
495 Reputation

12 Badges

10 years, 319 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by taro

Hello People in Mapleprimes,


I have a question about the codes in the help page of assign.

Please tell me about this.

The folliowing codes were written there:

code (A)





The output of these was 



I think that assign(a,c) means assign(a=c) or a:=c, not c:=a.

If what I wrote was true, the output of the above code should be


And, if I changed assign(a,c) to assign(c,a), the output was d,2,d, which is the output written on the helppage 

of the assign. On the other hand, the output of code A was surely d,2,d.

Why does assign(a,c) have the same meaning as assign(c,a)?


Best wishes



Hello people in Mapleprimes,


I want to do calculations about an expected value.

For example,


that is, \int_a^b c d \Omega


where, \Omega is a distribution function of c. 


But, I don't know whether this equation can be put into worksheet.

Is there no way other than writing this as 

\int_a^b c g(c) dc, 

where g shows a probability density function.


Can I use Statistics[ExpectedValue] to calculate expected value with a general distribution function, not specified 

to normal distribution?


I hope you will give me some hints.


Best wishes.




Dear people in Mapleprimes,


I have a question about the ordering of monomials in a polynomial.

I hope you will help me understand how Maple works about it.

I inputed the polynomial as is written in black below.

Then, the outcome was blue, which ordering I could understand well: total degree ordering where at first 

those who have the order of 6 are collected which are 14 x^3*y^3, 6x*y^5, and then the following was those which 

have the order of 5: 21*x^5, -35 x^4*y, 9*x^3*y^2,-15*x^2*y^3, ... and so on.

And, among those who have the same order, lexical ordering was done, that is among 14 x^3*y^3, 6x*y^5, one which 

came first was the one with the larger degree about x, and among 21*x^5, -35 x^4*y, 9*x^3*y^2,-15*x^2*y^3, 

the first was 21*x^5, the second was -35*x^4*y, and so one, which was the ordering following the exponent about x.


And, then, I calculated Factor(polynomial) mod 7, which meaning I know.

Then, the result was 2*(x*y+2)*(3*y^3+x^2+3x*y)y.

I can understand the ordering among x*y and 2 in x*y+2, and that among 3y^3, x^2 and 3x*y in 3y^3+x^2*3x*y.

But, I can't understand why (x*y+2) comes at the first term, with 3 y^3+x^2+3x*y following it, and with y coming last.


This might be a trivial question. But, I hope you will teach me about this.


Best wishes.




polynomial := 14*x^3*y^3+6*x*y^5+21*x^5-35*x^4*y+9*x^3*y^2-15*x^2*y^3+12*y^4+18*x^2*y-30*x*y^2



`mod`(Factor(polynomial), 7)





Download heck_mod.mw

Hello people in mapleprimes,


I have a question of labels of equations.

For example, suppose that there is a following description in a worksheet.


  2*x+y=5   (1)


  3*x+y=6   (2)


 {x=1,y=3}          (3)




And, when I moved (2) to the next to (1) with dragging, and then, clicked !!! to execute it, then the worksheet 

changes as follows, which is wrong as accompanying ??



 3*x+y=6   (1)


{x = x, y = -3*x+6}          (2)




Do you know some good way for ?? not to appear in the above sitiation.

I will appreciate when you tell me some measures about this.


Best wishes.









Hello people in mapleprimes,

I hope you will give an answer to my following question.

This is a question of nonunit(algebraic) in patmatch.

In help page of maple this examples are on.


Case i)

>patmatch(a, A::(nonunit(algebraic))+B::(nonunit(algebraic)), 'la');



Case ii)

>patmatch(a,A::(nonunit(algebraic))+B::algebraic,'la'); la



Is unit in the case of sum zero, so that in Case i) false is shown, though in Case ii) B=0 is returned?


Best wishes.






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