
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by edgar

I think you need to do more to explain what you want. --- G A Edgar
Begin with this outline p := proc(n) .... .... end proc; then fill in the dots. For part 2, use ?plot to get help on the plot command --- G A Edgar
Does an exported GIF actually have an FPS value encoded in it? I didn't know that. --- G A Edgar
Inside of do ... end do, put semicolon (;) between statements, not comma (,) since the comma makes things into a statement sequence ... --- G A Edgar
f := 1/((z+1)*(z+2)); series(f,z=infinity); or as a formal series... convert(f,FormalPowerSeries,z=infinity); --- G A Edgar
Perhaps JavaView can help. I recently got the Maple library called JavaViewLib working (mostly) with Maple 12. They have done the work of parsing Maple PLOT structures and exporting them to JavaView (automatically called from within Maple). In turn, JavaView has several different output formats ... maybe one of them is an input format for Solidworks? JavaView output formats include: .byu, .jvx, .fe, .mpl, .stl, .obj, .mgs, .off, .wrl More info in the other forum ... http://www.mapleprimes.com/forum/3dgeometrydiagramweb --- G A Edgar
*I don't know which is the problematic.* If you want to investigate: Delete half of them, and see if it works. That tells you which half contains the problem definition. Continue to narrow it down. --- G A Edgar
Maple Primes needs work it seems ... reading the "alt" tags, I guess he is saying... f(x):=x->1; b[n]:=2/Pi*int(f(x)*sin(n*x),x=0..Pi); S:= N-> sum(b[n]*sin(n*x),n=1..N) ; T:= N-> 4/Pi*sum(sin((2*n-1)*x)/(2*n-1),n=1..N); [and I hope Maple Primes does not just convert MINE to mapleoracles, too] --- G A Edgar
convert(1/sqrt(1-(x+h)^2),FormalPowerSeries,h=0); Maple doesn't know this one... --- G A Edgar
To go from the sine to the product, probably look in a textbook rather than in Maple. To go from the product to the sine... Pi*z*Product(1-z^2/n^2,n = 1 .. infinity); Pi*z*(Product(1-z^2/n^2, n = 1 .. infinity)) value(%); product: Cannot show that 1-z^2/n^2 has no zeros on [1,infinity] sin(Pi*z) --- G A Edgar
also... Look in the Tools menu and see of one of the Assistants or Tutors fits what you are doing. --- G A Edgar
I think you will find, even in Denmark, that they use radians in higher math. But to use degrees in Maple try some of these... convert(Pi/6,'degrees'); 30*degrees degrees := Pi/180; degrees := (1/180)*Pi sin(30*degrees); 1/2 sinD := u -> sin(u*Pi/180); sinD := proc (u) options operator, arrow; sin((1/180)*u*Pi) end proc sinD(30); 1/2 --- G A Edgar
Your function has a branch point at infinity, so it cannot have a Laurent series of the form you ask. --- G A Edgar
The second one is more elementary. I tried this... Male := MaleOld+MaleYoung; Female := FemaleOld+FemaleYoung; Population := Male+Female; eqs := {Male = (4/10)*Population, MaleOld = (7/10)*Male, FemaleYoung = (6/10)*Female }; soln := solve(eqs); Answer1 := subs(soln,MaleYoung/Population); Answer2 := subs(soln,FemaleOld/Population); --- G A Edgar
First, you have to look up the definition of derived function in your textbook. Then you have to get that into Maple notation. I think the point of the question is YOU doing it, not us! Maybe if you show us an attempt that didn't work, we can point out what you missed. --- G A Edgar
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