
802 Reputation

11 Badges

10 years, 51 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sand15


You haave to produce images with the "quality" that the journal you target asks you to deliver

First select the journal you want to submit your paper to and read the corresponding guidelines.

For instance, guideline for the Journal of Fluid Mechanics can be found here with a special topic at parapraph 5.1 Figures.

All journals with an editing board and a review commitee editthose guidelines (for the others, for instance in rapidly evolving subjects like AI or Deep kearning, you can almost do what you want).


If it so look at this Youtube video.
The first conic the speaker talks about is a parabola (your case).
Follow step by step what he does:

  1. use LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors to diagonalize the Matrix(2$2, [9, -12, -12, 16]) associated to your quadratic form, let P the matrix of right eigenvectors, use the transformation <u, v> = P^(-1).<x, y> to align the parabola axis with u, (or v see below) ;
  2. use Student:-Precalculus:-CompleteSquare to get the expression a*(u-p)^2 + b*v + c (or a'*(v-p')^2 + b'*u + c' depending on the order LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors returns the eigenvalues);
  3. rewrite b*v + c into b*(v + c/b)  (or b'*(u + c'/b')) to get the translation aling u (v);
  4. set U = u-p and V=v-c/b (or V = v-p' and U=u-c'/b' ) to get the reduced form a*U^2+b*V=0 (or a'*V^2+b'*U=0)



If I have some time I will try to design a more subtle algorithm.


You wrote " Please use the convolution of field (X, Y) by a 2D  gaussian for the data", but you did not provide any field.
You provided two series X and Y index by n (n=1..781).
A discrete 2D field F(X, Y) is a set of triples (Xi, Yi, F(Xi, Yi
)). There is no F(Xi, Yi) here.


The epsilon was intended to be a workaround to the conditions r[i] > 0.
My intention was to write instead r[i] >= epsilon, that I changed to r[i]+epsilon >= 0 by carelessness.

Thanks for pointing out this stupid mistake.


I got 1.905667204, so almost the same thing.

Do you know what algorithm your friend used (the (apparent?) symmetry with respect to the second diagonal is remarkable)?
Are solutions obtained by Asymptote for other values of n still symmetric with respect to a diagonal?
Those I got (see  mmcdara's reply) are symmetric for n from 1 to 9 only.

Meanwhile I edited my reply because the plots were not correct. You will se that the plots are now identical to the one you get with Asymptote.

By the way sand15 / mmcdara is one and the same person (provessional/personal login)



I didn't check.
My intuition is that there should be equalities.

The situation would be different if you search the best way to pack N disks or same radius R into the unit square. In this case they may exist somewhere a free volume of size > Pi*r^2 where a last disk can be placed in an infinity ways, not even touching the other ones nor the boundary of the box.
But if you allow this last disk to have a radius R' > R to "fill the void", then there exist only one posibility to place it when R' reaches some maximum value.


@vv @Carl Love


Some digging on the n=14 case.
I ran 3 sequences of 1000 optimizations all starting from a different initialpoint randomly chosen (unless if I am extremely unlucky all those initial points respect the constraints).

For these three sequences I kept the packing which gives the highest sum of radii (S).

I got three times the same value S=1.90567, the same sets of radii, and the packings are identical up to rotations by an angle multiple of Pi/2.

I belive these results partly answer @Carl Love's question "Can we confirm that the maxima are global?".
Indeed, I would infer that S=1.90567 is a global maximum.

As the two histograms provided seem to demonstrate, there could exist a large number of local maxima where NLPSolve is stucked.





The packing shiuld be such that the sum of the radii is maximum

epsilon := 1e-8:

n := 14:
J := add(r[i], i=1..n):
P := [seq(<x[i], y[i]>, i=1..n)]:
cons_1 := seq(seq(add((P[i]-P[j])^~2) >= (r[i]+r[j])^2, j=i+1..n), i=1..n-1):
cons_2 := seq(op([P[i][1]-r[i] >= 0, P[i][1]+r[i] <= 1, P[i][2]-r[i] >= 0, P[i][2]+r[i] <= 1]), i=1..n):
cons_3 := seq(r[i] >= epsilon, i=1..n):

SoR : Sum of the Radii

Max_trials : maximum number of trials
                     Note: I used a while loop instead of a for loop because NLPSolve sometimes returns an error

Packing := proc(n, Max_trials)
  local SoR, SoR_max, error_found, error_count, rep, StartAt, opt, sor, error_type, Best_packing:

  SoR     := Vector(Max_trials):
  SoR_max := 0:

  error_found := false:
  error_count := 0:

  rep := 0:
  while rep < Max_trials do
    StartAt := {
                 seq(x[i]=rand(0. .. 1.)(), i=1..n),
                 seq(y[i]=rand(0. .. 1.)(), i=1..n),
                 seq(r[i]=rand(0. .. 1e-6)(), i=1..n)
      opt := Optimization:-NLPSolve(J, {cons_1, cons_2, cons_3}, maximize, iterationlimit=10^4, initialpoint=StartAt):
      error_found := true
    end try:
    if `not`(error_found) then
      rep := rep+1:
      sor := evalf[6](eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), opt[2]));
      SoR[rep] := sor:
        [sprintf("%d", rep), sprintf("%1.6f", SoR_max)],
      if sor > SoR_max then
        SoR_max      := sor;
        Best_packing := opt[2];
      end if:
      error_found := false:
      error_count := error_count+1:
      error_type  := lastexception:
    end if:
  end do:

  return  table([
            Errors = `if`(error_count = 0, None, [Type = error_type, Occurrences = error_count]),
            RadSum = SoR,
            Best   = Best_packing
end proc:

res := Packing(14, 1000):


SoR := res[RadSum]:
Best_packing := res[Best]:

Best_packing_1 := copy(Best_packing):

[Type = (Optimization:-NLPSolve, "no improved point could be found"), Occurrences = 134]


Histogram([SoR], minbins=100)



  `<|>`(['i', 'x[i]', 'y[i]', 'r[i]']),
  convert([seq(eval([i, x[i], y[i], r[i]], Best_packing), i=1..n)], Matrix),
  `<|>`([`sum`, ` `, ` `, eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing)])

Matrix([[i, x[i], y[i], r[i]], [1, .464173791911759, .133714453381381, .133714453381381], [2, .833892835887959, .833892835887959, .166107164112041], [3, .650909465823001, .635654995533526, .103672662911138], [4, .166107164112041, .166107164112041, .166107164112041], [5, .866285546618619, .535826208088240, .133714453381381], [6, .715313251648918, .117921112194915, .117921112194915], [7, .915250635290483, 0.847493647095166e-1, 0.847493647095167e-1], [8, .519468470480418, .851206475514818, .148793524485182], [9, .882078887805085, .284686748351082, .117921112194915], [10, .623290519363489, .376709480636510, .156741595317294], [11, .364345004466473, .349090534176998, .103672662911138], [12, .148793524485182, .480531529519582, .148793524485182], [13, .415327133247299, .584672866752700, .137363045805254], [14, .186395365293329, .813604634706671, .186395365293329], [sum, ` `, ` `, 1.90566720529471]])


  (evalf[6]@rhs)~(select(has, Best_packing, r))
  , discrete=true
  , size=[1200, 100]
  , color=red
  , thickness=3
  , title="Radii"

Packing_1 := display(
    disk( eval([x[i], y[i]], Best_packing), eval(r[i], Best_packing), color=blue)
    , i=1..n
  rectangle([0, 0], [1, 1], color="LightGray")
  , title=typeset(Sum(r[i], i=1..n) = evalf[6](eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing)))
  , size=[500, 500]
  , scaling=constrained



res := Packing(14, 1000):


SoR := res[RadSum]:
Best_packing := res[Best]:

Best_packing_2 := copy(Best_packing):

Histogram([SoR], minbins=100):

  `<|>`(['i', 'x[i]', 'y[i]', 'r[i]']),
  convert([seq(eval([i, x[i], y[i], r[i]], Best_packing), i=1..n)], Matrix),
  `<|>`([`sum`, ` `, ` `, eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing)])

  (evalf[6]@rhs)~(select(has, Best_packing, r))
  , discrete=true
  , size=[1200, 100]
  , color=red
  , thickness=3
  , title="Radii"

Packing_2 := display(
    disk( eval([x[i], y[i]], Best_packing), eval(r[i], Best_packing), color=blue)
    , i=1..n
  rectangle([0, 0], [1, 1], color="LightGray")
  , title=typeset(Sum(r[i], i=1..n) = eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing))
  , size=[500, 500]
  , scaling=constrained



res := Packing(14, 1000):


SoR := res[RadSum]:
Best_packing := res[Best]:

Best_packing_3 := copy(Best_packing):

Histogram([SoR], minbins=100):

  `<|>`(['i', 'x[i]', 'y[i]', 'r[i]']),
  convert([seq(eval([i, x[i], y[i], r[i]], Best_packing), i=1..n)], Matrix),
  `<|>`([`sum`, ` `, ` `, eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing)])

  (evalf[6]@rhs)~(select(has, Best_packing, r))
  , discrete=true
  , size=[1200, 100]
  , color=red
  , thickness=3
  , title="Radii"

Packing_3 := display(
    disk( eval([x[i], y[i]], Best_packing), eval(r[i], Best_packing), color=blue)
    , i=1..n
  rectangle([0, 0], [1, 1], color="LightGray")
  , title=typeset(Sum(r[i], i=1..n) = eval(add(r[i], i=1..n), Best_packing))
  , size=[500, 500]
  , scaling=constrained


The three best solutions found are identical after ad hoc rotations

  translate(rotate(translate(Packing_2, -1/2, -1/2), -Pi/2), 1/2, 1/2),
  translate(rotate(translate(Packing_3, -1/2, -1/2), -Pi), 1/2, 1/2)





@mehran rajabi 

Is the expression of f given once and for all or is it just a notional example that you provide?

Do you want ?


f := (u, v) -> u+v

proc (u, v) options operator, arrow; u+v end proc


rel0 := diff(y(x), x) = f(x, y(x)):
rel  := copy(rel0):

for n from 1 to 3 do
  rel  := rel, diff(lhs(rel0), x$n) = eval(expand(diff(rhs(rel0), x$n)), {rel});
end do:



diff(y(x), x) = x+y(x)


diff(diff(y(x), x), x) = 1+x+y(x)


diff(diff(diff(y(x), x), x), x) = 1+x+y(x)


diff(diff(diff(diff(y(x), x), x), x), x) = 1+x+y(x)



Here are

Run Maple, open a new worksheet or document and execute this command


Read the help page and learn how to solve a differential equation with Maple.

# y' = y+x means y'(x) = x+y(x) and is written diff(y(x), x) = x+y(x)
# At this point there is no need to use complex stuff like declaring that y is an alias for y(x) or
# using special tricks to us y' instead of diff(y(x), x)

dsolve(diff(y(x), x) = x+y(x))
                   y(x) = -x - 1 + exp(x) _C1

upload your worsheet by using the green arrow in the menu bar


This file contains the solutions of 3 well-posed problems:

  1. {f(0) = 0, (D(f))(0) = 0, ((D@@2)(f))(0) = a, theta(0) = 1, (D(theta))(0) = b}
  2. {f(0)=0, D(f)(0)=0, f(10)=1, theta(0)=1, theta(10)=0}
  3. {f(0)=0, D(f)(0)=0, D(f)(10)=1, theta(0) = 1, theta(10) = 0}


Make your choice.
And if none of these three problems corerspond to what you want, try to take inspiration of what is done in the attached file to solve your problem of interest.


Do you think it's decent to improve your reputation based on work others have done?
You don't need to. You've already earned it.
Personally, I would have mentioned Kitonum's work in a simple reply, not an answer.


As ChapGPT is meant to provide clear synthesis on a subject, the least one can hope for is that its answers are error free and understandable.
For instance

  • Can you explain me how ChatGPT passes from the 4th equality to the 5th one (in point 4)?
  • Can you explain me how ChatGPT finds that (point 7) pi3/3! = pi2/6?
  • More generally, ChatGPT does not shine for its clarity (Point 6 is quite obscure).

Better sources than CheatGPT exist  to understand how Euler solved the Basel problem.
Wiki (see @vv) is already better but nothing is worth the original  Euler (english translation)

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