Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Hi, I am trying to do define a matrix of differential operators for e.g |diff((),x) , 0 | | 0 , diff((),y)| |diff((),y) , 0 | | 0 , diff((),x)| once this 4x2 operator is defined i can apply it to any function of two variables f(x,y) or a compatible(in size) matrix of such functions. How can I define such an operator in maple? Thanks, saurabh
Hi Maple'primes. I have a question that I am sure has been posted many times but I will do again. I am using Maple 10 and I am trying to sweep over a parameter space with a for loop. At each iteration of the loop I am performing a complex calculation : double/triple integral or solving a boundary value problem. If I compute the compuation as a stand alone execution then it take ~ 30 sec, however, when I loop through 200 iterations the loop never finishes and Maple tells me I am out of memory. When I look at the memory (bottom right hand corner) it keep increasing to crazy levels (Gigs) during the loop, when each computaion should be about 20M. It seems like Maple keeps track of all the old computations when I clearly don't want it to. How can I speed this up?
Hi, I have a matrix containing data read from an external file. I would like the user to select a colon number using a List box and, based on this number, build the resulting vector from the matrix. Is it possible to ask Maple to evaluate some parts (execution groups?) of a worksheet with some command (not menus)? Thanks.
How do I generate a datafile (ascii-type) for the following general case: y1:=f1(x); y2:=f2(x); ... ym:=fm(x); so that the first column will contain selected values of x from x0 to xN, the second column will contain the corresponding f1(x0..xN), the third f2(x0..xN) etc.? Thanks, Miran
I try to calculate a numberical integration in 2 layer for loops(outer 21 times, inner 128 times): evalf(int(erfc(sqrt(B*xgms1*x/(x*xgmi1+xgmn1)))/gamav*exp(-1*x/gamav),x=0..infinity)), i.e., the kenerl is erfc(ax/(cx+d))×exp(-ax). But when "gamav" > 100000, the calculation time is too long to bear. So I try to do some approximation and change the upper bound into 10*gamav, 30*gamav, 50*gamav and 100*gamav. But I got the following results: BER1a1[18]=0.0001004773804, BER1a2[18]=0.0000365034983, BER1a3[18]=0.0000000096250, BER1a4[18]=0.0000000000001. The trend of results is bigger the upper bound smaller the results. Obviously, the results is wrong. When "gamav" is a smaller number, such as 1000, the four integration results is the same as when the upper bound is "infinity".
Hello! I would like to do something that I really think should be simple. Suppose I have a polynomial P := x^2 + y If I want to evaluate it at the point [1,2], I could say: eval(x=1,y=2,P); But suppose that I didn't know the form the variables in the polynomial would take. Or suppose that I knew they were of the form x1,x2,x3,...,xn. Given a vector of size n, how can I evaluate my polynomial at that point? Thanks! Susan
Hi. Anyone knows a command on how to calculate the norm (length) of a vector? For example: Maple input: START >restart:with(linalg):#I know this package is obsolete, but my Teach only teaches theese commands.. >u:=vector([1,1,1,1]);#a vector i defined >LengthU:=sqrt(u[1]^2+u[2]^2+u[3]^2+u[4]^2);#This is how I calculate the length theese days... END Anybody knows a command, so that my third line will not be neccesary? TIA
Hello members, My question is out of maple primes, but i was wondering if one of the members is and expert in MATLAB coding. I am trying to write a MATLAB code for numerical integration for a double exponential equation of the form i = io(exp(-alpha*t)-exp(-beta*t). The problem i am facing is how to eliminitate the error as the integration is taken as the area under the curve, say from time t=0.0 to t=25e-6. Your comments in how to solve this problem is highly appreciated. Regards, JacquieD.

Many Maple users have a preference of user interface, whether it be command line (TTY), Standard (Worksheet or Document mode), or Classic. My personal view is that each may be suited for different types of task. While it's understood that Maplesoft is dedicated to supporting the Standard interface, I understand that some users remain devoted to the Classic interface.

I often use Maple 10 on a 64bit Linux machine, on which the performance of the 64bit Maple 10 kernel is comparatively faster for some types of computation. I discussed this briefly in an earlier post. But there is no officially released 64bit Linux port of the Classic interface. So below I'll mention an unofficial and unsupported way to use the 64bit Linux Maple kernel with the 32bit Linux Maple Classic interface.

Hello, I'm sorry for my poor English, my name is Arnaud, I'm 17 years old junior in a School (Laurent de Lavoisier) in France. I have a probem, I'd like to develop a program for meteorology modelisation with Maple. How could you do it? Thank you in advance. MOTZ Arnaud
Is it possible to change and save the default background color and pen settings for a sketch?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! :) I'm doin a problem on the restricted 3 body problem...What i want is to creat a proc "equilibria(mu)" which finds all five equilibria of (DE) when mu_1=mu and displays, in a neat table, the (x,y)-position of each equilibrium and the eigenvalues of the vector field's Jacobian at that equilibrium. In addition, the table should indicate if the equilibrium is hyperbolic (all eigenvalues are real and non-zero), elliptic (all eigenvalues are imaginary and non-zero), hyperbolic-elliptic (a mixture of non-zero real and imaginary eigenvalues), or otherwise.. Now the difficulty is this, i can find the equ's and get the evalues, but i have a proble with gettin them into a table...i've been told that prinf is a good one to use, but i have no idea at which bit to use it..this is how far i've got
Hi, I just bought Maple, and I'm really excited about it. I'm poking around in Maple, trying to get comfortable with it, by entering in a problem from my physics class. In this class, we use SI units, except that we express our angles in degrees. I'm trying to find an easy way to have the trigonometric functions take degree arguments. I tried "with(Units); with(Units[Natural])", and entered an expression this way: "R_x = R*sin(15*deg)", and that almost worked. There were two problems, though: 1. R is apparently a unit in its own right...not *too* much of a problem (I can choose another letter), but annoying.
How do i format numbers in maple output including comma separation and number of decimal points, etc (i.e. 33,444.00)

I want to ask about a small problem. I will present a paper at a conference in February. Because it involves time consuming calculations of numerical solutions for several onerous systems, I will do the calculations at home before the talk, save the results, and show the output to the conference. The folks attending the conference are not necessarily Maple Folks, so I do not want to have to explain the tilde after characters for which I have made assumptions. Of course, I know about


After making the calculations here at home, traveling to the meeting, opening the file to make the presentation then, alas, the tildes are back again. Try this.

> assume(a, real):
> interface(showassumed=0):
> equa:=a^2+a-1;

Run this file. No tilde. Close the file saving the output. Open the file. There is the tilde after each “a".

My question:is there some way to make the tilde stay gone when I save such a file and reopen it without recalculation the worksheet?

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