
669 Reputation

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20 years, 40 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by edgar

"arbitrary functions" may be annoying. But take ANY two functions, then this formula will give you a solution of the PDE. Your PDE "Laplace's equation" has many volumes devoted to it. So probably the user will need to do some study before he can get Maple to produce a useful answer of a particular boundary value problem. --- G A Edgar
I have similar experience. I save from Maple in bitmap form with high enough resolution. Then I add captions and such in Photoshop. Finally save in the format required by the journal. Example.... this book review http://www.ams.org/bull/2010-47-01/S0273-0979-09-01263-4/home.html has just appeared. The figures were done with that method. Actually, the 3D figures on page 170 may have been saved from Maple not in bitmap form, but in a 3D format using the JavaViewLib tool in Maple. --- G A Edgar
I find an instance where it comes out wrong, then put some print statements inside the loop to see if I can tell where it goes wrong. (Assuming a simple "trace" would be too unwieldy.) --- G A Edgar
]] plz some one tell me how can i solve them. Consider the rest of Robert's suggestions ... use * for multiply... your second expression begins n( is that a multiply? use exp for the exponential function, etc. --- G A Edgar
You could think of two independent variables, say z and zbar and work with them. For most purposes, that is what you do when you work with these by hand, right? --- G A Edgar
You could try to come up with the shortest possible example where Maple and Matlab disagree, and post it here where we can look at it. --- G A Edgar
I see this... sum((1+1/n)^n-exp(1),n=1..infinity) so the question "where" makes no sense... According to Maple, the term is asymptotic to -e/(2*n), so the series diverges to -infinity . --- G A Edgar
Needs more explanation. I don't know what nods and nodes are. --- G A Edgar
The analytic formulas for 4th degree are SO long and cumbersome that they are of NO practical use in almost every case. Just leave them as RootOf expressions. --- G A Edgar
Using rhs and lhs on an inequality may not be what you expect. > rhs(x>-1); x > rhs(x<-1); -1 > rhs(x-1<-1); 0 --- G A Edgar
Do you think this is a good place to get an answer to that question? --- G A Edgar
It sounds like Chistopher is the volunteer we need. --- G A Edgar
Can you provide an example of what you want to do? --- G A Edgar
Maple 13 Mac OS 10.5.7 --- G A Edgar
Set up a useful coordinate system. Say home is at (0,0), First is at (90,0) and so on. --- G A Edgar
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