Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

Dear all,

I'd like to explore graphically a polynomial surface depending on two parameters a and b.

The problem is that, as soon as I start playing with the sliders, Maple freezes and I have to 'force quit'.

Can you please tell me if you have the same problem with this example?




K := 1 - y*x - (1 - x)*(b*x^3 + a*x^2 + x + 1)*(1 - y)*(b*y^3 + a*y^2 + y + 1)



Explore(plot3d(K, x=0..1, y=0..1,  font= [Times, bold, 20], labels= ['x', 'y','z'],   labelfont= [Times, bold, 40],  title = "K(x,y)"), b = 0..1., a=0..1.);



Download Explore.mw

Hello Dear Professional users,

I have a question regarding the "fsolve" command and also the "assign" command in Maple.

In my previous codes, I just used one time from "fsolve" and then "assign" command.

Today, I want to use "fsolve" and "assign" in a for loop. But, I can not get the results correctly.

For example, previously I reach a system of algebraic equations and the solve my problem easily:

*****some calculations with a[n] coefficients *****
A:={a set of nonlinear algebraic equations in terms of a[n]}%The number of equations is N+1 (same as the number of a[n] for n=0..N)


Today, my problem is:

for i from 1 to M do
end do
for i from 1 to M do
*****some calculations with a[n] coefficients *****
@A[i]:={a set of nonlinear algebraic equations in terms of a[i,n]}%The number of equations is N+1 (same as the number of a[n] for n=0..N)
end do

What I should write instead of "A[i]", "sol[i]", and "assign(sol[i])" the lines started with

Thanks for your attention in advance

With kind regards,

I am trying to install Syrup in my home computer (I have it installed in my work computer).  I followed the instructions in the Readme file: 

From Standard Maple:
    Open the file Syrup-Installer.mla.
    To do so, use File -> Open, choose file type 
    "Maple Library Archive (.mla)", select the file, and
    click "Open".

Everything seemed to work and the help page opened up:  But, it is not the syrup help page.  furthermore, when I type ?Syrup, it doesn't open it either.


When I try to run a worksheet that uses Syrup (that works on my work computer), I get these errors:

I"m going to reboot now and try again.  


I was working with a Dataframe when I wanted to change the datatype of multiple columns at the same time as this is quite a large dataframe. I found in the helpfile that I can change datatype by the following command: 

SubsDatatype(Data, plts, float) which then change the datatype of "plts" into float. I had hoped that using multiple columns in the command would work in this way: SubsDatatype(Data, [plts, act], float)  but apparently not. Is there a way to do this or do I have to do it column by column?

Additionally I have another question about dataframes. I would like to replace "0" in the dataframe by a "blank" as you can do in excel. How do you do this in a dataframe?

Thanks in advance for any help given!

there is any way for define conformable fractional derivative in partial differential equation

pde := a*diff(psi(x, t), x $ 2) + (b*abs(psi(x, t))^(-2*n) + c*abs(psi(x, t))^(-n) + d*abs(psi(x, t))^n + f*abs(psi(x, t))^(2*n))*psi(x, t) = 0;
pde + i*diff(u(x, t), [t $ beta]) = 0;

how define a  fractional derivative in sense of conformable derivative

I notice that the command gcd(a,b), if a and b are large degree polynomials, takes too much time and often crashes Windows (not only Maple).

As the euclidean algorithm is very efficient even for large numbers,why not for polynomials?

And how could I calculate the gcd between polynomials with a large degree?

Thanks Michele

i did a solution of this ODE equation but the solution of paper is different from mine also in other some equation i have same problem i can't get exactly and pretty solution

I am wondering if Maple DETools package has functions or command to deal with the following problem: algebraic invariant curve. Some first order ODE preserves such type of curve as their solutions. For example, the following ODE has an algebraic curve y(x)=0 as its particular solutions:

> odetest(y(x)=0, y'(x)=y(x)^3-2*x*y(x)^2,y(x));

> 0

The ODE in general does not have algebraic solutions. The solutions are computed in terms of special functions. In some cases the algebraic curve could have multi-variate forms . I am wondering about one question: Does Maple have tools to find solutions of algebraic curve for ODE, without knowing the information of general solutions? I have already tried PDETools:-casesplit, but it seems to classify such curves to the same case to the general solution. 

I will be glad if anyone could give me some advice.

If I'm not mistaken Mapleprimes doesn't accept m files nor folders.


I added radnormal(sol) to my solution to workaround bug in solve hanging

But now new problem showed up. sometimes radnormal gives internal error when there are _Z's in solution.

Error, (in RootOf) _Z occurs but is not the dependent variable

Attached worksheet. Sorry that the solution is very large and has lots of _Zs and RootOf, but this is the first one I can see so far in the log file of my program running, so I left it as is:

Should I check in my code that solution does not contain _Z before calling radnormal on it?  Is this a bug or known limitation?



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.1, Windows 10, June 25 2024 Build ID 1835466`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1767 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, June 28, 12:19 hours Pacific Time.`

sol:=1/6*(-a^3 - 3*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^2 + 6*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a + 8*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*(RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^4 + 4*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a^3 + 4*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3*a^2 + 4*a^3 + 12*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^2 - 24*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a - 32*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3 - 108*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2))) + 54*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2))^(1/3) + 1/6*(4*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2 + 2*a*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2) + a^2)/(-a^3 - 3*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^2 + 6*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a + 8*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*(RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^4 + 4*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a^3 + 4*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3*a^2 + 4*a^3 + 12*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)*a^2 - 24*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^2*a - 32*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2)^3 - 108*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2))) + 54*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2))^(1/3) - 1/6*a + 1/3*RootOf(4*_Z^2 - 4*_Z*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + 2*a*_Z + (8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(2/3) - a*(8*_Z^3 + 6*_Z^2*a - 3*_Z*a^2 - a^3 + 3*sqrt(3)*sqrt(-4*_Z^4*a^2 - 4*_Z^3*a^3 - _Z^2*a^4 + 32*_Z^4 + 24*_Z^3*a - 12*_Z^2*a^2 - 4*_Z*a^3 + 108*_Z^2) + 54*_Z)^(1/3) + a^2):


Error, (in RootOf) _Z occurs but is not the dependent variable



Download bug_Z.mw

I have had this a few times this week since updating to 2024.1 on Windows 10.

I get sudden freezes in a worksheet. The !!! button greys out. The ! button is ok, so the worksheet can be run by using ctrl A and click !

Has anyone else experienced this?

Dear maple user,for defining the piecewise function please rectify this

h:z-> piecewise(do+Lo<z<do+4*Lo+0.3,    1-cos(2*pi*(z-L), other wise 1)

I have four symmetries as

1] \frac{\partial}{\partial t)

2] \frac{\partial}{\partial x)

3] \frac{\partial}{\partial y)

4] 2t \frac{\partial}{\partial t)+x\frac{\partial}{\partial x)+y\frac{\partial}{\partial y)-2u\frac{\partial}{\partial u)

Kindly help me out to find 1D optimal system with structural constants.

I will be greatful.

I have a Dataframe of data, although I assume this question applies to any type of rTable-like structure.

What is a simple/elegant way to export the image of the data to a JPG file?  I would be happy to see it in the format when I ask it to print the Dataframe, or when I use DocumentTools:-Tabulate.

I have created two graphs*, each is a combination of multiple plots. From this, I use "plots:-display" to create an array of the two graphs.  I wish to export this array of graphs to a jpg file. Is this possible?  (Yes, I can export each graph, but I would like it combined in the array image that Maple displays.)

* Why the asterisk: I make two plots. When I combine them through the plots:-display procedure, what type of output is produced? I've called it a graph. The help implies the output is a plot array. However, that is different from displaying an array of graphs through plots: display (Array([plot1, plot2])). Correct?

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