
792 Reputation

11 Badges

9 years, 291 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by sand15

@Carl Love 

I agree that constructions like mine must not contain spaces, which makes them less easy to write and read.
I rhought you would have point out that something like

t := `#mover(......,mathcolor="red")`

doesn't modify the color of t and that the modifier mathcolor has to be applied to each mo/mi/mn.
This seems to be a great advantage to you construction.

For instance you can do this and get a red title

T:= Typesetting:
t := T:-mover(T:-msub(T:-mi("u"), T:-mn("1")), T:-mo("→"), 'mathcolor'= 'red');
    [1, 2, t], title=t

But my doing this returns a black title

t := `#mover(msub(mi("u"),mn("1")),mo("→"))`:
    [1,2, t], color=red, title=t

BTW:  mathcolor seems to be deprecated

@Carl Love 

What is the advantage to use Typesetting?
Why not this:

t := `#mover(msub(mi("u"),mn("1")),mo("→"))`:
    [1,2, t],
    'align'= {'above', 'right'}, 'font'= ["ARIAL", 'BOLD', 16], color=red

@Preben Alsholm 

My mistake, I guess I have to change my spectacles

@Carl Love 

Thanks Carl.

But it seems that test and `test` do not mean exactly the same thing here:


test1 := 1: test2 := 2:

select(type, {anames()}, suffixed(test));

{test1, test2}


select(type, {anames()}, suffixed('test'));

{test1, test2}


But if test is assigned, suffixed(test) generates an error while suffixed('test') doesn't

test := 0: test1 := 1: test2 := 2:

select(type, {anames()}, suffixed(test));

Error, (in type/suffixed) expecting a 1st argument of type {string, symbol, list(symbol, string), set(symbol, string)}


select(type, {anames()}, suffixed('test'));

{test, test1, test2}





@Preben Alsholm 

Thanks, I understand now.


I don't understand your answer.
I know the difference between sum and add, but using sum in the definition of S works perfectly well in Maple 2015 (the version I used in my comment) and Maple 2021 (I checked it right now).

So why did you make this answer? Does S := (N, x) -> sum(...) no longer work in Maple 2023?


Great, than you very much

@Carl Love 

"It's obvious (to me at least) ..."
I guess I have to get rid of my by crystal ball and buy a new one :-)


Thanks, it's clear now


I vote up... even if I do not understand what really happens.

Int(unapply(eval(op(1,ig),y=Y),x), rhs(op(2,ig)))

what makes Maple recognize that the integration has to be done with respect of x and not Y?

Why does the following lines generate an error?

F := Y->evalf(Int(unapply(eval(op(1,ig),y=Y),x), x=rhs(op(2,ig)))):
CodeTools:-Usage(plot(F, 0 .. 0.25, size = [400, 300]));

@Scot Gould 

F...g great!
I vote up.


Thanks, I will try to build a simple example that presents the issue.


Sleep on it.

Thanks for the answer.


Unfortunately, I'm not ready to provide a simple example at the moment (that would require pruning a fairly large code to extract the significant part).
What I suggest is that you delay ( :-) ) my question by deleting it and coming back to the site later with more solid material.
Do you mind if I delete it?

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