Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

17 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Oliver K


the implemented Power Sensor calculates the instantenious power, it just multiplies u(t) and i(t). What i need now is a device that gives me the average power, the sources all have periodic voltages/currents (most common case: sin shaped sources). I thought i could use the power sensor and integrate over a period, but i don't know how to  enter the upper time limit.


Thoughts ?


it shouldn't be hard to, do, but i cannot get this working. I just want to create a signal source that creates a pulse form signal with the pulse width parameter as a realsignal input. I used the custom component template and tried the DynamicSystems[Square] command, but the error messages that came up during this process didn't help me too much, because they seem to be unrelated (error in collect/series...). Do i have to create a new System first (DynamicSystems[NewSystem])?  


maybe anyone knows a workaround for this: draw a rectangle in MapleSim, select the menu with the filling tool and browse for an image. The imported image (gif,jpeg, what you want) does not show up properly, it is stangely distorted. I really need this feature because i want to create some demo sheets to show how to do things in MapleSim.   I use MapleSim2 with latest updates.



Dear Forum,

this is Vista related.

Maple creates a Maple folder(containing the Maple.ini file) in c:/Users/<username>/Application Data.

Ist it possible to tell Maple to create for this folder in a different place, say c:/Users/<username>/AppData ?




given a n*n Square Matrix (n is known), what is the easiest way to calculate all minors of this matrix ? There is a minor command in LinearAlgebra, but it seems to refer only to the first minor, that are the determinants of the reduced (n-1)*(n-1) Matrix. But I want the minors of a given size, specified by me. An application would be a test of definitness (Sylvester's Criterion). Using Maple13



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