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6 years, 87 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by svenonderbeke

Hi everyone, I'm doing a thesis about a solar panel and to extract some parameters from measured data I woudl have to solve 

a set of 3 non-lineair equations. This is de code that I use to (try to) solve the equations.


q := 0.16021e-18;
k := 0.13865e-22;

Ns := 28;
T := 273+27.82;
Isc := 2.07;
Voc := 19.45;
Impp := 1.88;
Vmpp := 15.32;
                           Rsh := 326
dvdi := -1.52;

Vt := n*k*T*Ns/q;

f1 := Rs = -dvdi-Vt/(Io*exp(Voc/Vt));
f2 := Io = (Isc-Voc/Rsh)/(exp(Voc/Vt)-1);
                            /Impp Rs + Vmpp\   Impp Rs + Vmpp
   f3 := Impp = Isc - Io exp|--------------| - --------------
                            \      Vt      /        Rsh      

fsolve({f1, f2, f3}, {Io, Rs, n});

Though running this doesn't give me a solution. 

I do have a working extraction though which is the same equations but with other variables: 


q := 0.16021e-18;
k := 0.13865e-22;

Ns := 72;
T := 298;
Isc := 8.53;
Voc := 44.9;
Impp := 8.04;
Vmpp := 36.1;
Rsh := 401.934;
dvdi := -.48766;

Vt := n*k*T*Ns/q;

f1 := Rs = -dvdi-Vt/(Io*exp(Voc/Vt));
f2 := Io = (Isc-Voc/Rsh)/(exp(Voc/Vt)-1);
f3 := Impp = Isc-Io*(exp((Impp*Rs+Vmpp)/Vt)-1)-(Impp*Rs+Vmpp)/Rsh;

fsolve({f1, f2, f3}, {Io, Rs, n});

I'm am wondering why the first code doesn't give me a solution? I would guess that there is certainly a solution. Also when I slightly increase /  decrease a certain variable it can suddenly give/find a solution.

Could someone clear this out ?


Kind regards, Sven!

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