste_triangles:
end proc:

hachurer := proc(shapes, hatch_angle::list, hatch_number::list, hatch_color::list)

local A, La, Lp;
local N, P, _sides, L_sides, Xshape, ch, rel, p_rel, n, sol, p_range:
local AllHatches, window, p, _segment:
local NT, ka, N_Hatches, p_range_t, nt, shape, p_hatches, WhatHatches:

# internal functions:
# La(x, y, alpha, p) is the implicit equation of a straight line of angle alpha relatively
#                    to the horizontal axis and intercept p
# Lp(x, y, P) is the implicit equation of a straight line passing through points P[1] and P[2]
# interieur_triangle(triangle, M)

La := (x, y, alpha, p) -> cos(alpha)*x - sin(alpha)*y + p;
Lp := proc(x, y, P::list) (x-P[1][1])*(P[2][2]-P[1][2]) - (y-P[1][2])*(P[2][1]-P[1][1] = 0) end proc;

p_range    := [+infinity, -infinity]:
NT         := numelems(shapes):

AllHatches := NULL:

for ka from 1 to numelems(hatch_angle) do
  A         := hatch_angle[ka]:
  N_Hatches := hatch_number[ka]:
  p_range_t := NULL:
  _sides    := []:
  L_sides   := []:
  rel       := []:
  for nt from 1 to NT do

    shape := shapes[nt]:
    # _sides  : two points description of the sides of the shape
    # L_sides : implicit equations of the straight lines that support the sides

    N        := [1, 2, 3];
    P        := [2, 3, 1];
    _sides   := [ _sides[] , [ seq([shape[n], shape[P[n]]], n in N) ] ];
    L_sides  := [ L_sides[], Lp~(x, y, _sides[-1]) ];

    # Inequalities that define the interior of the shape

    rel := [ rel[], trianguler:-interieur_forme(shape, [x, y]) ];
    # Given the orientation of the hatches we search here the extreme values of
    # the intercept p for wich a straight line of equation La(x, y, alpha, p)
    # cuts the shape.
    p_rel := NULL:
    for n from 1 to numelems(L_sides[-1]) do
      sol   := solve({La(x, y, A, q), lhs(L_sides[-1][n])} union rel[-1], [x, y]);
      p_rel := p_rel, `if`(sol <> [], [rhs(op(1, %)), rhs(op(3, %))], [+infinity, -infinity]);
    end do:
    p_range_t := p_range_t, evalf(min(op~(1, [p_rel]))..max(op~(2, [p_rel])));
    p_range   := evalf(min(op~(1, [p_rel]), op(1, p_range))..max(op~(2, [p_rel]), op(2, p_range)));

  end do: # end of the loop over triangles

  p_range_t := [p_range_t]:
  p_hatches := [seq(p_range, (op(2, p_range)-op(1, p_range))/N_Hatches)]:
  # Building of the hatches
  # This construction is far from being optimal.
  # Here again the main goal was to obtain the hatches with a minimum effort
  # if algorithmic development.

  window      := min(op~(1..shape))..max(op~(1..shape)):
  WhatHatches := map(v -> map(u -> if verify(u, v, 'interval'('closed') ) then u end if, p_hatches), p_range_t):

  for nt from 1 to NT do
    for p in WhatHatches[nt] do
      _segment := []:
      for n from 1 to numelems(L_sides[nt]) do
         _segment := _segment, evalf( solve({La(x, y, A, p), lhs(L_sides[nt][n])} union rel[nt], [x, y]) );
      end do;
      map(u -> u[], [_segment]);
      AllHatches := AllHatches, plot(map(u -> rhs~(u), %), color=hatch_color[ka]):
    end do:
  end do;

end do: # end of loop over hatch angles

  PLOT(POLYGONS(polygone, COLOR(RGB, 1$3))),

end proc:

end module:


Legrand's example (see reference above)



global liste_triangles:
liste_triangles := NULL:

polygone := [[0,0],[0.5,-1],[1.5,-0.2],[2,-0.5],[2,0],[1.5,1],[0.3,0],[0.5,1]]:


PLOT(seq(POLYGONS(u, COLOR(RGB, rand()/10^12, rand()/10^12, rand()/10^12)), u in liste_triangles), VIEW(0..2, -2..2))


trianguler:-hachurer([liste_triangles], [-Pi/4, Pi/4], [40, 40], [red, blue])


F := (P, a, b) -> map(p -> [p[1]+a, p[2]+b], P):

MOTIF  := [[0, 0], [0.05, 0], [0.05, 0.05], [0, 0.05]];
motifs := [ seq(seq(F(MOTIF, 0+i*0.075, 0+j*0.075), i=0..26), j=-14..13) ]:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, filled),
  map(u -> plot([u[], u[1]], color=blue, filled, scaling=constrained), motifs)

texture    := NULL:
rel_motifs := map(u -> trianguler:-interieur_forme(u, [x, y]), motifs):
for ref in liste_triangles do
  # the three lines below are used to define REF counter clockwise
  g           := trianguler:-sommet_gauche(ref):
  bas         := sort(op~(2, ref), output=permutation);
  REF         := ref[[g, op(map(u -> if u<>g then u end if, bas))]];
  rel_ref     := trianguler:-interieur_forme(REF, [x, y]): #print(ref, REF, rel_ref);
  texture_ref := map(u -> plots:-inequal(rel_ref union u, x=0..2, y=-1..1, color=blue, 'nolines'), rel_motifs):
  texture     := texture, texture_ref:
end do:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, scaling=constrained),

[[0, 0], [0.5e-1, 0], [0.5e-1, 0.5e-1], [0, 0.5e-1]]



MOTIF  := [[0, 0], [0.05, 0], [0.05, 0.05], [0, 0.05]];
motifs := [ seq(seq(F(MOTIF, piecewise(j::odd, 0.05, 0.1)+i*0.1, 0+j*0.05), i=-0.2..20), j=-20..20) ]:
  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, filled),
  map(u -> plot([u[], u[1]], color=blue, filled, scaling=constrained), motifs)

texture    := NULL:
rel_motifs := map(u -> trianguler:-interieur_forme(u, [x, y]), motifs):
for ref in liste_triangles do
  g := trianguler:-sommet_gauche(ref):
  bas := sort(op~(2, ref), output=permutation);
  REF := ref[[g, op(map(u -> if u<>g then u end if, bas))]];
  rel_ref     := trianguler:-interieur_forme(REF, [x, y]): #print(ref, REF, rel_ref);
  texture_ref := map(u -> plots:-inequal(rel_ref union u, x=0..2, y=-1..1, color=blue, 'nolines'), rel_motifs):
  texture     := texture, texture_ref:
end do:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, scaling=constrained),

[[0, 0], [0.5e-1, 0], [0.5e-1, 0.5e-1], [0, 0.5e-1]]



MOTIF  := [[0, 0], [0.4, 0], [0.4, 0.14], [0, 0.14]]:
motifs := [ seq(seq(F(MOTIF, piecewise(j::odd, 0.4, 0.2)+i*0.4, 0+j*0.14), i=-1..4), j=-8..7) ]:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, filled),
  map(u -> plot([u[], u[1]], color=blue, filled, scaling=constrained), motifs)

palettes := ColorTools:-PaletteNames():

couleurs := [SandyBrown, PeachPuff, Peru, Linen, Bisque, Burlywood, Tan, AntiqueWhite,      NavajoWhite, BlanchedAlmond, PapayaWhip, Moccasin, Wheat]:

nc   := numelems(couleurs):
roll := rand(

motifs_nb      := numelems(motifs):
motifs_couleur := [ seq(cat("HTML ", couleurs[roll()]), n=1..motifs_nb) ]:

texture    := NULL:
rel_motifs := map(u -> trianguler:-interieur_forme(u, [x, y]), motifs):
for ref in liste_triangles do
  g := trianguler:-sommet_gauche(ref):
  bas := sort(op~(2, ref), output=permutation);
  REF := ref[[g, op(map(u -> if u<>g then u end if, bas))]];
  rel_ref     := trianguler:-interieur_forme(REF, [x, y]): #print(ref, REF, rel_ref);
  texture_ref := map(n -> plots:-inequal(rel_ref union rel_motifs[n], x=0..2, y=-1..1, color=motifs_couleur[n], 'nolines'), [$1..motifs_nb]):
  texture     := texture, texture_ref:
end do:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, scaling=constrained),


MOTIF  := [ seq(0.1*~[cos(Pi/6+Pi/3*i), sin(Pi/6+Pi/3*i)], i=0..5) ]:
motifs := [ seq(seq(F(MOTIF, i*0.2*cos(Pi/6)+piecewise(j::odd, 0, 0.08), j*0.3*sin(Pi/6)), i=0..12), j=-6..6) ]:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, filled),
  map(u -> plot([u[], u[1]], color=blue, filled, scaling=constrained), motifs)

motifs_nb      := numelems(motifs):
motifs_couleur := [ seq(`if`(n::even, yellow, brown) , n=1..motifs_nb) ]:

texture    := NULL:
rel_motifs := map(u -> trianguler:-interieur_forme(u, [x, y]), motifs):
for ref in liste_triangles do
  g := trianguler:-sommet_gauche(ref):
  bas := sort(op~(2, ref), output=permutation);
  REF := ref[[g, op(map(u -> if u<>g then u end if, bas))]];
  rel_ref     := trianguler:-interieur_forme(REF, [x, y]): #print(ref, REF, rel_ref);
  texture_ref := map(n -> plots:-inequal(rel_ref union rel_motifs[n], x=0..2, y=-1..1, color=motifs_couleur[n], 'nolines'), [$1..motifs_nb]):
  texture     := texture, texture_ref:
end do:

  plot([polygone[], polygone[1]], color=red, scaling=constrained),





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