Muhammad Usman

235 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 123 days
Beijing, China

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Muhammad Usman

Hi Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have plotted the density plot below:

restart; Digits := 20; with(LinearAlgebra); with(plots); N := 20; Mx := 20; L := 1; `&Delta;x` := L/Mx; T := 2; `&Delta;t` := T/N; for i from 0 while i <= Mx do u[i, 0] := 0 end do; for n from 0 while n <= N do u[0, n] := 0; u[Mx, n] := 0 end do; for n from 0 while n <= N-1 do for i while i <= Mx-1 do Ru[i, n] := eval((u[i, n+1]-u[i, n])/`&Delta;t` = (u[i+1, n+1]-2*u[i, n+1]+u[i-1, n+1])/`&Delta;x`^2-u[i, n+1]+.5) end do; Sol[n] := fsolve({seq(Ru[i, n], i = 1 .. Mx-1)}); assign(op(Sol[n])) end do;

Digits := 10; NP := 100; XX := [seq(seq(i1/Mx, i1 = 0 .. Mx), i2 = 0 .. N)]; TT := [seq(seq(i2, i1 = 0 .. Mx), i2 = 0 .. N)]; ZZ := [seq(seq(u[i1, i2], i2 = 0 .. N), i1 = 0 .. Mx)]; interfunc := subs(__M = Matrix(Matrix(Mx+1, N+1, ZZ), datatype = float[8]), proc (x, y) options operator, arrow; CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation([[`$`(i1, i1 = 0 .. Mx)], [`$`(i2, i2 = 0 .. N)]], __M, [[x], [y]], method = cubic)[1, 1] end proc); newz := CurveFitting:-ArrayInterpolation([[`$`(i1, i1 = 0 .. Mx)], [`$`(i2, i2 = 0 .. N)]], Matrix(Mx+1, N+1, ZZ, datatype = float[8]), [[seq(Mx*(i3-1)/(NP-1), i3 = 1 .. NP)], [seq(N*(i3-1)/(NP-1), i3 = 1 .. NP)]], method = cubic); nminz, nmaxz := (min, max)(newz); C := .666*(1-ImageTools:-FitIntensity(newz)); PC := PLOT(GRID(0 .. Mx, 0 .. N, newz, COLOR(HUE, C)), STYLE(PATCHNOGRID)); numcontours := 15; PP := (proc (P) options operator, arrow; (op(0, P))(op(P), ROOT(BOUNDS_X(0), BOUNDS_Y(0), BOUNDS_WIDTH(600), BOUNDS_HEIGHT(500))) end proc)(plots:-display(PC, plots:-contourplot(interfunc, 0 .. Mx, 0 .. N, thickness = 0, contours = [seq(nminz+(nmaxz-nminz)*(i3-1)/(numcontours+2-1), i3 = 1 .. numcontours+2)]), seq(plot(ZZ[1], nminz .. nminz, thickness = 15, color = COLOR(HUE, .666*(1-i3/(numcontours+1))), legend = sprintf(" %.3f", nminz+i3*(nmaxz-nminz)/(numcontours+1))), i3 = numcontours+1 .. 0, -1), legendstyle = [location = right, font = [Helvetica, 14]], font = [Helvetica, 16], labelfont = [Helvetica, bold, 16], labels = [x, t], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]));
plots[display](PP, size = [500, 400]);

Here the t-axis is from 0 to 20 but its actual value is from 0 to 2 and the x-axis is from 0 to 20 but its actual value is from 0 to 2. How can I change the axis? Moreover, I used the following way to extract the data in a dat file to plot the function (say f) in some professional software.

with(plots); f := plot(sin(x), x = -Pi .. Pi); dat1 := `~`[plottools:-getdata]([f]); for i while i <= 1 do A[i] := dat1[i, 3]; Y[i] := A[i][1 .. -1, 2] end do; X := A[1][1 .. -1, 1]; MM1 := `<|>`(X, `$`(Y[j2], j2 = 1 .. 1)); ExportMatrix("C:/Users/Usman/Desktop//Graph f.dat", MM1);

How I can, I extract data in the form of a dat file to plot in some professional software? 

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have the following functions:

f := cos(t)*sin(x)-sin(x)+(1/2)*sin(x)*t^2-(1/24)*sin(x)*t^4

I want to plot the contour plots with legends like given as (this is the countor plot just for reference):

I want the same coloring to fill the contour plots. Kindly help me to resolve my problem. Thanks in advances

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine. I want to plot the following sequence in 3d for t=0..1 and x=-pi..pi;

[0., 0.4995839572e-1*sin(x), 0.9966865249e-1*sin(x), .1488899476*sin(x), .1973955598*sin(x), .2449786631*sin(x), .2914567945*sin(x), .3366748194*sin(x), .3805063771*sin(x), .4228539261*sin(x), .4636476090*sin(x), .5028432109*sin(x), .5404195003*sin(x), .5763752206*sin(x), .6107259644*sin(x), .6435011088*sin(x), .6747409422*sin(x), .7044940642*sin(x), .7328151018*sin(x), .7597627549*sin(x), .7853981634*sin(x)];

In the sequence first entry (0) for t=0, second (0.4995839572e-1*sin(x)) for t=0.05, third (0.9966865249e-1*sin(x)) for t= 0.1 and so on the last entry (.7853981634*sin(x)) for t=1. In addition, how do I plot if the number of points exceeds in the sequence for example 100 or 1000 points, but the difference between two consecutive values for t is the same here the difference is Delta*t=0.05.

Dear Users!

I hope you are doing well. I have the following discretized form

for n>=1 and j=0..M. We obtained the following matrix equation for any "n" and j=0..M as:

I want matrix proc of any useful way to define A^n, u^n, and b^n. I am waiting for your positive response. Thanks in advancs

Dear Users!

I hope everyone is fine here. I have three vectors say V[1], V[2] and V[3] as:

restart; with(LinearAlgebra); with(linalg);
V[1] := Vector([3, 2, -4]);
V[2] := Vector([1, 2/3, 7]);
V[3] := Vector([-9, 0, 1/2]);

I can define a Vector V have V[1], V[2] and V[3] using blockmatrix command as:

C := blockmatrix(3, 1, [V[1], V[2], V[3]]);

My question is that how I can extract vectors V[1], V[2] and V[3] from C? Thanks in advance

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