Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
I am trying to use the Mean command of the Statistics package to calculate the arithmetic mean of a transformed random variable symbolically. I am using Maple 10. In my case the Mean command gives an incorrect answer. First a simple example, which gives me a correct result symbolically: restart;with(Statistics): X:=RandomVariable(Uniform(-Pi, Pi)); Mean(X+a);#it gives a, it is ok. #and here is my more complicated problem: restart;with(Statistics):X:=RandomVariable(Uniform(-Pi, Pi)); assume(Gt::RealRange(Open(0),Open(1)),Gr::RealRange(Open(0),Open(1))); Mean(abs(1-Gt*Gr*exp(-I*X)));
Hi, I have three equations Y=f(t) with each equation corresponding to a probability as shown below. Y1=f(t) with probability of 0.05% Y2=f(t) with probability of 5% and Y3=f(t) with probability of 50% If we assume that these probabilities belong to a normal distribution how can I work out the equations for 99.95% and 95%probability.In other words I would like to mirror Y1 and Y2. The idea is to plot all the equations of 0.05%,5%,50%,95% and 99.95% probability in the same plot and create a 3D surface where the axis will be Y,t and P(probability) or even better generate the equation of P=f(Y,t) that will describe this surface.
This example shows that restart command does not work correctly - it means that it does not clear stack memory(internal memory). The following example shows it. In that procedure there are some mistakes, but I think that the restart command should work correctly whith them. If you execute the following procedure three times (maybe twice, it depends on the computer memory capacity, but I do not amount to more than three times), the Maple system falls down with out of memory (execution stop - the stack ) - why? You call the restart command, so where the fatal error is. It does not depend on the correct usage of statements in the procedure.
I have a list of arrays which I would like to merge into a single array. In the case of two arrays (say A and B) I basically want maple to dump them both into a new array in which wherever A[i,j]<>B[i.j] the new array takes whichever is nonzero and if A[i,j]=B[i,j] does nothing. is there any short way of doing this without writing a function which runs through the arrays and compares each element induvidually and outputs the results into a new array?
If you ask most people "what is the square root of 64?" they will answer "8". Of course we know that the technically correct answer is {8,-8}. So I'm a bit confused that when I ask MAPLE to simplify sqrt(x^2) it spits the expression right back to me, but when I tell MAPLE to give me sqrt(x^2) assuming x>0 it gives me x. It seems to me that there are going to be two answers whether or not x>0. That is, the answer to sqrt(x^2) is {x,-x} whether or not x>0. That is, sqrt((-8)^2) = sqrt(8^2) = {8,-8}. So when I am using symbols rather than numbers why does MAPLE give me the answer x for sqrt(x^2) assuming x>0, but give me the answer sqrt(x^2) when I don't include the assumption?
Is there a secret to entering a do loop construction in Maple? I have tried constructing a simple do-loop involving several different statements under one loop. The problem is, every time I try to enter the first line of the loop, the "for ", I get an error message indicating "Unterminated loop". I guess it is looking for the "end do" statement but I wish it to end only after several statements have been executed within each cycle of the loop. This must be really trivial but I'm new to this so.. Thanks.
When I use the labelling facility in the geometry package, the plot area does not include all of the drawing. For example, in the code below the word "top" at the top of the circle is cut off. restart;with(geometry):with(plots): point(top,0,1):point(bottom,0,-1): circle(c,[top,bottom]): draw([c,top,bottom],printtext=true,axes=none); I see it if I have axes, but I want to use axes=none. It seems like a bug. A couple of workarounds failed to solve the problem. I added the view option to draw: draw([c,top,bottom],printtext=true,axes=none,view=[-5..5,-5..5]); expecting to see a smaller circle. Instead the circle appears the same size, still with the word "top" chopped off. Surprisingly, the points are drawn in LARGER symbols! So I thought that using the view option in display might override that internal options that draw uses:
Hi everybody. I'm working on a project on the behavior of the Schrödinger wave-function. I want to analyse the system with a given potential function V(x), which has to be infinity for all values of x
Hi from Italy. In the linked file we are asking you if someone of you is able to help us.. Sorry, we've to solve a problem before tomorrow evening... Helpppppp, please!!!!! Thank you very much! coala Download 3743_AK model maple.doc
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I have a question about Maple 10 updates. If I would like to update my Maple 10.00 installation which of the updates should I install to get completly Maple 10.06. Thank you. Vladimir
Before I get completely obfuscatory with this, let me try to explain what I m trying to accomplish: I want to generate a display of an x solution for each value of n to the expression x^n - sum(x^i,i=0..n-1)=0 where n=2..12. Would anyone be able to provide the proper Maple expression(s). Thanks.
How can I convert an expression into a function? For example, let's in the course of some calculations I get the output: x + sin(x) How can I convert this into f:=x->x+sin(x) without really spelling it out? Thanks in advance.
Hello I have been using MATHcad for several years and now i want to switch MAPLE. The problem is that i have so many mathcad files and i would like to transfer them to maple. Does some body know the way to do that? Thanks!
Hello, I use embedded components a lot, but I would like to create them dynamically from my own procedure, e.g. as an output. The reason is, that in new Mathematica 6 is possible to create a plot with slider to show an influence of variable to the plot. I would like to create the similar output in Maple. Thank you. Vladimir
Hi! Basically what I want to do if for Maple to create a random walk based on the following information. Input variables would be the starting value of the walk, a fixed increment by which the value can either increase or decrease, p - the probability of an increase (where 1-p is the probability of a decrease) and the total number of steps/days etc... to apply this over. So basically at each point I want the program to decide whether to increase or decrease (by a fixed amount) based on the probabilities. Is this possible? Any help would be much appreciated. I have some vague knowledge of maple its just the how to apply the increase/decrease according to the probabilties that is confusing.
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