
495 Reputation

12 Badges

10 years, 329 days
Maple is to me difficult. The first version I bought was Maple9, and it was more than 15 years ago. But, I couldn't use it, feeling it too difficult. But, three years ago, I thought Maple might be helpful to my study, and since then, I have continued to learn Maple. As I got able to read the Maple help, I think that I could get to use maple better now than before. But, I feel that I am a beginner yet.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by taro

Hello people in mapleprimes,


I want to draw a graph of a procedure.


filter:=x->if x<10 then 1-x/10 else 0 fi;



works well. But, I don't know why it is needed for filter(x) is wrapped with foward quotte ' .

I changed that quote to back quote ` but, in this case the result hadn't appeared.

And, without the foward quote ', error appears.

And, even if I wrapped x with ' as in plot('filter(x)','x' =0..20),

a graph appeared properly, though I cannot understand why wrapped x, 'x' is right.


Please teach me the logic of the above code.

Best wishes.


taro yamada


Hello people in Mapleprimes,


I want to know how to use apply rule in the following problem.

Please tell me how to do about this.


returns F(2*K,2*L), which is right.

But, what I want to do is to apply the rule with holding n as general variable of real number.

But, what I can get through 


is only 2*F(K,L) not F(2*K,2*L).


What should I write additinally to the above to have Maple calcurate and produce the outcome as F(2*K,2*L), F(3*K,3*L) and so on?


Best wishes.





Hello those who are in mapleprimes,

I want to devide both hand side of inequality by positive a.

And, the ways I want to know are two ways for doing this.

1)         c:=a<b: c/d assuming d>0;


I don't know why the result isn't a/d<b/d.


2)        the second way is one to focus on op(0,c) being <. And, from lhs(c), rhs(c), and op(0,c), 

I want to constract lhs(c)/d op(0,c) rhs(c)/d, that is lhs(c)/d<rhs(c)/d.

Please tell me about this.


Thank you in advance.



Hi, those who are in mapleprimes.


i have a problem in solving inequality with symbolic notated parameters.

I wrote the following code to solve for n(SPH), but couldn't obtain any result but an error message.

solve(-s*(-n(SPF)*tau+n(SPH))/(tau-1) <= n(SPH),n(SPH)) assuming (tau<1,s>0,s<1,tau>0);


The error was

Error, (in assuming) when calling 'unknown'. Received: 'invalid input: Utilities:-SetSolutions expects its 2nd argument, solutions, to be of type ({list, set})({piecewise, ({list, set})({name, relation})}), but received [s = -tau~+1, [SPF = SPF, s = s, tau~ <= 0]]'


Please tell me how I should do to solve the inequality.


Thanks in advance.




Hello people in mapleprimes,


I want to modify the next equation: 

(**)  a:=sigma*omega*alpha = mu(H, H)*s*omega*gamma1*L+mu(F, H)*s*L-mu(F, H)*s*L*gamma1;

to be

(***)    sigma*omega*alpha = mu(H, H)*s*omega*gamma1*L+(1-gamma1)*mu(F, H)*s*L;


For that, first I defined b as


, and substituted this to a with



But, what I could obtain was only the orignal equation (**) not (***).

Please tell me how to use subs to this problem to obtain (***)。

Thanks in advance.



I know


works well as for what I wrote (**) as above.

But, originally, it was a result from substituting various equations into an equation.

For it, (****) does not work well.  



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