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4 years, 224 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vs140580

Given a planar graph G 

i) How to find the degrees of the regions of G

ii) The edges in each region as sets

iii) edges in the intersection of regions

Anyone know about a Hypergraph package for maple like

HyperNetX in Python


Is their anyway we can use python packages in maple

Let S be a set S={E1,E2,E3,E4,.....,Ek}  where E1 is a set of edges, E2 is another set of edges etc.

that like E1={{1,2},{2,3},..}, E2={{3,4},{1,2},....} , now we need to pick all possible  distinct sets of  size L  from the k sets of S such that the 

{E1,E2,E3,....,EL} are mutually disjoint with each other in other.

Ei intersect Ej is null no edge in common for i  not equal to j    where i, j varies from 1 to L.

F is the function which takes to parameters set S and L.

F(S,L)  then returns all possible sets which are such that {E1,E2,E3,....,EL} are mutually disjoint with each other in other.

Here mutually disjoint in graph theory terms they are edge-disjoint mutually 

Respected sir,

It looks like the Maple function IsSubgraphIsomorphic(G1,G2) function I think it is developled from the

phyton networkx package function 

GraphMatcher.subgraph_is_isomorphic()   The source python code for this is in this link below

networkx.algorithms.isomorphism.ismags — NetworkX 2.8.6 documentation

Now Can considering the Graphs G1 and G2 as vertex labeled graphs can we tweek the function in such way that rather than just to return true based on shape The function will now take a new parameter extra

IsSubgraphIsomorphic(G1,G2,Label=True or False)

If Label= True the then the function will return true if their is a subgraph G1 isomorphic in G2 with the same type of labels exists then it returns true and also returns that graph G1 edges based on those labels in G2.

Can anyone help please your help will be acknolwedged surely

Intially let it be for the undirected graph cases only.

 I looking to contact a maple sales representative. I am from india I am not getting any contact number. Can anyone help.

Kind help anyone if possible. I do research in mathematics  field but at a personal level. I need help on which product to buy and a sales represitive number or someone to contact me so that i can first understand certain doubts from my personal end then I can opt for.

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