
495 Reputation

8 Badges

4 years, 220 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vs140580

Give a Data for regression in excel sheet with many independent variables as much as 50 and one dependent variable. where first row is dependent variable say

Is their anyway in maplesoft to split into Train and test set 

Then it choose only best set of independent variables to model the dependent variable Y Linear regression

Is their any Toolbox or anyway we can do it

Can anyone help to write a code for this in Maple

Kind help.

Please help with a sample example program Kind help



Now I have list L above a Set S below 

Now we delete from L all having "H" in first position and also  the subsets of the set S which as all contain those  list position number where L had "H"

Kind help with function which can

Takes input of the list and sets returns the new list and set where the above are done 

Where to store a collection of 100 matrices of different orders in Python language.

Then I need to pass that file as input to Maple for so kind of analysis here.

If possible an example with 3 to 4 matrices in python stored in some file I don't know which will be good and how say excel or database or any other (This only mainly I am not getting any idea)

Then the maple program here takes that file as input and does calculations here in maple 

Say as example Eigen values of those matrices

Here my matrices are all square matrices of various different orders

Suppose I have a excel file with say 20 columns of data with equal number of rows of data. All numeric data

How to read each column data to a seperate variable


The entire data into a matrix 

Is their way to create a Random simple directed graph using random graphs package

RandomDigraph function I dont see an option to restrict it to give only simple graphs

Kind help if any code or way I can do that

One more thing is I dont see any directed special graph in maple

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