Maple 2018 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2018

Hello there,

I have created a MAPLE document in a slideshow format.

Is there a way to print a copy of my presentation with header and footer included and in a format that fits on letter format paper or pdf.

Thank you for your help.


How I can perform integration by parts, with respect to the x[0..1],y[0..1],t


U := (1/2)*(E*(diff(u(x, y), x)-z*(diff(w(x, y), x, x))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), x))^2)/(-upsilon^2+1)+E*upsilon*(diff(v(x, y), y)-z*(diff(w(x, y), y, y))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), y))^2)/(-upsilon^2+1))*(diff(u(x, y), x)-z*(diff(w(x, y), x, x))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), x))^2)+(1/2)*(E*upsilon*(diff(u(x, y), x)-z*(diff(w(x, y), x, x))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), x))^2)/(-upsilon^2+1)+E*(diff(v(x, y), y)-z*(diff(w(x, y), y, y))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), y))^2)/(-upsilon^2+1))*(diff(v(x, y), y)-z*(diff(w(x, y), y, y))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), y))^2)+E*(1-upsilon)*((1/2)*(diff(v(x, y), x))-z*(diff(w(x, y), x, y))+(1/2)*(diff(u(x, y), y))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), x))*(diff(w(x, y), y)))^2/(-upsilon^2+1)+2*E*l^2*(diff(w(x, y), x, y))^2/(2+2*upsilon)+2*E*l^2*(-(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), x, x))+(1/2)*(diff(w(x, y), y, y)))^2/(2+2*upsilon)+2*E*l^2*((1/4)*(diff(v(x, y), x, x))-(1/4)*(diff(u(x, y), x, y)))^2/(2+2*upsilon)+2*E*l^2*((1/4)*(diff(v(x, y), x, y))-(1/4)*(diff(u(x, y), y, y)))^2/(2+2*upsilon)







 1)  Copy/paste problem .
 Looks like Maple is not able to copy/paste the output
 from a summation command . Look at my example .
 I have to use the  " lprint " command .
2)   Mysterious small box character .
 Suppose I want to edit a command . I want to replace a character with a left bracket
 (or right bracket or left accolade but strangely not the right accolade).
 I put the cursor on the character and type the left bracket (or right...) .
 The left bracket ( or right ...)  is inserted . Now when I try to delete the character,
 a small box appear . The  character I am trying to delete is shifting to the right .
  Like  I said , just a little annoying .
3)  Open file problem .
 The first file I open in Maple with the  ctrl-o command , the "open file window" appears in
  the center of the screen . All the others files I am opening , the "open file window"  show up
  in the bottom left corner , top center or top right corner ... randomly .
  Very annoying on a 27" screen . For this last one ,I am not shure  if it is a Maple 2018 problem
   or a Windows 10 64 bits problem . I have few programs in my computer .
  When I use Microsoft Paint or Wordpad ,I don't see this problem .
  I don't know if somebody else can confirm those annoying things . If I am not the only one
  then I am hoping the next updates or versions will fix that .
    Thanks !



I've just upgraded from v2017.3 to 2018. It worked OK until I installed latest service pack 2018.2.1 (server license provided by my University). Ever since I cannot use Maple. Anything I type I get Typesetting:-mparsed(...) error and the text/command I typed.


I’ve contacted our software tech support and they told me to change the typesetting level from advanced to standard and it did fix the problem.


But why does it happen in the first place? I’m running Windows 8.1 64bit. Out tech support told me to has something to do with 3D display issue on my machine and told me to bring my laptop on Monday to see if they can resolve the issue.


Anyone else have this problem? Why didn’t it happen with older Maple versions? What am I missing by using standard typesetting instead of the default advanced?








is possible to solvethis equation via maple?

hank you


alpha := 1.2*10^(-4); Betaa := 4.0*log(2); J := 13.4; delta := 15.3*10^(-9); tp := 10^(-13); tq := 8.5*10^(-12); tu := 90.0*10^(-12); kapa := 315; r0 := 2.0*10^(-7); Lx := 5.0*10^(-7); Ly := 5.0*10^(-7); Lz := 1.0*10^(-7); a := 0.7e-1*(Betaa/Pi)^.5*J/(15.3*10^(-22)); bb := exp(-((10^(-7)*x-(1/2)*Lx)^2+(10^(-7)*y-(1/2)*Ly)^2)/(2*r0^2)); print(aa = a); Q := a*exp(-z*10^(-7)/delta)*exp(-1.88*abs(t-2*tp)/tp)*bb





























aa = 0.6917775548e21*ln(2)^.5




(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t)+tq*(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t, t)))/alpha = diff(U(x, y, z, t), x, x)+diff(U(x, y, z, t), y, y)+tu*(diff(U(x, y, z, t), x, x, t)+diff(U(x, y, z, t), y, y, t))+tu*(diff(U(x, y, z, t), z, z, t))+(Q+tq*(diff(Q, t)))/kapa

8333.333333*(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t))+0.7083333333e-7*(diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t), t)) = diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), x), x)+diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), y), y)+0.9000000000e-10*(diff(diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t), x), x))+0.9000000000e-10*(diff(diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t), y), y))+0.9000000000e-10*(diff(diff(diff(U(x, y, z, t), t), z), z))+0.2196119222e19*ln(2)^.5*exp(-6.535947712*z)*exp(-0.1880000000e14*abs(t-1/5000000000000))*exp(-0.1250000000e14*((1/10000000)*x-0.2500000000e-6)^2-0.1250000000e14*((1/10000000)*y-0.2500000000e-6)^2)-0.3509398517e21*ln(2)^.5*exp(-6.535947712*z)*abs(1, t-1/5000000000000)*exp(-0.1880000000e14*abs(t-1/5000000000000))*exp(-0.1250000000e14*((1/10000000)*x-0.2500000000e-6)^2-0.1250000000e14*((1/10000000)*y-0.2500000000e-6)^2)




Boundary condition:

U(0, y, z, t) = 300; U(Lx, y, z, t) = 300; U(x, 0, z, t) = 300; U(x, Ly, z, t) = 300; U(x, y, 0, t) = 300; U(x, y, Lz, t) = 300




U(x, y, z, 0) = 300; (D[1](U))(x, y, z, 0) = 0

(D[1](U))(x, y, z, 0) = 0









Is possible to solve this differential equation by maple?



I'm using the eBookTools package to convert a .mw file as a chapter into a PDF file. However, a problem arises when I convert a document with a few repeated plotting commands (such as plot(x^2)). The issue is that in the final PDF the images of the various plots overlap, and that the individual plots can't be clearly seen. Is there a resolution to this?


Is package SumTools supposed to be a superset of the sum command in Maple? Or is it supposed to be a complementary to it? When should one use SumTools vs. sum?

The help on SumTools says

The SumTools package contains commands that help find closed forms of definite and indefinite sums. The package consists of three commands and three subpackages.

But does not make it clear when to use it vs. sum or what is its relation to sum command.

I am asking because on one example, sum is able to give an answer, while SumTools can't. I have expected the other way, where if sum failed, then one will try SumTools.

sum(1/n*sin(n*x),n=1..infinity) assuming 0<x,x<Pi

SumTools:-IndefiniteSummation(1/n*sin(n*x),n=1..infinity) assuming 0<x, x<Pi




I'm a long-time Maple user and have used the CodeGeneration package in the past, but with a recent download of Maple 2018, I'm now getting an error I have never gotten before. Even when I do something simple (see below, for example), I get an error that reads "Error, (in clear) argument `` is incorrect or out of order". And I get this error no matter which language I choose. Any help would be much appreciated.

> with(CodeGeneration)

> R(exp(x))




how I can find solutions for non linear equations.

I want to find non zero solution.

thank you

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .


how i can solve the eqution by ritz methode codes?

Here is a simple procedure that works fine if entered using 1D Maple input
> Q:=proc(x)
end proc;
but if you use 2D math input
> q:=proc(x)

  end proc;

Error, unterminated procedure

      procApplyFunction(x) sinApplyFunction(x),

      Typesetting:-merror("unterminated procedure")))
Error, unable to parse
    Typesetting:-mambiguous(  Typesetting:-mambiguous(end,

      Typesetting:-merror("unable to parse")) procsemi)

Ouch! But to confuse things further the following procedures may be entered using 2D math and work fine:
>H := proc (x) x^2*sin(x) end proc;
>K := proc (x) sin(x^2) end proc;
Doesn't make any sense to me. Perhaps 2D math is not ready for prime time?



I have a rather long Maple code and want it to be executed multiple times with a parameter changed each time.

Surely this can be done with the loop structure, but it seems the whole loop structure must be contained into one single execution group, which makes it to be a little inconvenient, since the code is too long.


So is there any alternative way to realize this utility?


Best regard and thanks!

This is not a problem per se, but more to understand the background.


f := polylog(2, -x);

int(f/(x+1), x);

convert(f, dilog);

int(%/(x+1), x)


The integration of the polylog maple is not capable of doing, but after converting to dilog it finds an anti derivative.

That leads to the question, why is dilog as a separate to polylog(2,*) implemented anyway? Why couldn't it all be done with the more general polylog function?


I'm also wondering why maple has difficulties to integrate


for general a.

Using Maple 2018.2.1, I'm receiving a lost kernel message when importing the attached data file with ImportMatrix. I traced the issue to a "*" symbol at the end of the file but would have expected this to cause an error message (if any error at all) instead of the connection to the kernel to be lost. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding the usage of ImportMatrix?


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