Product Suggestions

Post your suggestions on new features and products.

I am a mechanical engineering graduate student and I use Maple daily for everything from school projects to homework. Unfortunately, printing anything out (to hand in) either (a) ends up looking absolutely terrible / enormous or (b) takes forever to format. I have to go through and apply all of these styles I've saved that make all of the fonts smaller and a different color (and when I do that, things look weird.... powers are impinging on their bases [e.g. the x and 3 in x^3 are fused...

 Work plan for the Russian Maple Application Center in 2011.

 1. Popularization of the new features of Maple 15.
 2. Popularization of educational MAC-articles.

 3. The transformation of the most popular Russian-language Internet maths textbook to the business card of Maple.
 4. Further approval of Maple as the best assistant in preparation for the delivery of the Single State Exam (Russia).
 5. Further approval of Maple...

In the new Maple 15, if any calculation or process requires more than a few seconds, the cursor does not change to the hourglass (or equivalent) symbol. This makes it difficult to tell whether anything is happening and gives the impression that the program has hung.


I suggest that the hourglass (or equivalent) be resurrected whenever anything takes more than a few seconds.

This page from the Online Help suggests that GMP 4.2.1 is still being used in Maple 15.

But the latest "stable" release is GMP 4.3.2, see release notes here (various fixes and improvements in the 4.3.xx series mentioned).

Perhaps this could be updated in a service release Maple 15.xx.


 It seems I can't add a response to this message, so I added some detail to it.

Consider f, the partial sums of the convergent series related to

Maple is such a useful and wonderful sorftware, but,

coud you make the classic worksheet compatible with 64bits?

There are packages (grtensor) that do not run on the new worksheet.



Of 4000 daily visitors of the site pages Russian Maple ApCent (during the examination session) 3800 - Russian students, and only 100 - Ukrainian. Sad.
Dynamics of visits:
June 2010 - 44.656 (35,000 for one day! - Unified state examination in mathematics (EGE) 

Introduction to this blog

From time to time, I find some problem with Maple. It is not always Maple's bug, sometimes it is just my mistake.

I am used to use "Submit Software Change Request " form, but I dont know how to trace my requests (and I even dont exactly remember which bugs I posted). Thus, I decided to publish my troubles in this blog.

Unless stated otherwise, all the troubles I specify bellow are obtained on the Mac OS X 10.5 PPC platform using Maple 14.01 ...

I just got a smartphone, amazing. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a mapleprimes app to conveniently view and post messages from a smartphone or a smartpad or whatever? Any plans to set one up? (I'm on the android platform)

The other suggestion/question I have is: any plans (by Maple or others) to make a Maple calculator widget? I'm currently using RealCalc, which is great, but it  doesn't have the advanced term-grouping capabilities of the Maple calculator.

     I suppose that Maple 15 is now in the stage of beta testing, but I have not served as a beta tester for a few years.

     Those scientists and mathematicians who apply Maple in teaching mathematics, science and engineering or who use it in their research naturally wonder what will be in store in the next release to complement and to extend the features in preceding releases. 

     I have no...

Maple uses the LGPL licensed GMP as a support library for doing large integer and high precision float computations. There exists is a later version of GMP than was bundled and shipped in Maple 14.x. A natural question is whether it would improve Maple's performance. Another question is whether it can be used within Maple 14.

Maple 14 - returning after not using Maple since M13...

1. Still can't figure out how to scale images and text. I tried putting an image in a table cell with some text next to it. The only way I can see is to put any images in a space by themselves and not relate them to text. What I see on the screen has little relevance to the printed product, and the only way I have found to scale images correctly is by trial and error. See #6 below for time penalty for changing a table cell size.

2. I don't get to choose the header/footer font size?

3. The footer date format is 12/1/10, which is very nearly the worst it could be, and doesn't respect my Windows settings: 2010.12.01.

4. There is no option to use the file save date rather than the current date.

5. Dragging a corner of an image changes the scaling. IMO, that's what the tabs on the sides and top/bottom are for. Dragging corners should preserve scaling.

6. Changing a cell size in a table means waiting 10 s to get full access to Maple menus and the document (dual 3.4 GHz CPU, 3 GB RAM).

7. I clicked on the Space Shuttle Sim to get an idea of what Maple can do, and then waited 10-15s while Maple played with the palettes and swapped to a new document.

I guess that Maple is about more than this, but I am [relatively] new to it, so I begin where I can...these are usability issues. I understand that Maple has been selling the doc interface for a few releases, but not made much progress.

I guess that I can kiss (no, I'm not upset, just a style of speech) off the document mode and just use the power of Maple to calculate what I need and copy the results in to a word processing program...


[a few hours later] I should say that I found some more comments on the slow interface, and took the hints to close the palettes, which sped things up quite a bit...the penalty is, of course, that I must open them to use them, and that sort of defeats the purpose. Still, if I regard them as drop menus...

There is still the issue of scaling images, and I guess from a quick glance at the included examples that Maple has not figured out how to handle images. I tried to lock the image size, but have not found a way to do so. The quick tutorial on the Maple web site was a great help in getting up to speed quickly.

Mathematica 8 is out and claiming over 500 new features.

Looking through the list they are mostly things that Maple does not do but probably should. Perhaps for Maple 15?...

Just a small issue with how you insert a ^ (caret, wedge, circumflex, arrow, hat, what have you), / (forward slash), or * (star, asterisk) as a literal in a comment in Maple.

In regular code, it works fine;

Typing \_ produces _
Typing \^ produces ^
Typing \/ produces /
Typing \* produces *

In a comment, only underscores work as expected.  The caret, asterisk and slash leave behind the escaping backslash, which you will have to go back and delete yourself.

In previous version  "e" was recognised as the constant.. Now, it is needed to write in special way to get

the digits of "e" ( to use "expression palette")


I really do not know if that is a progress or regression for Maple.



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