Product Suggestions

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In ?ChiSquareIndependenceTest a contingency table is needed for input.
To construct such a table from raw data is not trivial. I suggest to include this in the statistics package.
A first try:

Crosstab := proc(A,i,j,first::evaln,second::evaln)
      v = -2 .. -2/3)

Then J = -8/3*EllipticK(1/3) + 8/3*EllipticPi(-1/3,1/3) + 3*EllipticE(1/3)

That integral caught my attention through a private discussion. Both MMA and Maple
only succeded up to a limit in the lower boundary, which could not be determined.

Re-writing the integrand as A/(polynomial of degree 4) using the command 'rationalize'

I would like to be able to look at the maple video tutorials with the MaplePlayer on the Ipad. Hope that this is made possible.

Dear friends,

I will present a series of commands for you to ponder that should speak for themselves.

> q := n -> int(1/(1-2^n*exp(I*theta*n))^2*2*I*exp(I*theta), theta=0..2*Pi);
                            2 Pi
                          |          2 I exp(theta I)
               q := n ->  |      ------------------------ dtheta
                          |            n                2
                         /       (1 - 2  exp(theta n I...

Hello all,

I recently helped someone with a contour integration problem, you may find my calculation at the following link. It occurred to me to test this integral with Maple and Mathematica.

For example,

int(1/x^(1/3)/(x^2+2*x*cos(Pi/7)+1), x=0..infinity);

produces an unusable output from Mathematica. Maple is a little better,...

This is a wish list for the version of Maple after whatever immediate next version is being developed.

It's about three-quarters of a year since Maple 16 came out, and if Maple follows its recent history of annual releases then development of new features of the very next release after 16 would be quite well along, and possibly even nearing completion. But that could mean that this is a good time to discuss wish lists for the version after that -- the version two releases after 16.

I would like to pay attention to, where a discrete analog of vector calculus on graphs is applied to rankings. In my opinion, it would be useful to implement that in the GraphTheory package.                           ...


I used Maple in my studies, but it is not suitable for screens with high-dpi resolutions and it has no full screen mode.

I have a Macbook Pro Retina.


I would like to be able to read Maple manuals and the AEM book that I have bought on the ipad. I can understand that I will not be able to run the commands. But it woud be nice to read through the different sections while reclining on my bed. Hope that you will make it possible.

Dear friends,

I was working on the integral of cosh(ax)/cosh(x) from zero to infinity with "a" being a rational number p/q where p<q and p-q being odd. I was quite shocked to discover that Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX)cannot do this integral while Mathematica gets it right every time. I certainly hope this will be rectified soon.

For those who might be interested the calculation of the integral

there is a link

The version 16 of Maple does not know the function "pow", it is replaced by "power". Nevertheless, the codegen[optimize] procedure still generates it!  Moreower, it's not optimal even to write poser(..., 1/2)  as, most probably, the function sqrt must run faster. 

  Here's an example: (the function being optimized just contains some nested square roots)

> iang10 := [codegen[optimize](Re(int11), tryhard)];
[ 2 t17

Dear Maple users

I have had Maple creating graphics for me that I cannot do in other programs I have access to: 3D pictures of circle waves interferring or even the result of an interference pattern from a diffraction grating in Physics. But when it comes to simple animations, I am not all that impressed.

Basicly I have three complaints: 

a)  Maple seems to use a lot of space to save frame information, resulting in large filesizes.

Dear friends,

while working with Beta function integrals like int_0^1 x^(7/23)*(1-x)^(16/23) dx I noticed that Maple does not seem to know about the following Beta function identity:

Beta(m+q, n+1-q) = Pi/sin(Pi*q)*mul(r+q, r=0..m-1)*mul(r+1-q, r=0..n-1)/(m+n)!

where m,n are positive integers and q is a real number so that 0 < q < 1. This is easy to prove and there...

Recently, I published the following paper.

"Calibration of a radiocarbon age", Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 19: 345–350 (2012).

The paper explains that all radiocarbon dates are inaccurate, due to an error in the handling of the statistics.

The paper has a Supplement, which includes a program to do the statistics correctly:

We have been using MapleTA for many years (since version 1.5) and have version 8 hosted on a Maplesoft server. Recently, we looked into buying the Blackboard connector. It is disappointing that we have not been able to go through with this because of an inadequacy in the connector. As I understand it from our technicians, in Blackboard a course is identified by four attributes ID, year, calendar and title. These account for different presentations of the same course in different...

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