Product Suggestions

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Dear friends,

I was working on the integral of cosh(ax)/cosh(x) from zero to infinity with "a" being a rational number p/q where p<q and p-q being odd. I was quite shocked to discover that Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX)cannot do this integral while Mathematica gets it right every time. I certainly hope this will be rectified soon.

For those who might be interested the calculation of the integral

there is a link

The version 16 of Maple does not know the function "pow", it is replaced by "power". Nevertheless, the codegen[optimize] procedure still generates it!  Moreower, it's not optimal even to write poser(..., 1/2)  as, most probably, the function sqrt must run faster. 

  Here's an example: (the function being optimized just contains some nested square roots)

> iang10 := [codegen[optimize](Re(int11), tryhard)];
[ 2 t17

Dear Maple users

I have had Maple creating graphics for me that I cannot do in other programs I have access to: 3D pictures of circle waves interferring or even the result of an interference pattern from a diffraction grating in Physics. But when it comes to simple animations, I am not all that impressed.

Basicly I have three complaints: 

a)  Maple seems to use a lot of space to save frame information, resulting in large filesizes.

Dear friends,

while working with Beta function integrals like int_0^1 x^(7/23)*(1-x)^(16/23) dx I noticed that Maple does not seem to know about the following Beta function identity:

Beta(m+q, n+1-q) = Pi/sin(Pi*q)*mul(r+q, r=0..m-1)*mul(r+1-q, r=0..n-1)/(m+n)!

where m,n are positive integers and q is a real number so that 0 < q < 1. This is easy to prove and there...

Recently, I published the following paper.

"Calibration of a radiocarbon age", Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 19: 345–350 (2012).

The paper explains that all radiocarbon dates are inaccurate, due to an error in the handling of the statistics.

The paper has a Supplement, which includes a program to do the statistics correctly:

We have been using MapleTA for many years (since version 1.5) and have version 8 hosted on a Maplesoft server. Recently, we looked into buying the Blackboard connector. It is disappointing that we have not been able to go through with this because of an inadequacy in the connector. As I understand it from our technicians, in Blackboard a course is identified by four attributes ID, year, calendar and title. These account for different presentations of the same course in different...


I am experiencing wrong results using the PolynomialIdeals package in Maple 16 (see Creating the same ideal with different generators, the radicals computed differ which of course is wrong:

J := <t*(a+A), A*(b+B+t), b*(a+A), B*a-A*(b+t), (variables = {A, B, a, b, t})>:
J2 := <t*(a+A), A*(b+B+t), b*(a+A), B*(a+A...

Maple 16 introduced dramatic changes to the postscript export facility of 3d plots. This is great news, but some bugs remain. Let me report here about my experience. (Note: Maple 15's 3d ps export was something like an encapsulated bmp, while Maple 16 is a genuine level3 postscript export tool)

The initial release in Maple 16.00 was buggy. In my experience, the export would hang most of the time. An improved release came with Maple 16.01. I have not experienced any...

This does not make any sense to me :-)

A := Matrix([[seq(i, i = 1 .. 10)], [seq(i, i = 11 .. 20)], [seq(i, i = 21 .. 30)]]):
A[.. -1,..] ;
A[.. -2,..] ;

You would assume that A[..-1,..] would remove the last row but that is not the case!
Instead you have to do A[..-2,..] he he it seems a bit odd!

The MRB constant Z will probably have several parts.

The following example is from the Maple help pages
> with(GraphTheory);
> with(SpecialGraphs);
> H := HypercubeGraph(3);

What I would like to do in the MRB constant z,  MRB constant z part2, and etc. is to draw a series of graphs that show the some of the geometry of the MRB constant.

See I would like to draw a tesseract of 4 units^4, a penteract of 5 units^5, etc and take an edge from each and line the edges up as in Diagram 3:





As usual I'm asking for your help.






Just a small digression.  It would be nice if the numbers on the x-axis could be rotated or angled so it does not look like they collide with each other.  When the numbers reach the 100's or 1000's there will be congestion. 

This is perhaps a suggestion for a future Maple version as the current versions do not support number rotations on the axis.


The Locator object is a nice piece of Mathematica's Manipulate command's functionality. Perhaps Maple's Explore command could do something as good.

Here below is a roughly laid out example, as a Worksheet. Of course, this is not...

Starting from Maple 15, the useful ?plottools/getdata command is added. It tansforms a Maple plot to a Matrix. Unfortunately, the getdata command deals only with Maple plots. The question arises: "How to get a data from bmp, jpg, tiff, pcx, gif, png and wmf formats?" This is used in medicine and engineering. Such question was asked here

A common example to emphasize that it is not OK to bring absolute values inside the integral compares

abs( int( cos(n*x), x=0..Pi ) ) asuming n::integer


int( abs( cos(n*x) ), x=0..Pi ) assuming n::integer

Maple correctly formulates the first to 0. But the second expression gives it more trouble, returning two messages:

Warning, unable to determine if (1/2)*Pi*(1+2*_Z7)/n is between 0 and Pi; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option
Warning, unable to determine if (1/2)*Pi*(1+2*_Z8)/n is between 0 and Pi; try to use assumptions or use the AllSolutions option

If there are still doubts to support "long double" in evalhf then there is one more argument to implement them in at least those machines that support it:

P.S. In that well-known holy war about long double supporting in compilers i'm rather on side of "to support them" than on side of (stupid) microsoft visual c++ compiler.

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