Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Find the solution to a numerical function equation? I have defined a function: f(n,v) = Zeta(0,n+1,1-2*Pi*v*I)/Zeta(n+1) mag(n,v) = sqrt(f(n,v)*conjugate(f(n,v)) For this funciton, n represents an integer, and v is real. Essentially, for different values of "n," I would like to find the numerical value of "v" at which mag(n,v) is equal to 0.5 Using various combinations of Optimize, fsolve, and NewtonsMethod, and interlacing evalf into the definitions, the program continues to give me a symbolic expression using the "Psi" symbol for the Digamma function. Is there a way to define the function strictly numerically so that the symbolic engine does not kick in?
Hello all! I need to solve multivariate polynomial equations modulo a positive integer 'm', where 'm' is not prime. Which function would be best? Also, how do I include constraints to the above set of equations? For instance, if I need to solve for 'x' and 'y' such that f(x,y) = 0 mod m g(x,y) = 0 mod m f != g mod m Any help would be great!!
How can I plot the following function? x = cos(t) + 2*cos(2*t); y = sin(t) + 2*sin(2*t); To be clear this is one function. Thank you in advance.
Hi, I'm new to Maple 10 and have a quick question. I am generating a whole load of numbers which I am writing out to files using the ExportVector command. I want to run the worksheet many times and replace the numbers in the file names each time. I have 80 file names each time and wanted to do this via the Find/Replace command but it only seems to find text rather than command inputs. My worksheet looks like this: > ExportVector("out_geg2.k015.e10_1n1.m", ans1a, target = Matlab, format = rectangular, transpose = false); > ExportVector("out_geg4.k015.e10_1n1.m", ans2a, target = Matlab, format = rectangular, transpose = false);
hi, I have a big problem with my project. I need a help with solving and plotting three differential equations but I can´t do it. The project is about lotka-volterra system with three species, 2 predators and 1 prey with no competition between predators. Thanks for a help. eqPrey := diff(X(t), t) = alpha1*X(t)*(1-X(t)/K) - beta1*X(t)*Y(t)-gamma*Y(t)*Z(t); eqPred1 := diff(Y(t), t) = -alpha2*Y(t) + beta2*X(t)*Y(t); eqPred2 := diff(Z(t), t) = -alpha3*Z(t) + beta3*Z(t)*Y(t);
Dear Sir/Madam: I try the following maple commands: > with(linalg): > A:=matrix([[r1*X, (1-r1)*X],[1-r2,r2]]): > eigsys:=eigenvectors(A); > ES[1]:=eigsys[1][3];ES[2]:=eigsys[2][3]; > P:=augment(op(ES[1]),op(ES[2])); > K:=map(simplify,evalm(inverse(P)&*A&*P)); > W:=map(simplify,evalm(P&*K&*inverse(P))); > U:=map(expand, W); > map(simplify,U); Now, K and P are correct because P&*K&*inverse(P) = A. But, when I use the following maple commands, I cannot get A^i with entries that are polynomials of r1 and r2 and X. > V:=map(simplify, evalm(P&*(K^i)&*inverse(P))); (Note: formula A^i = P*K^i* inverse of P is correct.)
can anyone help me start with how do I solve the equation sqrt(1 - y^2(t)) with initial value y(0)=0 and y(t) between -1 and 1 and t between -pi/2 and pi/2
Is it possible to mix geom3d and plot3d surfaces, and plot in the same plot? Ie, draw a sphere then overlay a spherical [r,theta,phi] plot.? Cheers Chris
I got this problem from my proffesor : Provide a MAPLE procedure which plots ANY curve C given by a pair of Cartesian implicit equations { f(x,y)=0 & g(x,y)=0 }, without plotting as well the two surfaces ( f=0 and respectively g=0 ), which provide C by their intersection (just the curve C has to appear as output). Do NOT attempt to parametrize the curve; use the MAPLE plotting functions for Cartesian plots. Example: C: { x^2+y^2+z^2-1=0 and z=0 } is a circle in the xOy plane; plot the circle, but not the sphere or the plane which provide C.
Hi everyone, I am trying to solve an ode like this: diff(y(x),x,x)=-(1+0.2*cos(x))*sinh(y(x))+0.3*cosh(y(x)), the only boundary condition I want to impose is y(0)=y(2*Pi),Dy(0)=Dy(2*Pi). Anybody knows about it? Thanks!
hey :) i have a set of equations on the form in the example below. i included my attempt at a solution which, as you might suspect, does not give me the answer on the form i want. what i want is to solve this assuming that the coefficients for each term in the polynomial of u and v sould be equal. eq1 := a1*u^2 + (a4 + 3 + 2*a6)*u*v + a3*v^2 + (a1 + a2 + a6)*u + a5*v + a6 = 5*u^2 + 7*v; solve(eq1, {a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6}); this example would for example have the solutions: a1 = 5 a2 = -5 a3 = 0 a4 = -3 a5 = 7 a6 = 0 but if you type the code ive written into maple, youll see thats not what i get at all :)
hi! Could somebody tell me if Maple has the capability of solving Partial Differential Equations using the method of Separation of Variables. Thanks, Raj
Dear Sir/Madam:

I try to find a close form for A^k,
where k is an arbitrary interger and A is 2 by 2 matrix as the following:
A = ([[r1*X, (1-r1)*X],[1-r2,r2]]);
r1 and r2 are symbolic constants, X is a variable.

First, I run the following commands in maple:

A:=matrix([[r1*X, (1-r1)*X],[1-r2,r2]]);

I hope to simplyfy the entries of Z3 in the order of X, i.e.,

z11 = a0*X^3 + a1*X^2 + a2*X +a3;
z12 = ....... (the same as the above)
z21 = .......
z22 = .......

But I do not know how to do it.

I try to find a law for representations of the entries of A^k by looking at the cases k=3,4,....
restart; interface(version);

  Classic Worksheet Interface, Maple 10.06, Windows, Oct 2 2006 Build ID 255401

convert(expr, hypergeom, "lower c");

            expr := hypergeom([1 - a I, 1 - b I], [1], x)


subs(a=1, b=2, c=1, expr):
eval(%,x=2); evalf(%);
#Re(%%%); plot( %, x=-1..0.9); plot( %%, x=1.1 .. 3);

                 hypergeom([1 - I, 1 - 2 I], [1], 2)

               0.010385802579659 + 0.068521539093061 I
I am calculating the standard deviation of an function with StandardDeviation command both symbolically and numerically and I get different result for the symbolic and numeric calculation. The result of the symbolic calculation is wrong. Here is my problem: restart;with(Statistics): X := RandomVariable(Uniform(-Pi, Pi)); f:=1/abs(1-0.5*exp(-I*X)); StandardDeviation(f); # It gives 0, which is wrong. StandardDeviation(f, numeric); Re(%); Any idea?
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