Product Suggestions

Post your suggestions on new features and products.

Greetings to all.

I would like to share a brief observation concerning my experiences with the Euler-Maclaurin summation routine in Maple 17 (X86 64 LINUX). The following Math StackExchange Link shows how to compute a certain Euler-MacLaurin type asymptotic expansion using highly unorthodox divergent series summation techniques. The result that was obtained matches the output from eulermac which is definitely good to know. What follows is the output from said routine.

> eulermac(1/(1+k/n),k=0..n,18);
     1       929569        3202291        691                O(1)
O(- ---) - ----------- + ----------- - --------- + 1/1048576 ----
     19             15            17          11              19
    n      2097152 n     1048576 n     32768 n               n

        174611      5461        31       |      1           17        1
     - -------- + --------- + ------- +  |   ------- dk - ------- + ------
             19          13         9    |   1 + k/n            7        5
       6600 n     65536 n     4096 n    /                 4096 n    256 n

         1       1
     - ------ + ---- + 3/4
            3   16 n
       128 n

While I realize that this is good enough for most purposes I have two minor issues.

  • One could certainly evaluate the integral without leaving it to the user to force evaluation with the AllSolutions option. One can and should make use of what is known about n and k. In particular one can check whether there are singularities on the integration path because we know the range of k/n.
  • Why are there two order terms for the order of the remainder term? There should be at most one and a coefficient times an O(1) term makes little sense as the coefficient would be absorbed.

You might want to fix these so that the output looks a bit more professional which does enter into play when potential future users decide on what CAS to commit to. Other than that it is a very useful routine even for certain harmonic sum computations where one can use Euler-Maclaurin to verify results.

Best regards,

Marko Riedel

Maple 18, document mode. Please try this:


Now, as the cursor is right after the "m" above, hiting the ESC key to autocomplete, nothing happens. Only a beep, meaning Maple does not know about the variable name I wanted to expand to, which is "some_long_name". What I do now is manually add a space by  pushing the ")" away, like this:

  f(som )

And now put the mouse back in front of the "m" and now hit ESC. Maple now can see the name I wanted.

Really? This is very bad design. You might ask, why did I close the () first? Well, I like to start by writing () then fill it in, or it can be that I am changing things, and wanted to write a new name, and the () was allready there. I use name autocomplete alot, and it is very annoying to not be able to use it if happens that there is a ")" or "]" right next to the name.

Having to keep pushing the ")" away, so that Maple can see the name makes no sense since ")" can't part of a name.

In Mathematica it just works. I can do

someLongName = 3;

Then in a new cell,

f[som] and hit CTRL-K  when mouse at the letter "m" just typed it in, and it will autocomplete.  I did not have to push "]" away first.

Please Maple, fix your user interface so it is less awkward and annoying to use. This is version 18 of the software, and not version 1.


A little late in the game, with no Maple 18 wishlist yet I'd like to get it started

granted all wishes for previous versions not yet applied should still, hopefully, be under consideration.  


1 - The abitlity to angle x-axis labels.


2 - Textplot option for text to rotate with graph as it is rotated.  Currently all textplot texts are held to the horizontal




It would be nice if Maple had a procedure which could turn a procedurelist into a listprocedure.
I use these words in the sense they are used in dsolve/numeric.
Thus by a procedurelist I mean a procedure returning lists (of numbers).
By a listprocedure I mean a list of procedures all having the same formal parameters and each returning one number.
Thus a `convert/listprocedure`should accept a procedurelist p as input and give as output the corresponding listprocedure [p1,p2, ... pN] where N is the number of elements in the output from p.

I tried making a `convert/listprocedure` myself and in doing so found that it was not totally trivial.
I had lots of problems but did end up with something that seems to work.

But my main point is that Maple ought to have some such facility either as described available to the user or by changing fsolve, complexplot or what have you, so that procedurelists are accepted.

I really very much like this package since it works just perfectly converting units and also supports CGS for people doing calculations in theoretical physics. I have just a suggestion concerning the formattig: As is explained in many physics books and also at the units standard website, units shouldn't be placed in square brackets since these brackets are defined such that [m] = kg means: unit of m is kg. To write is m = 3 [kg] is a very common and unharmful mistake, also used very often when labelling axes in figures, e.g. m [kg] instead of the correct m/kg or m (kg). Another issue is that units shouldn't be printed italic but upright and any physics journal requests its authors to consider this rule. Again, this is not a "mistake" but on the other hand the Maple pretty-print output is already so nice that considering such rules would even make it perfect.

I am fully aware that omitting the brackets could be considered harmful if someone has an algebraic expression in front of the unit where symbols and units could be mixed. On the other hand having the usual interspace between unit and expression, the unit being upright and maybe even coloured (analogously to e.g. operators in the physics package) units and symbols could be easily held apart.

Bug in type(HFloat(-infinity),  pos_infinity). Negative infinity is incorrectly recognized as positive one:


type(s, neg_infinity);
type(s, pos_infinity); # bug

Greetings to all.

I have been using the numtheory package for quite some time now and it has helped me advance on a number of problems. Recently an issue came to my attention that I have known about for a long time but somehow never realized that it can be fixed. This is the fact that the numtheory package does not know about Dirichlet series, finite and infinite. Here are two links:

Greetings to all. I will keep this brief and to the point. I would like to point out a certain deficit in the integral transform package. I have recently been calculating some Mellin transforms at this link and the base functions are of the following type.

g := (p, q) -> 1/(x+p)/(x+(p*q-1)/q);

Now to see the deficit here are some Mellin transforms that...

I am pretty new to programming in Maple and trying to learn the language. One thing I needed was how to handle lists in a specific way. I have used many hours on this issue now and even asked questions in the Questions section. Other users helped me with clever tricks and I am grateful for that. What is left is however a feeling that one need to know a lot of rather Ad Hoc commands to accomplish your tasks. I looked for operations in the ListTools package, going through all...

the seperate physics package update is a great welcome.  i wonder if the scientific constants paxkage could incorporate the same idea.  i can see why the elements properties were put there but it might have made more sense in the physics package.  anyways, the element proprties are continually being updated so it would make sense for small updates to occurr.  any thoughts.

Dear Development Team,

obviously this is an acient topic, but I can only repeat the wish to be able to specify the size of a plot in a Document by adding a parameter like "size = [640, 480]" to the plot command or to plots[display]. This would allow to specify plot size and easily create plots having the same size withouzt having to manually drag the plot window.

I do not understand why this feature was never implemented, as this was asked very, very often and it should not be soooo difficult....

Dear Maple Developers,

Maple offers OpenMaple, which is nice and sufficient for driving Maple from extermal applications.

On the other hand Maple offers only very limited support for calling Java methods from maple (static emthods only, no objects).

So it is only possible with programming some extra static Java adapter classes to work with Java objects and their methods. This is a very cimbersome and clumsy workaround only.

Compared to applications...

Recently I was presented with some code that had a seq command that used i as the index variable. While this code had been used in a number of applicaitons, it was now giving trouble.

seq( i^2, i=1..10 );
Error, illegal use of an object as a name

After a stroke of fortune it was discovered that the problem was that Maple's imaginary unit had been changed from I to i. Given that this change was made, the error message now made sense.

I will post here the output of two commands that has me a bit worried. Of course it is entirely possible that I am overlooking something very simple, which is why I am writing to your site.

> residue(1/(2^s-1), s=2*Pi*I*3/log(2));

Dear Maple Users

I am mainly in favor of the new rules concerning subscripts. Using Ctrl+-- (double underscore) it is pretty straight forward to get a literal subscript and it displays much better in the palette Variables than was the case i Maple 16. Also the purple coloring of a variable containing a literal subscript makes sense, because it can be distinguished from the usual subscript (now Ctrl+shift+-). Good that you can remove the coloring in the View Menu (Atomic Variables...

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