
495 Reputation

12 Badges

10 years, 304 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by taro

Hello those in mapleprimes,


I have a question.

I opened Help and entered diff, for example, to have the explanation of how to use diff.

Whether it is diff or not, is not the problem I want to ask about now. But, what I want to ask is the following.

I cklicked the WS botton at the tool bar of the Help, so that I created the worksheet of the same contents of the help of the diff.

Then, I chose an expression in Calling Sequence. That is,

the first line shows

diff(f,x1, ..., xj)     on the left, and on the right \frac{d^j}{dx_j \cdots dx_I} f (I wrote this in the TeX ways, though

it is written in 2-D math input, actually)


I chose an expression on the right side, and from context menu, which appeared though right clicking of my mouse,

I selected convert to and 1-D math input, through which I changed 2-D math of the worksheet of the help file to 1-D math input.

Then, the expression shown is a strange one:

((ⅆ)^j)/(ⅆx[j] `...` ⅆx[`1`]) f;


This is still easier one. As for the third line in the Help, it has a more complicated form as

((ⅆ)^r)/(ⅆx[k]^m ⅆx[j] `...` ⅆx[3] ⅆx[2]^n ⅆx[1]^n) f;


Do you know how this way to notate is applied in maple worksheet?

Why does maplesoft use this way to notate expressions limited to the Help pages, if it is limited to the help pages.


Thanks in advance.



Hello people in mapleprimes,

I have a question about why what is shown by maple by simplify(-8)^(1/3) is 1+ Complex(1)* (3)^(1/2)?

Solutions of x^3=-8 are -2, 1+Complex(1)*(3)^(1/2) and 1- Complex(1)*(3)^(1/2). And, as for the last one, 1- Complex(1)*(3)^(1/2), it is 

the conjugate of the second, so it might not need to be written, because of it being easily seen so.

Is it the same reason why just -2 is not shown as the result of simplify((-8)^(1/3))?

PS. I know the instruction to use surd in such a case.

the reason I asked this question is this:

I am reading Essential Maple, where

ln(z) = ln(rho*exp(Complex(1)*theta));






"Because of

exp(w*Pi*Complex(1)*k)=cos(2*Pi*k) + Complex(1)*sin(2*Pi*k);


cos(2*Pi*k) + Complex(1)*sin(2*Pi*k)=1;

we could equally well have chosen

ln_k z = ln(z) + 2*Pi*Complex(1)*k"

are written.

 Supposing these, there is a sentence that

"we choose k=0, and thus -Pi<=theta<=Pi to be the one (that for our canonical logarithm).

Every computer algebra language and numerical language follows this standard and takes the

complex logarithm to have its imaginary part in this range.

With this definition, (-8)^(1/3)=1 + Complex(1)*sqrt(3), and not -2. (the end of quotation)"


And, I can't understand the last sentence"With this definition", so I asked the above question.


I hope someone give an answer to the above question.


Thanks in advance.



Hello people in mapleprimes,

I have a question.



returns x->1+x , with maple realizing 1+x is assigned to f1.

But, its short form

x-> f1;



Why does this occur, and how can I have maple return the former result with x->f1 being input?

Thank you in advance for your help.



Hello those who are in this maple primes.

I downloaded maple2015 for Mac, the newest version of the software, and tried to use it to draw a simple figure with plot3d.

But, in the end, I used gnuplot which I had happened to install though it was my first time of using it.

The problem of using my Maple was that it was too heavy and with my macbook, I found it impossible

to have it work properly. So, I am writing my question now.


I used terminal, but as I think it  might be easy to deal with to use editor not terminal itself

though I use the editor from the terminal, I want to know how I can use maple from the editor and what things I 

can do when I do so. In my image, I want to use it like using TeX from the editor.

As for coloring the code, is the best tool one for Maple V yet? And, how can I do after I wrote the code of Maple?

What can I do with emacs and Maple? Can I use emacs like IDE of TeXshop or TeXworks in LateX?


I am glad to hear from you the general concept or procedures of using it if I use emacs and Maple.


Thanks in advance.

Hello people in Mapleprimes,


I wish you to teach me about this.

From a matrix, I want to make a string.


pt3 := Matrix(4, 2, [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 5, 10]);


string1 := cat(

  "(", convert(pt3[1, 1], string), ",", convert(pt3[1, 2], string), ",", ")",


  "(", convert(pt3[2, 1], string), ",", convert(pt3[2, 2], string), ",", ")",


  "(", convert(pt3[3, 1], string), ",", convert(pt3[3, 2], string), ",", ")",


  "(", convert(pt3[4, 1], string), ",", convert(pt3[4, 2], string), ")"



The above code makes 

string1 := "(1,3,)==(4,5,)==(6,8,)==(5,10)"


What I want to know is how to write a code of programming without writing each row of the above code.

Actually, though I wrote 4 row matrix above, the number of rows of matrix I want to deal with might be more than 100.


Best wishes.




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