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16 years, 209 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Christopher2222

Maple can't load the underlying formulas in the cells from excel, only the visualized data.

In the short period of time I have.  You can use textplot with plot to get the curves in your plot.  I think it's possible to get the same linestyle in a legend, maybe not actually use the legend option but use a plot within a plot as the legend.

To get you started on a solution, combine textplot with plot.  Here's an example

point1 := {seq([(1/3)*x, -((1/3)*x-3)^2+4, "Δ"], x = 0 .. 15)}:
a := textplot(point1):
b := plot(-(x-3)^2+4, x = 0 .. 5):
display(a, b)

It may be available onsite at university computer labs for free use for students. But otherwise the full version student version is a discounted price for use at home.

First expand and then simplify will work.

simplify(expand( beta^(1/2)*(1+beta^(1/2))/(beta+beta^(1/2)) )







Use display to join plots.  You didn't mention what kind of straight line.  If you set your plot to a, and for example set one of these to b

b:=plot([3,y,y=2..6]) # a vertical line at x=3 from y=2..6


b:=plot([x,3,x=6..9]) # a horizontal line at y=3 from x=6..9

then join your plots with display




To hide equation labels just modify the color of the equation labels under styles to white.

Format -> Styles -> Equation label -> Modify -> color and change color to white.

For example, here is a way

plot(x^2, x = 0 .. 5, tickmarks = [[1 = `#munder(mn("one"),mo("___"))`, 2 = `#munder(mn("two"),mo("___"))`, 3 = `#munder(mn("three"),mo("_____"))`, 4 = `#munder(mn("four"),mo("____"))`], default])

Just a small tangent to your problem ... , if say you did re-organize the books to equalize the number of pages each person scanned, you could utilize the BinPacking1d proc by Carl Love created a while back.


BinPacking1d(equalized # of pages to read per person, in this case 4500/3,[books available[pages,books]])




Your output is 2DOutput so go through the Format menu at styles and choose 2DOutput and Modify.

I recommend getting rid of Debian, not Maple but seriously, it's more of a debian font issue than a problem with maple.


Maybe something like

S1 := map(allvalues,sol);
remove(has, S1, I)



example of remove





Maybe just use op?



simplify(``sort(expand(f), s, ascending))

**edit added**  seems we can do away with the ,s,ascending part of the code and just write


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