
258 Reputation

8 Badges

20 years, 33 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by zakyn


I have a problem that Maple 15 is not possible to start (process is there but GUI is not visible).

On the same computer (HP 8540w) I have the problem with Maple 14 too. The GUI is started but it is not possible to do any action in it because it does not respond.

This problem occures now. I am sure that some months ago it works properly.

If you have any suggestion I do welcome it.




I have this problem. I would like to construct clothoid as a transition curve between two arcs. The length of this curve has to be 30 meters. The start azimuth is 0.3773 (rad) and the start radius is -355.835 m.

How could I do that simply in Maple?

Thank you






I would like to add a date to label of axes in this example. Is it possible in Maple 12?


I need to export animation as a gif picture with different speed of animation.

I use plotsetup(gif,  ... but I do not know how I could do it.

Please help me.




I have already installed Maple on ubuntu but now I would like to install new version of Maple and I should unistall my previous version.

Instaltion - In bash I run "sh MapleInstallation.bin"

An iInstallation quide tells a lot about an instalation on linux but about uninstallation there is not any information.

Could you help me please?



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